Bringing Along a Ball and Hiding from Foreign Devils - Chapter 5.2

Chapter 5.2

*I restructured this whole sentence to make it more coherent, so it may be a bit far from the original. The gist is still there though

*Original text: 會不會累得摔筆不幹.

摔筆不幹 means to refuse to do work, throwing down your pen in the process in order to make a point (from: Aurega on NUF). So maybe be was so tired (after the one night stand lol) that he didn’t even look at his name?

*also: resolutely, firmly, ferociously

TL Note: Hmm, I wonder why they’re excited? Hehehe…

Anyways, behold the greatness of Vichy! Truly a great company to work in. This chapter is mainly emphasizing that point. Ren Zhouyan is lucky he was given another chance lmao

While translating this, I felt biter because I was reminded of school. I’m a STEM course student and I regret choosing it. Science, I can do. But mathematics is brutal. I remember crying because of the strain I dealt with in calculus. I knew I should’ve chosen Humanities huhuhu

But my pitiful ranting aside, this chapter’s name is “Reunion.” Anyone wanna guess why? It’ll be revealed in the next part! (At least I think so… )

I hate keeping you guys in suspense by dividing the chapters like this, but I need to do so to keep my release schedule, which is about weekly. Ahhh well. Happy New Year!