1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 43

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 43

759 Take a leisurely stroll through a local park or public garden.

760 Learn calligraphy so you can create incredible love letters for him or her.

761 Get a pair of crystal champagne flutes. Use them often!

762 Hire a limousine for an elegant evening out.

763 Have dinner-for-two prepared in your home by the best chef in town.

Save that Tiffany's box! That distinctive "Tiffany's turquoise" box is guaranteed to get your lover's heart racing, regardless of what's inside!

FYI-Shakespeare-in-the-Park in New York City's Central Park. Call 212-260-2400 or visit www.publictheater.org.


764 Have a special photograph blown up to poster size. You might choose a wedding photo, or a really funny photo of the two of you.


You do, of course, carry a photo of her in your wallet, don't you?

And you have an eight-by-ten of her on your desk at work, right?

766 Tape funny photos of the two of you to the refrigerator door, then add funny cartoon balloons.

767 Turn your drawer of miscellaneous photographs and slides into a "Video Photo Album." Gather your favorite photos, choose some favorite music, and have a local production studio turn them into a keepsake DVD.

"Love, the key that unlocks the bars of impossibility."

-Fikayo Ositelu 768 Find your old high school yearbook picture. Add funny captions. Mail it to her. (If yours is as awful as mine is, it could be the funniest thing you ever give her!) 769 How about an original, signed photograph of your honey's hero, favorite movie star, sports star, or celebrity?

Make a life-size cardboard cutout of yourself, and give the gift of "yourself"!


"You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes everywhere in the world."

-David Levesque 770 Have his portrait painted from a photograph.

771 Capture your memories and the good times...Or, as they say at Kodak, "For the times of your life"-take up photography. Whether you use a sophisticated digital camera or a disposable camera, it'll add fun to your outings, and provide you with scrapbooks full of good memories.

772 You do, of course, have a photo of your wife on your desk, don't you?!

If you don't, here's what I want you to do: Get a nice eight-by-ten photo made, frame it, gift wrap it, and give it to yourself. Open it over breakfast with your wife, then take your gift to work with you. You'll leave her with a great memory.

Note: Place the photo front-and-center on your desk, not off to the side. Her smiling face will help you keep your priorities straight when you start to get stressed out over some seemingly important work problem.

773 Spend an entire afternoon together taking instant pictures of each other with a digital camera. One couple simply documented their experience of a dinner date. Another couple spent the afternoon in bed. One couple focused on close-ups, and another couple focused on the artistic settings.

Commission a photographer to shoot a formal portrait of the two of you.



On Monday place a single red rose on the kitchen table. No note. No explanation.

On Tuesday place one lily on the coffee table.

On Wednesday place one daisy in the bathroom sink.

On Thursday place one geranium on his or her pillow.

On Friday place one forget-me-not in the mailbox.

On Saturday place one sunflower on the kitchen counter.

On Sunday present your lover with a huge bouquet made specifically with the kinds of flowers you've been giving all week.

775 My twenty-year survey reveals that 99.9998 percent of all women love flowers. Basically, you can't go wrong with flowers.

Chapter Theme Songs:.

"Bed of Roses," Bon Jovi "Passion Flower,"

Duke Ellington "Wildflower," Sheryl Crow The remaining 0.0002 percent of women have the belief that, "It's wasteful to buy flowers that are simply going to die in a few days." It's not really that they don't like flowers, it's that they don't like being wasteful. Tip: Get these gals flowering plants instead of cut flowers.

776 Get to know your local florist. Become a "regular"-you'll get better service and fresher flowers!

"Love that is true never grows old."

-Elben Bano 777 Use a flower as a "private signal." One couple in the Romance Class told us that for years they've used the "Flower-on-the-Pillow" as a signal that they're interested in making love that night. Sounds good to me!


778 Look, guys, this ain't brain surgery! You want more sex? Then be more romantic. It's as simple as that.

779 If you want your lover to wear lingerie more often, why do you think that you have the right to slouch around in your ratty boxer shorts or dirty sweat pants?! Take a hint! Get a nice bathrobe, or silk pajamas, or a lounging jacket, or a Japanese kimono!

780 Listen to her! Don't problem-solve; don't give advice; don't agree or disagree. Just listen. Validate her. Honor her.

Often, when men think women are looking for answers, they're simply looking for compassion and understanding.

781 Pick up a copy of Cosmopolitan or Glamour or Ms. or Redbook or Shape or Self or Vogue or Ladies Home Journal. (How do you expect to know what women are thinking about and talking about if you don't peek at their magazines occasionally?) *Thanks to Tim Allen and Tool Time!

Consult Redbook monthly for new and exciting ways to spice up your sex life!


782 Most people celebrate "anniversaries." Karyn and I celebrate "Thursdayversaries": We celebrate our first date every week. This provides us with a frequent reminder of our romantic early times, and it gives us a good excuse to celebrate!

Our first date didn't even start out as a "date"-it was a casual business get-together (bestselling author wanting to trade secrets with talented humorist speaker) at my favorite coffee shop, the Pacific Bean, in Pacific Beach, California. We met at 11:30 a.m. When we looked up it was 12 hours later! We'd obviously hit it off. The rest, as they say, is history.

And so...we declared Thursday to be "Our Day," and we celebrate it in some manner every week. If we're in town, we head over to the Pacific Bean, chat over coffee, then walk-and-talk on the beach. [Note: We placed a small brass plaque on "Our Table."] If we're not together, we at least wish each other a happy anniversary.

783 Last year I substituted Karyn's regular Christmas stocking with real silk stockings. (Ho-ho-ho!!) 784 I created the LifeChart to celebrate Karyn's birthday last year. On poster paper I drew a timeline representing her life-from birth to the present. Along the line are noted events from her life: significant, outrageous, funny, and serious. (I interviewed her parents and friends for items that I had no way of knowing.) Parallel timelines indicate a few events from my life, and some world events, for putting her life into perspective. It became an instant heirloom.

Maybe I'll update it every ten years for our anniversary. That would make a nice ritual, don't you think?

And then maybe on our fiftieth anniversary I'll have the whole thing rendered in calligraphy. (But will I be able to wait that long??)


785 For your next vacation Do something different, spiritual, and rejuvenating. Spend a week on a spiritual retreat at a quiet sanctuary or monastery.

Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, Muir Beach, California. Buddhist workshops and meditation periods in Japanese-style surroundings on the picturesque Pacific coast. Call 415-383-3134 or visit www.sfzc.org.

The Mountain Retreat, Highlands, North Carolina. Atop a breathtaking 4,200-foot peak overlooking the Blue Ridge mountains, you and your lover can experience retreats and workshops hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Call 828-526-5838 or visit www.mountaincenters.org.

Marie Joseph Spiritual Center, Biddeford, Maine. Followers of all faiths are welcomed by the sisters of the Presentation of Mary to join in daily prayers and experience the peaceful environment on the beautiful Atlantic shore. Call 207-284-5671 or visit www.mariejosephspiritual.org.

Chapter Theme Songs:.

"Heart and Soul," Jan & Dean "Heart and Soul,"

Huey Lewis & The News "Heart and Soul,"

Johnny Maddox "Heart and Soul,"

The Cleftones 786 Read an inspirational passage every morning and evening. Some suggestions for inspirational readings: The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran The Bible, by You-Know-Who A Course In Miracles, Foundation For Inner Peace Morning Notes, by Hugh Prather