1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 42

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 42

Or-Shape the entire pizza into a heart-shape.

Or-Cut each and every slice of pepperoni into a tiny heart-shape.

Or-Use the mushroom toppings to spell out both of your initials.

731 If your lover is a tea lover, get her a subscription to the Upton Tea Quarterly newsletter. It includes listings and information on hundreds of varieties of fine loose tea. Write to Upton Tea Imports, 34A Hayden Rowe Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748. Call 800-234-8327 or visit www.uptontea.com.

732 What's her all-time favorite meal? Learn to make it! Get help from friends, neighbors, or relatives-whatever it takes.

733 Create an "At-Home Date": includes dinner and dancing. Formal attire required.

*Also the way to a woman's heart!


734 Spread whipped cream or chocolate syrup on selected body parts and invite your lover to enjoy dessert.

735 The way to his stomach often involves directions to his favorite restaurant. Do you know his all-time favorite restaurant; favorite diner; favorite fast food joint; favorite fancy restaurant; favorite pizza parlor?

736 Embark on a series of "Restaurant Discoveries": Each week go to a different restaurant within a 100-mile radius of your house. Choose a restaurant "theme" that appeals to both of you.

You might choose a type of food: French, Thai, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc.

You might choose a type of restaurant: diners, elegant bistros, casual cafes, pizzerias, etc.

Create a personalized "Wine-of-the-Month Club" for her.


Take a wine-tasting class together.

Attend wine tastings at local wine shops.

Host wine-tasting parties for your friends.

Get a subscription to the Wine Spectator. Call 800-752-7799 or visit www.winespectator.com.

(Not) For Newlyweds Only! The Newlywed Cookbook, by Robin Vitetta-Miller


Chapter Theme Song:.

"(You're My) Aphrodisiac,"

Dennis Edwards

738 You know, of course, that green M&M's are aphrodisiacs, don't you? With that as a start...

Carefully open a one-pound bag of M&M's and empty it out. Refill it entirely with green M&M's. Seal it up sit looks like new.

Give him a heart-shaped box full of green M&M's.

Fill his box of Cheerios with green M&M's.

739 Someone in every Romance Class asks, "What about aphrodisiacs!?"

Wondrous claims have been made about a great variety of foods, from oysters and chocolate to basil and green M&M's. Personally, I feel that it's the mood and environment surrounding the presentation of the food that determines the potential amorous conclusion of the evening.

But by all means, try some exotic recipes. (Couldn't hurt-might help!) And regardless of whether or not certain foods can chemically make one more interested in love, you can definitely use food to psychologically affect one's mood for love! There's always the scientifically proven "placebo effect," which indicates that the mere belief in the power of an agent can bring about the believed-in effect. This means that virtually any food could potentially be an aphrodisiac.

Henry Kissinger once said, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." Does that mean only world leaders are leading sexy lives? Not at all! We all have tremendous potential in our personal power, the power of charm, the power of romance, the power of imagination, and the power of love.

740 If you'd like to prepare some real gourmet meals that have real aphrodisiac potential, you must get the book The New InterCourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook, by Martha Hopkins and Randall Lockridge. This is the most amazing, elegant, and erotic cookbook you've ever seen! The photos alone will inspire some fantasy ideas that have never before occurred to you. I guarantee it! Visit www.intercourses.com.


741 Picnics. (I checked, and nowhere is it written that you can't have picnics indoors, in the nude, in front of a fireplace, in your office, in bed, on the roof of your apartment building, or at midnight.) 742 Bake a giant chocolate chip cookie for him. (And I mean GIANT-at least two feet in diameter.) 743 If you're especially inept in the kitchen, you've got a great opportunity to surprise your partner. Cook a gourmet meal! Send your partner out for the afternoon. Enlist the help of a friend who cooks. Prepare your lover's favorite dish. Voila!

"Blockbuster Recommends"...the classic film Tom Jones. (Watch for the pub scene. Wow!) 744 Create your own special mixed drink and name it after your partner. ("A Peter Colada." "A Catherine Cooler.") 745.

Carefully open a packet of tea. Remove the tea bag and replace it with a little love note. Seal the packet to make it look untouched.

Create custom "Love Quote Tags" and attach them to the end of the string on each tea bag.

FYI-The most popular soft drink in Brazil, Guarana, is also a recognized and legendary aphrodisiac!


746 What could be more classic than a fine gold locket with your photo inside? (Maybe a photo of the two of you.) 747 Revive chivalry. Women love a real gentleman.

"We do not need to think alike to love alike."

-Francis David Open her car door for her. Hold her dinner chair. Help her on with her coat.

Older women will love the revival of manners.

Some younger women will need to be encouraged to see these gestures as tokens of respect and affection, and not as messages that men feel women are inferior and helpless.

748 Go out dancing! Ballroom dancing is enjoying a resurgence unlike anything since World War II. Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, and the Big Band sound are once again being heard in dance halls, restaurants, clubs, and church basements throughout the land. Sign up for ballroom dancing lessons; it may be the single best romantic decision you make this decade.

749 Go for a horse-drawn carriage ride through the city-or the country.

Arthur Murray Dance Studios: 305-445-9645 www.arthurmurray.com


750 My panel of experts has compiled its official list of the Most Romantic Operatic Arias: "Deh Vieni, Non Tardar," from The Marriage of Figaro "Che Gelida Manina," from La Boheme "Parigi, Cara," from La Traviata "Recondita Armonia," from Tosca "Bimba, Bimba, Non Piangere," from Madama Butterfly "The Flower Song," from Carmen "S, mi chiamano Mim," from La Boheme "Celeste Aida," from Aida "Amor Ti Vieta," from Fedora "Mon Coeur S'ouvre a to a Voix," from Samson and Dalilah "Quando, Rapito In Estasi," from Lucia di Lammermoor Does your partner like the power and passion of Beethoven? Or the beauty and grace of Mozart? Or the depth and elegance of Bach?

751 Most Romantic Piano Concertos (just take my word for it): Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 2 in E flat Schumann's Concerto in A Minor for Piano & Orchestra Grieg's Concerto in A Minor for Piano & Orchestra "Tell me who admires and loves you, and I will tell you who you are."

-Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve 752 Be prepared with a Romantic Music Library. True romantics have everything from Beethoven to the Beatles, from Mozart to Meatloaf; from jazz to rock to country to R&B to folk to acoustic to show tunes.


753 Serenade her. Sing her favorite love song, or "your song" to her. You don't need to have a great voice. Your sincerity will more than make up for your lack of perfect pitch.

Sing along with The Beatles or Celine Dion on CD.

Get a good friend to accompany you on guitar.

If singing truly embarrasses you, hire a local singer/guitar player to serenade her for you.

One of the most romantic film scenes of all time: In Say Anything, Lloyd stands outside Diane's window, holding up a boom box playing their song. Reenact this scene for your lover!

754 A true classic is the lazy-Sunday-afternoon-canoe-ride on a calm, beautiful pond, lake, or river.

Version 1: "Just Do it!"-Toss on your jeans and T-shirt, grab a bottle of wine and some cheese, and hop in an old rowboat and go!

Version 2: "Your Sunday Best"-Dress up in your best clothes, pack a great picnic basket, rent a nice canoe, and enjoy!

Version 3: "A Victorian Afternoon"-Rent costumes! Tails and top hat for him, hoop skirt and parasol for her! Guaranteed to cause a stir at the shore.

One guy in the Romance Class wrote to his wife: "Honey, I love you as much as I love the Super Bowl!" (She cried with relief and happiness.) 755 Write a classic, romantic, passionate, handwritten, heartfelt love letter. Most adults haven't written a love letter since high school. (Why not?? Have we lost our youthful idealism, or have we just gotten lazy?) No excuses! Sit down for twenty, maybe thirty minutes, and simply put your feelings on paper. Don't try to be eloquent or "poetic." Just be yourself. The effort and intention are more important than the precise words you use.


756 Dress up for dinner at home. Tuxedo for him, evening gown for her.

757 Hire a pianist to play during a romantic dinner at home.

758 Anything from Tiffany's.