Mr. Nobu's Otherworld Chronicles

State: Ongoing

Author: Kotobuki Wataru

Tags: #action #adventure #fantasy


On a certain day during my long vacation, I think I was summoned. I came down to this other world, invited by the meddling Devil King using a summoning magic. In order to keep the promise of protecting the daughter of the Devil King that I will meet three years from now, I will have to earn some small change. Eh? Go big you say? I'm sorry, but I'm just a lowly peasant, so I'm going to go slowly and start with the small stuff first. If I steadily go, I will be able to grow and enter “I'm OP!!!” mode before anyone will ever notice. How far can my magic power grow!? The adventure of Nobusada will begin right now!

Table of Contents
Latest Release: Chapter 101 9 months ago