Zjjan Master - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Ice Prison — Each target is frozen by ice .

Ashes — It burns and incinerates the target(s) in a brief moment .

Who is she?

While carrying the giant blade with ease, Jesifer has continued to walk . The giant-blade's hilt has a big protector shapely curving connected to the base of its cutting edge . The rest of the blade has fully wrapped by a cotton bandage .

In a sudden…

Advertis.e.m.e.nt . . . the filthy odor alerts herself to be prepare . And . . .

. . . the rus.h.i.+ng sounds of clinching and breaking of dried bushes, leaves, roots, and branches along by the sound from the movements of an incoming confuse her detection .

Afterwards . . .

…from the left side; the horrifying creature from before jumps at her . She has startled and out of will she points her palm against that monster; she smiles and mumbles, "Finally, after so many days . "


Days before she went inside this forest after parting towards her brother; she tried to put it on her mind, memorizing by repeating these many times, Its body is made of flesh . It doesn't have a face, limbs, or tail . It's like blood, or liquid, or same as a slime; but can suck its prey to its body mysteriously . It attacks by jumping like a net, hmm… again…

An additional info she fetched; it had been many years or millennia or more already that people were disappearing without remains inside that forest silently until the current time .

Few tribes had been restricting any people from venturing inside until the current time . Only those who fear nothing are exceptional . However, only few managed to survive to come back though; bringing no evidence against that man-eating forest devouring many Norim .

Years had been rolling; appeared a survivor, reporting the current situation about the man-eating creature . Many tribes had raided the said monster . Its unexplainable regeneration speed and the cost of lives that they'd spent too much terrified themselves .

It was unbearable, forcing those tribes to plant a caution signpost in front to each entrance .

Thankfully yet mysteriously, the creature must rest at night and it's afraid of the daylight, so it had been lurking deep inside .

But, recklessness had been the cause of death to travelers or other people venturing in .

Though, some people still would go in . Even exiles, criminals, bandits, and other kinds of norims are inhabited peacefully until the current time .

However, she had dared and entered in this forest, having a concealed intent . Does she challenging all legends rumored in every parts of their world?

All of her good and hidden deeds, she had accomplished in secret . She managed to unfold many legends most of it were false creation, to only fear children or scare away explorer . She had sentenced criminals where no one ever could witness .


The creature is emitting smokes . . .

. . . and it burns suddenly to ashes . . .

. . . and it freezes constantly . . .

"Oh my— that is not funny at all . I've been expecting too much . (sigh) I have to go back to that falls . —bored once again . "

Personality for moral is hidden

Dignity, never words, yet hidden

In hidden, free to everything