Zjjan Master - 88 Sp04 04 12, Founder's Proclamation

88 Sp04 04 12, Founder's Proclamation

Chapter's Prelude

"Father … I be going," has said by Jaino to Zahamara .

"Won't you wait the result of investigation?"

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"The evidences do just fine . Colonel?" He steals the colonel's attention . "—You're more capable than me . "

"No, sire! I antic.i.p.ate the situa—" He salutes while Jaino salutes, "—tion . "

"I leave my father to your care . "

"Aye sire!"

Then Jaino, Krispen, and Ritzel walk departing the place .

Zahamara speaks, "Colonel, we are now involve to his problems . Someone will probably attack us . " His eyes wander to see Sai Mea scrutinizing the convicts, retrained by armed people and the soldiers .

"I won't allow such a thing, sire . "

"Seem like you have forgotten our virtue . "

"To citizen first afore thyself . But, I can't let you gone before I'll mature in the service . "

"You won't be matured until you'll stand in your own . But, do what you like . "

While searching for connectivity, Sai Mea thinks, This is hard . If these people are mercenaries; then, they are not the opponents of my dear, Maritis . … I guess I should tighten the security of the kingdom and the tower . She walks heading to the castle guards' commander along by some of the busy soldiers .

Mistrust is inevitable

Everyone must cooperate

The real truth must be prevail @@