Yari No Yuusha No Yarinaoshi - Chapter 432

Chapter 432

Come to think of it, how high has your level grown Father-in-law? (Motoyasu)

Ive gotten to Level 38. Ive also strengthened the shield with a considerable amount of materials. Plus, I utilized the Weapon Copy ability we discussed before while we were waiting for you here, so Ive probably gotten considerably stronger right? (Naofumi)

We casually conversed as we removed our clothes for the bath.

That Father-in-law should have been about Level 100 however, so that could only be expected.

To a certain extent, there are also various things to learn about skills, right? As is, its kind of frightening how theres no reference attached to skill power. Especially considering my actual combat experience is nonexistent. (Naofumi)

Well I think Im honestly nervous. Just having a high level can give you a big head, but not actually matter much in real combat or something. At least, thats one of my experiences with net games. (Naofumi)

If I recall, you were a rather famous guild master, right? (Motoyasu)

That so. (Motoyasu)

What are you saying? Upon the foundation of Father-in-laws experience, you have accomplished many great exploits for those suffering in this world! (Motoyasu)

Compared to my unenlightened self, the group of heroes that paid no attention to the damage to the surroundings and focused solely on the Wave Boss and fissure, Father-in-law thought of any means possible to reduce the number of victims.

I even heard that Father-in-law, in the middle of a hostile Melromark, gathered and commanded volunteer soldiers to minimize damages.

In the various battles afterwards, Father-in-law definitely made full use of his experience with guild battles.

That is why I am certain that Father-in-laws extraordinary wit will appear before us again.

S Sure. Geez, its weird, or should I say Motoyasu-kuns testimony feels suspicious Can I really lead people? You dont want to entrust that with someone else? (Naofumi)

Father-in-laws skepticism runs deep.

This is definitely the man full of concern I remember.

I havent a single doubt about it. (Motoyasu)

Kitamura~, back wash~ (Kou)

Yes, yes, I know. (Motoyasu)

Since Kou demanded a scrub, I began washing his back.

Fine work like this went hand in hand with Filorials.

An unfortunate principle of this is that I cleaned not only those like Midori and Kou, but also took care of Kuu and Marins sort once they exited the bath.

It tickle~s (Kou)

Yup! Iwatani should also come get a back wash~ (Kou)

Thats right, huh (Motoyasu)

With those words, in the midst of a pleasant backwashing, Sakura-chan appears, climbing over the hedge in her Filorial Queen form.

Wait! Sakura! That way is the mens bath! (Eclair)

Eclairs voice echos across.

Naofumi~ (Sakura)

Lets bathe together~ (Sakura)

Ah, right, right. Ms. Eclair, Sakura-chan came over, what should I do? (Naofumi)

Father-in-law called out to Eclair.

Eclair sounded somewhat troubled with Yuki-chan at that moment however.

Why am I the only one not allowed to go to Motoyasu?! (Yuki)

I also wish to enter the bath alongside Motoyasu! (Yuki)

Father-in-law soothed Sakura-chan as the dialogue unfolded across the hedge.

Since thats how it is, hurry on back to the womens bath alright? (Naofumi)

Huh?! Wa-wait! (Naofumi)

With Father-in-law over her shoulders, Sakura-chan proceeded to leap right across to the womens bath.

S-sir Iwatani! What are you doing entering the womens bath! (Eclair)

Yup. Sakura wants to enter the bath with Naofumi~ (Sakura)

Aww~ (Sakura)

G-got it. (Naofumi)

Sakura-chan immediately crossed over the hedge with Father-in-law in tow.

I wonder what became of Yuki?

I am still not finished speaking! (Yuki)

It seems Yuki-chan is still objecting against Eclair.

Nevertheless, she uses such a pleasant voice.

Yuki-chan, I will come over to the womens bath for a peek in just a bit. (Motoyasu)

Sir Kitamura! (Eclair)

Eclair seems to be letting off quite the displeasure for some reason.

Though I dont understand why.

A girls appeal increases when she is peeked upon. Since the effectiveness of this method decreases if it is openly known, there is also a certain enjoyment to the anticipation. (Motoyasu)

T-thats right, so can you calm down, Yuki (Eclair)

Eclairs voice shrank down.

Sakura-chan, taking care of Father-in-law, also reluctantly returned.

Heheh. In displaying her body, Sakura haw reduced the appeal boosting effects she could have had. Take this as a learning experience on why its bad to enter the mens bath. (Yuki)

What is this even At any rate, you two make sure to properly soak up to your shoulders after youve washed. (Eclair)


And with that, it seems Yuki and Sakura quietly began washing.

After a few minutes, Father-in-laws slightly red face shows and an anxiousness towards the direction of the womens bath.

So~ warm~, the water is great~ Zzz (Sakura)

Sakura, dont sleep in the bath! (Eclair)

A soft thump echoed across to us.

Ow~ (Sakura)

Even if you cant sink in that form, its not an intelligent decision! (Eclair)

Eclair sounds slightly like a mother-in-law in the distance.

I wonder what shes up to right now.

Ah, this is troubling for Ms. Eclair as well (Naofumi)

Motoyasu-kun, do you seriously intend to peep? (Naofumi)

Certainly. In particular because I promised Yuki-chan. (Motoyasu)

I know youre not the sort to quit when someone says quit, but I think it would be better to stop I think it would be enough if you just told Yuki-chan you saw her later. (Naofumi)

No, but, isnt creating a justification like that for peeping also wrong (Naofumi)

Will I get something if I become your foothold? (Kou)

Then Kou is gonna be a foothold! (Kou)

This is only getting worse! (Naofumi)

Father-in-law interjected, but in accordance with my request, Kou proffered the back of his Filorial King form.

Come, Father-in-law should also look. (Motoyasu)

As I recall, I remember never seeing the pleasure garden called the womens bath with with Father-in-law.

I suppose thats one of the discrepancies of this loop.

Whoa! S-stop (Naofumi)

At my words, Kou took hold of Father-in-laws body.

Or such was the plan, as Eclairs face unexpectedly appeared.

Sir Kitamura I would like you to consider public morals. Do you understand that your peeping could hurt a womans feelings? (Eclair)

Haa. Certainly, if Sir Kitamura keeps silent to present an honorable front There may not be many women that would hold discomfort at being seen. However, in the end its the principle of the matter!

Ms. Eclair! Sorry! Im not looking! (Naofumi)

It appears Father-in-law is once more covering his eyes with both hands.

Just as a womans appeal increases from being seen, a man refines himself by seeing!
