Yari No Yuusha No Yarinaoshi - Chapter 423

Chapter 423

423 Barrel Bath

After a short time, the Silt Welt Messenger came to inform that the promised hot water bath was ready.

A partition was set up in the corner for Father-in-law as he bathed.

How is the bath? Should you like, I am able to heat the water with magic. (Motoyasu)

I can bath once Father-in-law has finished. Here, let me humbly wash your back. (Motoyasu)

S-sure. But it feels pretty strange, having my back washed by someone who calls me Father-in-law even though were almost the same age. (Naofumi)

Ahh, how I miss my beloved Firo-tan.

Back then, I was still passionate with pigs, still asleep to my true calling, but its a fond memory nonetheless.

I just wish I had taken some of Firo-tans bathwater and preserved it.

And so, my overflowing yearnings drive me to assist Father-in-law.

Knowing that this back carries the weight of the world, I use the utmost care.

Once I was finished, Father-in-law once more entered the barrel bath.

Hahh (Naofumi)

Father-in-law leaked a slightly fatigued voice.

In order to overcome any more assassins that come, we must make plans to improve Father-in-laws strength. (Motoyasu)

Right. And then you will be able to turn the tables on any assassin that confronts you! (Motoyasu)

The one I spoke of before. From tomorrow on, lets put the plan into action. (Motoyasu)

??? (Naofumi)

Father-in-law appears rather confused.

At that moment I realized, thats because the conversation I referenced only occurred in a previous loop.

[Dont highlight me; Im shy!]

They definitely have a good bath here, but (Eclair)

Eclair and the Silt Welt Messenger for some reason started up a conversation.

It seems to be a conversation of how Eclair, returning from the bath, found signs of an assassin near the taverns bar room.

Because brawny demi-human adventurers are also in residence, one wouldnt expect an assassin to confront us directly, so we werent overly vigilant.

Presently, demi-human adventurers are keeping watch in front of the bar room.

Being treated to Father-in-laws cooking left both our party and the other tavern guests smacking our lips in content.

I cant really do anything this, but (Naofumi)

Father-in-law derided himself, but that attitude only spurred the demi-human adventurers to greater shows of their determination.

Protecting the Hero of the Shield-sama is our very mission! Everyone, absolutely defend him to your last breath!


After making a somewhat troubled face, Father-in-law continues cooking in the kitchen.

As expected of Father-in-law.

Though society may call you the hero of the kitchen, theres no need to feel ashamed of this talent.

Working part time for a tavern will make for a useful experience, you know. (Naofumi)

Father-in-law always performs quite the variety of jobs. (Motoyasu)

If I remember correctly, Father-in-law even mentioned before that he held a part time job with a food stall.

Maybe also something about working other jobs concurrently.

Well anyways, do you drink, Motoyasu-kun? (Naofumi)

Hmm Actually, since Ive never felt intoxicated, I dont particularly like it you know? Particularly since my drinking companions would eventually become almost incoherently drunk, parroting this and that to exhaustion. (Naofumi)

Come to think of it, Father-in-law was said to have a perpetually sober constitution right?

When everyone doubted Father-in-law could remain sober after eating a Lucor fruit, I also ate one and collapsed.

Compounding that nightmare with the fact I was nursed by pigs makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Well, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves thanks to the alcohol and prepared snacks, right? (Naofumi)

I watched over father in law until he finished cooking.

After that, Eclairs groups ongoing conversation turned to Father-in-law.

So your meeting reached a conclusion? (Motoyasu)

A valid point. In response, from tomorrow onwards, Im planning to focus on the filorial-samas development. Lets also use this opportunity to fetch some through the portal.* (Motoyasu)

Ill listen. (Motoyasu)

Passing through the sewage? (Motoyasu)

Yes. Hence, we are arranging a plan. It is absolutely necessary until the assassins have been completely scattered. (Eclair)

Eclair shot a troubled glance outside.

At that moment, the clash of weapons rang out.

Those companions of the Church of the Three Heroes Speak of the devil, but it appears they truly wish to keep Sir Iwatani from reaching Silt Welt. (Eclair)

Theyll use the pretext of the adventurers having a dispute, it seems. (Motoyasu)

The demi-humans and town guard probably wouldnt think anything is unusual if the adventurers get drunk and cause a ruckus, but I get the feeling even this frequency of incidents is high.

If they do it this many times, anyone would notice whats going on.

Yet there is the possibility the town guard has been bought, and will try to enter with a different strange pretext.

At the moment, we are concealed in a hidden room.

Even if we left Melromarc, I guess we still need places like this if were only a border away.

If we are attacked by assassins, I believe we can turn the tables once we help Father-in-law become stronger. (Motoyasu)

Tomorrows preparations are arranged. (Motoyasu)

Understood. Then tomorrow, after Sir Kitamura departs, we will move out. There may be unknown dangers, but we have no choice. (Eclair)

If this Motoyasu doesnt give Father-in-law and his companions some space, they cannot grow stronger.

If the issue of Father-in-laws strength is overcome, no assassin could possibly be a threat to him.

That evening, after a long time I was able to sleep with the smell of the Filorial eggs.

[I said stop!!]

Before the next days departure.

Ah, Motoyasu-kun, one of the eggs has a few cracks. Will it hatch soon? (Naofumi)

Four attacks came the previous night.

How irresponsible. After we escaped with the portal skill, I was ready to kill all the assorted trash from the Three Hero Church.

Because Father-in-law and Eclair refused though, it cant be helped.

Turning our attention to the eggs, on seemed to be trying to hatch.

As I recall, that rancher this Filorial-sama expensive.


With a healthy cry, Filorial-sama hatched.

The color It was a white Filorial-sama.

Wow Its completely white, huh? (Naofumi)

Filorial-sama was placed in my hands for affirmation. The gender seems to be Female.

Incidentally, female filorials arent quite common.

Whatll we do about her name?

Actually, though you might expect a name like Shiro-chan, that name was used in a previous loop already, and using the same name twice would be troubling.

For that reason, shell receive a completely new name.

Shes a filorial, so If we called her Firo, shed be burdened with all of Motoyasu-kuns love, huh? (Naofumi)

A white filorial, is it (Eclair)

Eclair muttered when she saw the newborn chick.

Isnt it the height of Romance, picturing Eclair-san upon a white mount, just like a prince? Or, how should I put it; in this world, whats the appropriate expression? (Naofumi)

So it definitely has to be a hero? (Naofumi)

That is correct However, that dream is (Eclair)

For some reason, Eclair seemed to be thinking something rude.

Perhaps Father-in-law is unreliable, but I wonder if its alright to voice that belief.

How rude. The figure of Father-in-law atop Filorial-sama is worthy of the greatest of merits! (Motoyasu)

Ahaha Sorry, but I thought it necessary to say.*

What sort of conversation are you holding right as the next egg is hatching?


This next one is Yellow.

Youre all so cute!


Eclair passed the chick to my waiting hand.

The gender For this one is male.

Hmm. What will you do about this ones name? (Eclair)

I wonder if we should pass on something simple, such as Kiiro (yellow). (Eclair)

Alright, what are some options? From the color, I considered things like Lemon, but thats a pathetic name for a boy, isnt it? (Naofumi)

The discussion on names continued as such until the final chick hatched.


And thus the last shell was kicked open, revealing a pink colored Filorial-sama.

So close! If it had been white and cherry blossom colored, we could have temporarily named it Firo-tan, but