Yari No Yuusha No Yarinaoshi - Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Before long, the Silt Welt emissaries joined up.

With this, are you able to trust us now?

Pardon me.

Unannounced I activate the slave crest.

I nod while I immediately cancel it.

It does not seem that youre deceiving us.

Well then, I have a few question. If you tell a lie, I will immediately kill you.

I- Its alright!

They werequestions that came to mind such as whether there are other comrades that are aiming for Father-in-Laws life, but there was no reaction.

It seems as if they really are allies.

Mo- Motoyasu-kun. To suddenly do that, isnt that a bit rude?

Its a precaution just in case. But, its a fact that it showed us they are unable to betray us Please guide us until Silt Welt.

The emissary bows at my words.

It should be alright to believe them if they show this much sincerity and loyalty.

To even become slaves to gain our trust If I too were to become a slave then Id like to be Firo-tans slave.

HAHAHA.(TN: this is written in english)

So Kitamura-dono, should we increase Iwatani-donos Lvl or not

Ah, ifits about that matter.

The emissary raises his hand and advises us.(TN: this guy must have been a VERY well-behaved in class lol)

It reminds me of the slaves from Father-in-Laws village.

What is it?

The queen of Melromarc has applied for the removal of the bounties and they will soon be gone.

HmmSo it was like this when Father-in-Law in the past said that he was able to trust her.

To me she seemed just as a pig, but as a parent of the fiance she might not be.(TN: *Bing* someone just got out of the pig list)

If I just list her for now in the ally category, it shouldnt pose a problem.

Then if we just hide for a few days, afterwards we will be able to walk freely?

That is

At Father-in-Laws words, Eclairs eyes start swimming around.

The adventurers and bounty hunters will stop coming but the 3 heroes church followerswill continue.

Melromarcs soldiers are hard but the 3 heroes churchs soldiers are also dangerous.

Even if theres no search, the possibility for an assassin to come is still high so we should be careful.

If you think about it carefully, how the Father-in-Law from before the loop survived is a mystery.

As I thought, Father-in-Law is very amazing.

The 3 heroes church has deemed Father-in-Laws existence as worthless, so they thought of having him die a dogs death or something like that?

The first month, Father-in-Law was wearing quite shabby equipment.

At that time Father-in-Law was strong to the extent of holding me down and driving me into a corner, just how much was it?(TN: he means his lvl)

Id like to believe it to be around 30, but this is about the Father-in-Law who even pays attention to the trivial Status.

Heroes and their companions have experience bonus.

Then ignored it as a worthless existence The other heroes didnt even consider waiting until he/they grew.(TN: The sentence before the last one confused me, theres also a very high chance that its wrong :p, so I dont know if hes talking about Naofumi or their companions, my guess is at Naofumi, hell, this whole paragraph was super difficult)

What Lvl would you guys be at?(TN:I think explanations are needed here: this question is asked by Mo-kun or Eclair-chan to the emissaries)

Excuse me. Because we by chancestayed closed to each other, were not that strong. Im 35 and the other two are 29 and 28.

Its a somewhat unsettling strength.(unsettling as its a bit weak)

Father-in-Laws Lvl being 1, to bring him to a dangerous place would be difficult.

To eliminate a crowded play like situation, theres no other choice but to escape to a location where the 3 heroes church has no influence.(TN: I have no Idea what this crowded play is, this is what it said:)

Aah, I miss Filorial-sama.

It would be nice if there was a location where hiding was possible(TN: Btw, the kanji for hiding here can also mean incubation)

Eclair looks at the emissary.

Under the influence of the waves a place around here that can offer concealment

The former territory that my father managed would be difficult.

Hiding is also difficult.

There is the option of hiding in a mountain hut, its quite a severe situation.

For now it is for the best ifwe prioritize leaving this country.

Youre right even though I thought it was a dream-like parallel universe adventure, what a misfortune.

Father-in-Law grumbles.

The first time when I came to this parallel world, I kept thinking about pigs.

Removing the unpleasant feelings, Father-in-Law rose up.

This time this Motoyasu is also cooperating, it may go better than last time.(TN: Yes, its not wrong, hes referring to himself)

Understood. The less crowded road is over here.

Like this, while escorting Father-in-Law our journey continues.

The next day, the Silt Welt emissary who went to investigate told us that the bounties disappeared.

At the moment Father-in-Law is cooking the meat of the beasts that we defeated yesterday.

Yotto! So, is it really okay for me to cook it? Its really not myforte.(TN: Yotto is something someone says when lightly or heavily physically exerting himself)

Yeah. Iwatani-dono is quite skillful.

Buu Buu


The demi-human sows are also pleased with the taste.


While saying that, Father-in-Law cuts the meat using the sword he borrowed from Eclair as a replacement for a kitchen knife.

Casually cutting the muscles of the meat to make it easier to eat, while theres a good flow of fire that attaches the cuts.

Moreover, the remaining meat is aging as the taste becomes better and the meat softer while being bundled up inside bag in the corner of the carriage.

The bones also,without being wasted, have been put in the soup broth, there were also no claims that it tasted bad.

Ah, if only we had someherbs, I think the flavor wouldve been better? The (bad) smell is also still there

What? It can become evenbetter than this?

Eclair wassurprised.

Even the emissaries startedlooking around the vicinity whilesearching the wild plants.

For now To go to Silt welt we need to cross the border. If the bounties are gone then it may be alright to think there is no problem up to that point.

At the place where we finished our meal, Eclair opened a map and confirmed before everyone.

The last time after seeing off Father-in-Law, after 2 days, his death was confirmed.

Thats why, if theres something, it must be around there.

The Silt Welts emissaries are actually such a possibility cant be discarded, thus we are on the lookout.

Its really too early to jump to hasty conclusions. Its better to be more cautious.

Especially around the border is the place we need to be alert.

I see

Eclair also seems to be thinking.

At that time, I remember thenumberof people that were gathered in the fort was very large.

This time is just a few days after being summoned, there should be a limit to the number of people that they can gather, but theres a high possibility that theyre being wary.

There is also the option to leave the mountain road without passing through theborder fortifications, but theres no meaning if the security net has been spread out. Rather it only hinders our progress.

No, if its only escaping, then I think we will somehow manage with Kitamura-donos transfer ability.

You cant really say that for certain you know?

Eh? Is that so?

It seems like Father-in-Law and Eclair are having a misunderstanding.

The transfer skill also has issues.

Its a story from the future, but there were events where Ren-kun and Itsuki-kun almost got wiped out by the rampaging 3 Heroes Church. Arent you wondering whydidnt they just run away?

Hmm? Are there limitationson the transfer skill?

I nod at Father-in-Laws words.

That Father-in-Law found these out by doing experiments.

If you think about it, it was quite fortunate.

It doesnt work if you havent stored the location you want to transfer to in the memory. Storing the inside of a building is also basically impossible. Also jumping withit from inside a place where a barrier has been erected is not possible.

To be more precise, places such as where dragons live. Andplaces thatFilorial-sama or certain beasts have claimed as their turf it also applies to areas where people live, such as in the vicinity of a church. Furthermore inareas where a wave is occurring.

Why do you think that Ren-kun and Itsuki-kun were unable to run away. Theres still thatknow.

Certainly, you cant deny that possibility, but weve also confirmed that it is unusable in the range ofgroup ritual magic chants.

In fact, when we came under attack from the pope, I instantly casted the Portal Spear.

At that time I wondered why I couldnt use it, afterwards it was confirmed while doing experiments with being attacked by ritual magic.

Group ritual magic?

If group ritual magic Sanctuary is being used then you should consider it impossible to run away.

Sanctuary is mostlya weakeningattack, its a magic with a similar disposition as the barrier magic that has theeffect of getting rid of curses.

Becausewe have to stayin one place for a while, thats why were not able to run away with transferring.

Then, what should we

In the end, just force our way through huh. Somehow I thought there was some secret plan.


For some reason Eclair and Father-in-Law let out a deep sigh.

Deepening hisfriendship with another person in this short period, as expected of Father-in-Law.

Then for now, lets try taking it head-on. If something happens then well leave it to Motoyasu-kun

It was left up to me.(TN: this was actually said with the quotes around it, but somehow it doesnt make sense that he said it out loud to others that is was left up to him)

And thus the journey continues in the direction of Silt Welt.