Wu Dong Qian Kun - Chapter 945 - Crossing Blows

Chapter 945 - Crossing Blows

A beautiful figure stood silently above the surface of the lightning lake. A white dress wrapped around her tall, graceful and exquisite physique, while her alluring curves were faintly discernible. Liu Xiangxuan was indeed extremely beautiful. In fact, among the ladies that Lin Dong had seen before, she was one of those rare few beauties that could match Ling Qingzhu in terms of appearance.

However, the temperament of these two ladies were completely different. Ling Qingzhu was cold, detached and proud, and she was indifferent when interacting with others. However, after getting to know her better, one would one be able to sense the gentleness concealed beneath her icy-cold persona. As for Liu Xiangxuan, although her expression was gentle and she even had a holy and purely aura that involuntarily drew others, within the depths of her eyes was a coldness that truly kept others a thousand miles away...

Lin Dong’s forehead faintly wrinkled as he stared at Liu Xiangxuan, who had just appeared above the lightning lake. He had never imagined that the latter would actually appear here. Furthermore, based on her prior move, it was evident...

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