World Domination System - 388 Success

388 Success

Thoughts like these started to form, but thankfully, Stefan's words satiated them for now.

"Everyone. The treasures are not important right now. We all cannot afford to be distracted, and we must also trust the Basilisk Rider to only use what is necessary to make sure that we survive. Besides, he has sworn to follow the rules. Sect leader, I would like to inform you that there is a rule which states that you must completely list down the details of the treasures extracted in the archives. It is only after this that you can choose an item to take for yourself as promised. That deal was made before in good faith, and you have fulfilled your end of the bargain. It is only fair that we fulfill ours, too."

Daneel couldn't have put it better.

Rejoicing inwardly and deciding that Stefan would be his right hand who would help him explain himself whenever there was a need, Daneel said, "Yes. I have experience with treasures. In this crucial time, the fewer people know about what cards we have up our sleeves, the better. The rules are clear, so none of you need to worry. Just trust me. The Hidden Kill Sect will stand, even if it is the last thing I do. Let's go up."

It seemed that this was enough for the others to put aside their concerns for now, as they nodded with solemnity and headed to the stairs to exit the cavern.

First to go were the top, followed by Skrrag who was carrying his father, who was still unconscious.

Daneel came last, and as they exited the trapdoor on the floor of the tower, it closed automatically.

He had already been communication with Stefan while they climbed the stairs.

So, after everyone once again gathered in the tower of the sect leader, Stefan said, "The new sect leader has requested to spend some time alone, where he will go through all the available reports to formulate a plan to save us using what was obtained downstairs. Meanwhile, we have our work cut out for us. In recent years, the prophecy has not been taught to the younger generation, so they will have no clue what is going on. After a discussion with the new sect leader, he has suggested a two-step approach. First, we will announce a sect meeting in tomorrow morning where the information about the prophecy will be read out by official historians in the sect. After that, we will make the announcement regarding the change in leaders.h.i.+p. Things such as celebrations for the appointment of a new sect leader can wait till after we are past the crisis. What do you all say?"

The rest knew that this must also have the approval of Daneel, so they nodded.

This was exactly what they wanted: someone who would focus on the problem to solve it. So, they actually felt glad at his decision.

As the Hidden Kill Sect was more of an autonomous organization, there was no strict rule to bow to the sect leader. One could only do it if they truly respected the one in the post.

It seemed that even though Daneel had managed to take the post, winning their respect was a whole other thing, as they just nodded now and left.

Jaggrv even went one step further. Before leaving, he lent towards Daneel and said "You better not @k up," in a threatening voice.

As for Skrrag, he avoided Daneel's eyes.

Finally finding himself alone, Daneel realized that he was exhausted for some reason.

It wasn't physical or mental exhaustion from using his powers as a fighter or mage. No, it was something deeper.

It was as if…something core to him was changing, giving him a feeling that he needed to rest in order to recuperate from it.

It was hard to put in words, but Daneel wondered whether it was because of the upgrade.

Walking up the stairs, he used the oathstone to gain entry to the sect leader's room.

The personal effects of the previous sect leader were still there, so Daneel did the polite thing and decided not to make any changes before the man got the opportunity to have them cleared out.

Walking to the window, he realized why the sect leader must have loved to stand at this spot.

From here, he had a spectacular view of Angaria itself. If he zoomed in using magic, he could even see the details of the land clearly in spots that weren't covered by clouds.

Now, finally, he smiled wide.

Yes! He had done it!

One more strong force of Angaria was in his grasp, and he was firmly on the way to achieving his goal.

In this instance, at least, luck had been on his side with the prophecy and Luther. However, if he hadn't planned carefully to obtain those three votes, things might not have gone as smoothly.

And of course, if he hadn't been strong enough to take all that pain during the crash course, none of the things that had happened might have been set in motion.

At the end of the day, it all came down to him. He had been able to use everything he had to the best of his capability, and for that, Daneel was proud of himself.

Allowing himself this moment to feel true joy, Daneel asked the system to repeat the notification from before.

[Essential systems upgraded. Taking control of Basilisk Heart Formation. True Basilisk Heart Formation is now under the control of host. Pre-set enchantment triggered: inner storage s.p.a.ce unlocked.]

Basilisk Heart formation? Daneel was slightly surprised to see that the same naming method was used here as in Lanthanor, but he put it to the side.

Instead, he was excited to fully upgrade the system, which would mean a total upgradation of all of his skills.

Daneel couldn't wait for this ma.s.sive boost in power, so he said, "Give me information about these 5 items, then begin the full upgrade."

He was holding the 5 treasures he had obtained from the formation in his hand, so he wanted to find out more about them before the system shut down for two hours.

As the information about the first trinket itself sounded in his mind, he understood why the previous sect leader had been so desperate to take control of the formation.

[ G.o.dbow: Champion level trinket. Allows the wielder to shoot a fatal attack at a target in a 500-kilometer range, ignoring all obstacles under the level of the trinket.

One-time Peak Champion-level Trinket-Basilisk's Coil: Made by the legendary Basilisk

Bracelet of the Basilisk Rider: Level unknown. Purpose Unknown.

Unknown Object. Please collect more data for system to carry out the a.n.a.lysis.

Unknown Object. Please collect more data for system to carry out the a.n.a.lysis.]