World Domination System - 339 Mage Handball Tournament Round 2

339 Mage Handball Tournament Round 2

In front of her, the ground had melted into sticky clay which would definitely impede them and make them ripe targets for attack if they ventured into it. Teleportation was out of the question, so the only option was to move to the side.

There was also the option to just disperse the tank right now, but she didn't choose it as there was still a long distance to go, and it would be impossible to score using that strategy from here.

Just as she gave the order to go left, a wall of fire sprung up in that spot.

The advantage of the tank formation of Lanthanor was that mages could modify the properties of the material on the outside with regards to what situation they were facing. For instance, here, because there was an inferno to face, a layer of ice was conjured which protected them from the high temperature.

However, their speed was slowed down as a result of the conjuring, as a little bit of time was needed to make the layer appear.

Tanks usually had more soldiers, and because there were only 15 here, Ca.s.sandra had chosen mostly metal elementary particle specialized mages so that the tank could come into existence instantly.

Hence, the weakness was that the other elements had fewer mages, which was the cause behind the need for time.


When they slowed down, a projectile which seemed to be made of metal hit a specific spot on the tank, but Ca.s.sandra didn't pay any mind to it as she just thought it was an errant attack.

Yet, after pa.s.sing through the inferno was a blizzard, and they had to slow down again.


Feeling the entire integrity of the tank go down by a bit, she checked and realized with horror that the attack had been at the exact same spot.

Just as she was about to order that part to be strengthened, another attack struck, making them even weaker.

Meanwhile, Daneel, who was watching from Lanthanor's booth, raised an eyebrow as he saw the way the attacks were aimed and timed perfectly.

If the tank could move faster, it was clear that they wouldn't hit.

From this, the enemy strategy was clear: slow down the tank using obstacles, and penetrate using an attack on a single spot.

Looking at the Axelorian team, he got a suspicion that a man with a top-knot, who was shooting the metal elementary attacks, was the one who was directing everyone.

If this was true, then he was someone to watch out for, as he had managed to figure out the best way to attack a land-borne tank, which was also what had been used back on Earth during the World War.

Terrain, and penetrative attacks. Against these two, tanks were powerless.

Soon enough, Lanthanor's tank was penetrated and control of the ball was taken away by disabling the one who held the ball.

After the first point went to Axelor, the crowd was surprised, but they welcomed it as it really was invigorating to see the ways that obstacles could be put up using the elements.

However, when they witnessed Lanthanor losing point after point, those who had bet heavily on it started to scream with hopelessness.

Yet, except for a few points obtained by fluke when the tank could be formed nearer to the goal, Lanthanor kept giving away point after point.

It couldn't be helped as the average power level of Axelor was higher than theirs, and they had also been ordered not to use any other formations.

Hence, when the match ended 42-10 with Axelor gaining a resounding victory, the people in the stadium who lost their money started to curse.

Meanwhile, in Axelor's booth, the King had a slight smile on his face, but he knew very well that there were definitely more cards up Lanthanor's sleeves.

Hence, he said, "The plan stands. Get ready to deploy whenever we have a risk of losing.", before going back to training.

Next was the match between Arafell and the Black Raven Kingdom, with the latter eating another loss that only demotivated the Kingdom's people more.

Some even started to wonder whether they had called everyone to their land for them to witness their humiliation.

At least in the mage matches, they knew that it couldn't be helped as Arafell did have more powerful mages even before the Black Raven Kingdom got weakened.

They were using a similar strategy as Arafell to score, but it didn't work as well when facing up against those who outcla.s.sed them.

The match ended 30-25, bringing the day to a close.

As the people started to go back to Olympia, the general mood of the crowd was that they regretted seeing this event come to an end.

Tomorrow would be the final two stages of the Mage and Fighter Handball tournaments, and the final winner would be crowned who would be lauded by all the most powerful Kingdom in the continent.

More upset, more susprises, more excietement.

This was the expectation, and everyone had a feeling that they wouldn't be disappointed.

The night was mostly uneventful, as the guards had made good on their promise of throwing anyone out who dared to cause a disturbance.

As the sun dawned on the final day, dark clouds started to gather in the skies.

It would be a tumultuous day, and it seemed that even the heavens agreed with this.