World Domination System - 285 Modified Link

285 Modified Link

30,000 EXP awarded.

30 Kingdom Points awarded.

Total EXP: 43,000

Total Kingdom Points: 50]

As this notification resounded in Daneel's mind, he raised his eyebrows with pleasant surprise.

If he remembered correctly, the first level of the same achievement which he had obtained when he placed Eldara on the throne of the Kingdom of the Elves had only given him 10,000 EXP and 10 Kingdom points. Those numbers had tripled now.

It was a good thing to know that subsequent awards would be multiplied instead of just being incremented by a little bit.

The upgrade of the system which cost 100,000 points did not seem so far away now at all.

Yet, the statement about him placing countermeasures in case Faxul didn't listen to his commands stung, making the guilt come back.

Realizing that he would have to live with it, he made his way back to the Palace.

Meanwhile, in the throne room of the Black Raven Kingdom.

Faxul, who had just entered and asked for some time alone, stared into the eyes of the enormous Black Raven statue that covered most of the room.

Just like the previous King had said, these eyes seemed to contain some sort of sentience that made him feel as if they were looking back at him.

Walking forward slowly, Faxul first looked everywhere and let all the memories which he had remembered on seeing the image of the throne room on the display trinket before flood through him.

The corner where he always used to hide when playing hide and seek with his father.

The place where he had stubbed his toe when running around while being chased by his grandfather.

The wall where he had tried to scratch his name but failed because it had been to st.u.r.dy.

Finally, he reached the seat where his father always sat, chuckling at his antics.

Looking at it for a few moments in silence, he slowly sat down and closed his eyes.

It felt… right. As if his entire life's purpose had been to achieve this moment, Faxul smiled as he reveled in the feeling of taking back something that was his.

Wait… taking back something that was his?

This actually puzzled him, as he had never thought of the throne as his. He had indeed aspired to ascend it, but this feeling of possessiveness hadn't been present in him before.

Wondering where this thought came from, he first suspected the ent.i.ty but it had long been suppressed by the true blood in him.

Shrugging and putting it to the side, he called for the Council which was waiting outside.

After entering the room, the same old woman first handed him another parchment without saying anything.

Going through it, he received his first shock as the King.

"How can the Treasury be empty?!", He asked, shocked at this finding.

Shaking her head, the old woman said, "The previous King spent everything in order to search for Ker Gems. To my knowledge, he also used funds meant for serving specific needs of the people. Hence, there is also an uncounted deficit in the money that is used for running the Kingdom."

d.a.m.n that old man.

This thought crossed across Faxul's mind again, before he sighed and considered about what to do.

The Black Raven Kingdom was truly in a dire situation. They needed to buy the resources to make the connection trinkets. Also, they needed to increase the funding for the Army so that those who had perished in the Lanthanor Kingdom could be replaced.

Their army was severely hurt, but the reserve forces would be enough, for now, to defend themselves in case someone chose to attack. Of course, invading by their own was out of the question.

"What other pressing issues are there?", he asked, deciding to listen to all the bad news at once.

"My King, a part of the ancestral grounds have been ravaged due to the plants grown there by the previous King. Unless something is done to get that land back to normal, the rearing of ravens which has already decreased in the past few decades will go down even further. Right now, there are enough Ravens for each citizen of the Kingdom. In the near future, this might not be so. Finally, although the complaints haven't been very loud yet, the tax rate is very high right now. It must be decreased if we want to put dissent at a minimum."

At this moment, Faxul felt as if he had taken the throne of a broken Kingdom.

Their coffers were empty, they might no longer be able to grow the ravens which were their trademark and they were at risk of being invaded by any Kingdom who might wish to make use of their plight.

He was at a loss about what to do. So far, all he had needed to worry about was his own power. Now, with the responsibility of millions of people on his shoulders, Faxul felt so weighed down that his mind started to go blank.

Quickly, he turned to the one person he trusted who had experience in dealing with these things.

Touching the communication trinket discreetly and sending this information under the guise of thinking deeply, Faxul waited for a response.

Finally, after a few seconds, Daneel sent his reply.

"Have you considered taking a loan in the Bank of Angaria?",

If he listened to himself at this moment, Daneel would definitely have been reminded of the irritating people on Earth who repeatedly berated anyone and everyone to take a loan no matter if they needed it or not.