Winds Of Eternity - Part 16

Part 16

"Of course not, Willie. He's just needs time to adjust, that's all."

"What if he doesn't?"

"Once I isolate the right serum and cure him, he'll find someone else."

"No, Julia. I won't."

Julia whirled around, as did Willie. "Barnabas. I didn't realize it was so late."

His eyes were on the painting. "You found it. Thank you."

Willie left the room. Julia hesitated. "I have some more tests to run this evening," she told him.

"I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Don't be long. Elizabeth wants to see you at Collinwood for awhile this evening."

Quentin opened the door and stared in shocked surprise. "Maggie." He'd been seeing her during Barnabas' visit to parallel time, but knowing he had nothing to offer, he had tried to keep it light. He hadn't expected seeing her again to have such an effect on him. He stood there, hand on the door, noticing how pretty she was, how much he'd missed her.

"h.e.l.lo, Quentin. May I come in?"

"Sure," he said with a grin. Stepping back, he closed the door behind her. "I thought you were still in Europe with Shaw."

"I was until a week ago. Sebastian found a wealthy patron in Paris, and I became excess baggage."

"I won't say I'm sorry. I never liked the man."

"I'm not sorry either, actually. I was getting homesick. Mrs. Stoddard didn't mention my letter?"36.

"I've been busy at the cannery."

She looked shocked. "You?"

"Don't be surprised. Roger's had to spend a lot of time traveling lately, so I volunteered to help out."

"MAGGIE!!" David called, taking the stairs two at a time, then launched himself at the auburn haired woman. "I knew you'd come back!"

"Goodness," Maggie said, managing to extricate herself gently.

The twinkle in Quentin's blue eyes reflected his smile. "I think he missed you." Maggie didn't miss the implication that David hadn't been the only one to miss her.

"Of course I missed you," David said. "Are you going to stay?"

"I have to talk to Mrs. Stoddard first."

"I'll go tell her you're here. Stay with her, Quentin. Make sure she doesn't leave again."

"Aye-aye, cap'n," he said, then turned back to Maggie. "Let's go into the drawing room. I could use a drink."

She laughed, turning in that direction. "Some things never change."

He paused over the brandy decanter. "Did you really expect me to?"

"I would have been surprised if you had," she told him. And disappointed, she said to herself. "I wasn't even gone a year."

"Six months can be a lifetime if you want it to be."

"I know."

Barnabas and Julia heard the voices from the drawing room when they entered the house. Seeing Maggie, Julia looked quickly at Barnabas. Until he had gone into parallel time, he had been quite close to this woman who so strongly resembled Josette. Was the attraction still there? Or had his discovery about his feelings for Angelique ended it, she wondered.

"Julia. Barnabas." Quentin looked at Julia, read her concern in her eyes. His hand tightened on the gla.s.s in his hand as he fought the jealousy that seeing Barnabas with Maggie brought.

"Maggie. When did you arrive?" Barnabas asked.

"Just a while ago."

"You're looking very well."

"Thank you. It's because I'm back home."

Julia took the conversation. "You didn't like Europe?"

"Of course. Especially Paris. But the only person I knew at all was Sebastian, and I so seldom saw him. I was homesick. Now that I'm home, I don't intend to leave again."

"I hope you mean that," Elizabeth said from the doorway.

"Mrs. Stoddard."

"Welcome home, Maggie."

"Thank you. I know I haven't any right to ask, but is my old position still open?"

"It is. And it's yours - if you want it."

"I do. I'm sorry about running off the way I did -"

"There's no need to say anything more about it. You're back now and that's all that matters."

"I hope Mr. Collins agrees," she said, referring to Roger.

"I think I can handle any objections my brother might have," Elizabeth a.s.sured her. "Where is your luggage?"

"I rented a car in Bangor - it's in the drive."

"David, do you think you could get them for her?"
