When You Wish - When You Wish Part 75

When You Wish Part 75

With stiff movements the butler backed from the room.

Anthony heaved a rueful sigh. "I see I shall have to visit the workroom on my own."

Rachel sent him a teasing smile. "You could stay for tea."

"As much as I adore your sisters, three Cresswells at one time is a bit much for even my steady nerves."


"Sensible," he argued, dropping a light kiss on her nose. "I shall no doubt be closeted away for the remainder of the afternoon. You are welcome to join me when your guests have taken their leave."

She tilted her head to one side, as if pondering his offer. "I shall consider it. I am quite busy, of course. There was a particular bonnet I wished to purchase today, and I have yet to discuss the menu for our soiree with Cook."

"Indeed." He lowered his head to give her a brief, searing kiss. "Just something to help in your considerations."

With a glance that promised all sorts of wicked delights, Anthony turned to stroll through a narrow door at the far end of the room, disappearing into the workroom that Rachel shared on a regular basis.

She smiled at the knowledge that he would be patiently awaiting her. It was a knowledge she carried deep in her heart at all times.

The sound of approaching footsteps had her turning back to the main doorway and she watched in pleasure as her sisters swept into the room.

Much had changed in the past year. Both women were already showing the fact that they would soon present their ecstatic husbands with heirs, but the change went deeper than that.

Sarah had softened and mellowed under the influence of Lord Chance, while Emma sparkled with an unmistaken happiness that could be directly attributed to Lord Hartshore.

"Sarah. Emma." Rachel moved to give each a swift hug. "How wonderful to see you."

"Rachel, you look as beautiful as ever," Emma said, glancing about the empty room. "Where is Julia?"

Not surprisingly, both Sarah and Emma had become as fiercely attached to Julia as Rachel.

"Anthony allowed her to go for a drive with Mr. Eastgate," Rachel admitted in disapproving tones. "I am not at all convinced that he did not make a grievous error in judgment."

Sarah reached out to pat her hand, as always utterly sensible.

"I am certain she will be well. From all accounts Mr. Eastgate is a somber, wholly sensible young gentleman."

"He had best be," Rachel muttered.

"I do wish you would allow her to come and stay with me," Emma said, attempting to distract her from her obvious concern. "She would no doubt enjoy Hartshore Park. And certainly she would be given a bit more freedom to enjoy herself there."

Rachel planted her hands on her hips as she met her sister's teasing gaze.

"You may tell me how to be a mother once your child is born."

Emma held up a hand as she smiled gently at her fiery sibling.

"Actually I was thinking of you, Rachel. You have yet to have any time alone with your husband."

Rachel's expression immediately softened at the mention of Anthony It was always the same. Just the thought of him filled her with joy.

"Anthony makes sure that we have ample opportunity to be alone."

Sarah regarded her faint hint of color with indulgent satisfaction.

"I must say that marriage agrees with you, Rachel. I have never seen you look more content."

"I have never been happier. Anthony is quite remarkable."

"I believe that we have all been quite fortunate in our choices," Emma agreed.

Rachel gave a sudden laugh, remembering back to the years they had traveled from hotel to hotel, always in fear of being captured and never quite feeling as if they belonged anywhere.

They had come a considerable distance from their Gypsy ways.

"Who would have thought the daughters of the Devilish Dandy would capture the most eligible bachelors in all of England?"

"Certainly not I," Emma admitted with a charming grimace. "I was quite content to live out my life as a paid companion. It was only Lord Hartshore's persistence that forced me to alter my opinion."

"Ah yes," Sarah said in dry tones. "I do believe we can safely say that all three gentlemen are remarkably persistent."

"You mean obnoxiously stubborn," Rachel corrected.

"In the most charming fashion," Emma chimed in.

The three burst into laughter as the door was pushed open and the housekeeper bustled in with a large silver tray.

"Tea, Mrs. Clarke."

"Thank you."

Moving to where the servant set the tray on a sofa table, Rachel settled her sisters on comfortable chairs before busying herself with filling them both with generous servings of delicate sandwiches and apple tarts. Once assured they were well fed and adequately revived with the strong China tea, Rachel sat back and regarded them with a hint of curiosity.

"Now, tell me what brings you here today."

"Actually, I haven't the faintest notion," Emma retorted, her own gaze shifting toward her older sister. "Sarah arrived at my doorstep insisting we must visit you this afternoon."

Rachel's curiosity deepened. "Well, Sarah?"

Sarah offered them a dimpled smile as she calmly sipped her tea.

"I wished to have us together today because I received a letter from Father this morning."

"Good heavens, where is he?" Rachel demanded, more than a little peeved he had not once visited her in the past year. Although he was always erratic and prone to coming and going without warning, he had never been gone for such a length of time.

"Italy," Sarah retorted.

Emma gave a loud choke of surprise. "Whatever is he doing there?"

"It appears that he purchased a villa near Florence some years ago. He is now living there with his new wife."

Emma dropped her cup onto the low table with a loud clatter. "Wife?"

Rachel, however, was far less surprised than her sister. She had suspected long ago that Violet would never run off with her father without being properly wed. And, of course, despite his scandalous habits, the Devilish Dandy would never compromise a young maiden of good breeding.

"Violet Carlfield," she murmured with a knowing smile.

Sarah gave a slow nod of her head. "Yes."

"Who the devil is Violet Carlfield?" Emma demanded in confusion.

"Actually, she is a friend of mine," Rachel admitted.

Emma's astonished emerald eyes widened in shock. "He wed a woman young enough to be his daughter?"

Rachel briefly recalled her father's expression as he spoke of Violet. She did not doubt for a moment that he was sincerely devoted to the sweet-tempered maiden.

"Violet is young, but I believe she is well suited to make Father a good wife," she said.

"As do I," Sarah agreed with a distinct twinkle in her eyes. "He writes that he will be a new father by the end of August."

There was a stunned silence at the unexpected announcement, then Emma sank back in her chair.

"Oh my."

Rachel gave a shake of her head, then suddenly laughed in delight.

"Good heavens, I hope it is a girl. Can you imagine unloosening another Devilish Dandy upon the world?"

Sarah joined in her laughter. "Heaven forbid."

Emma gave a disbelieving shake of her head. "I do not believe there will ever be another Devilish Dandy. He is one of a kind."

The three sisters nodded their heads in silent agreement. Solomon Cresswell was indeed an original. The world would never see his like again.

"At least he is not alone," Sarah said in practical tones. "With the three of us wed, he would have no doubt have been at loose odds without his role of matchmaker."

"And we all know the dangers of having Father at loose ends," Rachel pointed out.

"It has been quite a year," Emma said in soft tones.

"A wonderful year," Sarah concurred.

With a satisfied motion Emma touched the growing curve of her stomach.

"And it is bound to become even more wonderful."

Rachel surged to her feet, feeling as if a celebration was deserved for their boundless good fortune.

"Although it is only tea, I propose a toast to the daughters of the Devilish Dandy."

Her sisters readily rose to their feet and held out their cups so that they could tap them together.

"Here, here," Emma echoed.

"And to the future little Cresswell in Italy," Rachel added with a smile at the thought of her father's, no doubt, amazement.

Taking a sip of her tea, Emma set aside her cup and wrinkled her nose in a rueful manner.

"I do hate to bring an end to our afternoon, but I promised Lord Hartshore that I would return home in ample time to rest before dinner. He has become quite overbearing when it comes to my health."

Sarah heaved a sympathetic smile. "Yes, gentlemen seem to lose what few wits they possess when a woman is carrying their potential heir."

Rachel briefly allowed herself to ponder her own growing suspicion she was in the same family way as her sisters. She had said nothing, not wishing to raise Anthony or Julia's hopes. And of course she knew that Anthony would be utterly irrational once he discovered her delicate condition. He would no doubt worry himself into a nervous wreck, refusing to allow her to do anything more than sit in her bed. For the time being she intended to hug her secret to herself.

Moving forward, Rachel gave Sarah a hug. "When you write to Father you will send my love?"

"Of course," she agreed, squeezing Rachel tightly before stepping back.

Rachel turned to give Emma a hug as well. "Take care, my dear."

"You will remember to give some thought to Julia coming with me to Hartshore Park?" Emma demanded. "Lady Hartshore would be delighted to have a young person about, and of course she would keep me company when Lord Hartshore is seeing to the estate. I do promise to take the best of care of her."

"I will think upon it," Rachel replied in evasive tones, unable to contemplate her home without Julia's bright presence.

With a minimum of fuss the two women swept from the room. At the same moment Rachel heard the unmistakable sound of Julia's excited voice echoing through the foyer.

Rachel heaved a sigh of relief. She wouldn't have to call in the Runners after all. Mr. Eastgate was a very fortunate gentleman.

Knowing that Julia would want to go to her room and rest after her outing, Rachel smoothed the skirts of her brilliant emerald gown.

She dearly loved her sisters and Julia, but she had neglected her poor husband long enough. She intended to rectify her oversight with all possible speed.

Moving across the room, Rachel quietly opened the door and closed it behind her.

For a moment she simply watched Anthony as he connected a series of gears that were to go into his latest invention. As always he had removed his cravat and coat and his dark hair was rumpled. A tide of love washed through her. Gads, how had she ever been so fortunate as to discover this man? Heaven certainly had smiled upon her.

Reaching behind her, Rachel turned the lock on the door, smiling as Anthony's head instantly lifted to regard her with anticipation.

Dropping his gears with satisfying swiftness, Anthony moved to stand before her.

"Have your sisters taken their leave?"

"Just now," she assured him.

"Ah." He slowly reached out to stroke the sensitive line of her neck. "Was there a special reason for their unexpected visit?"

"Yes, indeed. It appears I will soon have another brother or sister."