When You Wish - When You Wish Part 66

When You Wish Part 66

"Yes, I rather think that it does."

She paused for a long moment before giving a restless shake of her head.

"In truth I am not certain," she grudgingly admitted. "I merely was in no humor to endure his tedious company."

Anthony smiled with gentle understanding. "Perhaps you are beginning to realize that revenge is a hollow triumph."

Not surprisingly, she promptly shied away from the hint that her determination might be weakening.

"More likely I ate something that did not agree with me," she said tartly. "Shall we join the others?"

Anthony chuckled in appreciation at her undeniable spirit as he firmly placed her hand upon his arm.

"By all means, my dear. We shall retrieve some champagne to settle that sour stomach of yours."


The morning had dawned with a dismal promise of rain. Heavy gray clouds hung low in the skies, making most guests linger in their beds and sip their hot chocolate rather than brave the chilled rooms downstairs.

Anthony, however, ignored the impending rain and attiring himself in his black coat and breeches, he made his way downstairs to partake of a generous breakfast. Once finished, he left a brief note that he commanded to be delivered to Miss Cresswell after luncheon and headed for the stables.

Nearly three hours later he was at last satisfied that his project was perfected. Saddling his horse, he made his way to the distant dowager house, a smile touching his mouth as the clouds began to flee and the sun made a welcome appearance.

It promised to be a glorious afternoon, he acknowledged. Perfect for his plans.

He managed to slip Julia from the house with his usual ease, pushing her chair out of the fenced yard to the meadow beyond. Once there, he calmly settled her on the gentle mare he had brought with him to the house and carefully strapped her into the saddle he had devoted the past fortnight to constructing.

It was ingenious in design. The high back supported her spine while a number of padded straps were attached to the saddle along with buckles so that Julia would be firmly locked into place.

It took some time for him to satisfy himself that there would be no danger to the young girl. Without the use of her legs it would be entirely the saddle's responsibility to hold her upright and in place.

His careful inspection was accompanied by ceaseless chatter from Julia, who was utterly delighted by his surprise. Glancing at her animated countenance, he realized that she was a far different child from the one he and Rachel had discovered sitting listlessly beside the window.

That young girl had been resigned to her life of bored loneliness. There had been no hope, no spark within those pale blue eyes. Now they shimmered with an undeniable excitement.

A faint pang of unease entered his heart at the knowledge that both he and Rachel had unwittingly made a mark on Julia's life. Her placid world had been temporarily disturbed and she had tasted the world about her. What would happen when they left and she was once again on her own?

He abruptly shoved the question aside to be brooded upon later. Today he intended to see to it at least one of her dreams came true.

"I believe we are prepared," he at last announced as he straightened. "Now we have only to wait for Miss Cresswell to arrive."

"I can not wait for her to see me," Julia breathed.

Anthony heard the faint click of the front gate and he flashed his anxious companion a reassuring smile.

"I do not believe you will have to wait long."

"How surprised she will be to see me."

"Surprised, indeed," he agreed, glancing over the buckles once again to reassure himself they were tight. "You are certain that you are quite secure?"

She gave a small wiggle. "I could not fall if I attempted to do so."

"And you will remember to hang on tightly?"

"Do you always fuss so?" she demanded with a laugh.

He offered a rueful smile. "Yes, I f-fear that I do. One must take care when one is preparing to fly."

"I will hold tightly," she promised with a twinkle in her eyes.


Knowing that she was indeed safe, Anthony took the reins of the mare firmly in hand before pulling himself onto his own mount.

In a conspiratory silence they listened to Rachel cross the yard. He had specifically requested that she meet him behind the dowager house in the note that he had left. He hadn't, however, revealed the surprise awaiting her.

"Hello?" Rachel at last called out in puzzlement. "Julia?"

"She is here," Anthony retorted with a glance toward his companion.

"I am ready," Julia whispered in answer to his silent question.

From behind the trees that hid them from view, Anthony watched Rachel push open the back gate and enter the small meadow. She glanced about in obvious bewilderment and Anthony gave a firm nod to the waiting Julia.

"Here we go."

Urging his mount into a canter, Anthony pulled the mare behind him, keeping careful watch on the girl, who was grinning with obvious delight. Together they circled the meadow nearly a dozen times, Julia's laughter ringing through the air. The blond hair tumbled about her flushed countenance, making her appear as young and carefree as a child.

"Look, Miss Cresswell, I am flying," Julia called in pure happiness.

"You most certainly are," Rachel readily applauded. "It is wonderful."

"Faster, Mr. Clarke," the girl urged.

With an indulgent smile Anthony increased the pace for one more turn about the meadow before bringing the horses to a halt beside the gate. Vaulting to the ground he moved to undo the numerous buckles.

"I believe that is enough for now," he said in firm tones. "I would not wish you to become stiff."

"Very well," she agreed with a faint sigh.

In moments he had her free and was lifting her down to carefully place her in the bath chair and covering her with a blanket.

"Well, it appears, my dear, that you have fulfilled one of your wishes," Rachel said as she gently brushed a strand of blond hair behind the girl's ear.

"It was most wonderful," Julia breathed. "I felt as though I were indeed flying."

Rachel abruptly lifted her head to regard Anthony with a warm smile. A smile that Anthony felt to the very tips of his toes.

"It was very clever of Mr. Clarke," she said softly.

"I am glad you approve," he murmured with a dip of his head.

"And very kind," she concluded.

"Oh yes," Julia promptly agreed.

Anthony gave a chuckle. "Enough. You shall quite put me to the blush."

Julia reached out to grasp his hand. "But I do not know how I can ever thank you."

"No thanks are necessary between friends." He gave her fingers a slight squeeze. "And we are friends, are w-we not?"

"I should like to think so," she said wistfully.

Freeing his hand, Anthony reached into his pocket to retrieve the small horse he had carved from a piece of mahogany. Although it was no masterpiece it was delicately detailed with a pair of dainty wings set on the back.

"Here. I made this so you could always remember the day you flew."

With reverent care the maiden took the horse from his hands, running a finger over the polished wood.

"Oh, it is beautiful. Do you see, Miss Cresswell? It has wings."

"It is perfect." Rachel obligingly admired the carving. "Quite perfect."

Julia lifted the horse to press it to her cheek, then without warning she promptly burst into tears.

Caught off guard, Anthony bent beside the chair.

"Here, here. I meant for you to smile, not drown yourself in tears."

Julia managed a watery smile. "It is just that I have never had a real friend before. I believe it is just as wonderful as flying."

"Yes, I do believe you are right," he said gently. "Now, as much as I regret ending our afternoon I fear it is time to return you to the house."

The glow in the blue eyes dimmed at his regretful words.

"So soon?"

Anthony disliked the thought of her returning to the dark house as much as the young girl. But he was sensible enough to realize they had courted enough danger for the moment.

"We do not wish to be caught. It would be an end to our afternoons together."

"I suppose."

"We shall see you soon, my dear," Rachel promised as Anthony moved to the back of the chair.

"I am glad that you came to see me fly."

Rachel smiled. "As am I."

"I will return in a moment," Anthony said to Rachel as he pushed the chair back through the gate and toward the house.

It took a few moments to settle Julia beside the window, her new wooden horse hidden in a small drawer, before he was able to return to Rachel.

He discovered her waiting for him patiently beside the horses, and collecting the reins, he indicated that he was ready to leave.

They skirted the wall about the dowager property, heading toward the nearby woods. Feeling Rachel's gaze upon him, Anthony turned his head to meet her quizzical regard.


She slowly smiled. "You are an amazing gentleman, Mr. Clarke."

"Hardly amazing, my dear."

"But you are," she protested. "I know of no other gentleman who would have given a second thought to Julia, let alone devote so much time to granting her wish."

His smile became rueful as he thought of the vulnerable child. "Well, I have a peculiar s-sympathy for those less than perfect."

The hazel eyes darkened with an indefinable emotion. "I happen to think you are quite perfect, Mr. Clarke, and I would thank you to halt your persistence in believing otherwise."

His breath caught at her fierce words, a magical sense of wonderment flowering in his heart. Suddenly he realized that when he was with Rachel he did feel perfect. Gloriously perfect with no need to remain in the shadows or disappear into his workroom.

"Would you, indeed?"


He allowed his gaze to lower to the full promise of her lips. "And I happen to think you are the most bewitching creature it has ever been my pleasure to encounter."

Those lips parted in the most enticing manner, but even as he considered the logistics of maintaining control of the horses while thoroughly kissing this adorable minx, there was the distinct sound of footsteps running deeper into the woods.

Rachel came to a startled halt, her eyes wide. "Anthony?"

"I heard," he said quietly, pressing the reins into her hands. Moving forward, he peered through the heavy underbrush, unable to catch more than a brief glimpse of a fleeing form. "Damn."

"Do you see anyone?" Rachel called.

"They have disappeared."

About to return to Rachel, he was suddenly distracted by a glint of gold upon the ground. Bending down, he scooped the small button from the dirt.

"What is it?" Rachel demanded as she moved to join him.