Versatile: Alternate World - 89 Chapter 89

89 Chapter 89


Riko blinked her eyes and seems stunned before she roared in agitation.

"Don't lie! You don't look the same as Bladeheart!"

"Of course I don't. I wear a mask in the game. You have not seen it in the game," I said with confidence.

"And how did you know that I met Bladeheart in the game? Do you know my ID in game?"

"Of course, you are Dolly right?" I smiled as I confidently stare at her surprised look.

"I... how?" she can't seem to be able to understand.

"Of course, I am good in reading body language and behavior. Your behaviors in game is very similar in reality. You can't just change it easily," I grinned at her.

Riko seems not believing what she heard and she asked again with an agitated voice.

"Give me a proof that you are Bladeheart then!" she issued me a challenge.

"Alright. Last night, you are one of the fifteen chosen players by that hooded NPC. You have an item called b.u.t.ton of Sandurk as the proof. No player knows the name of the item unless they got it or showed it to other players which is impossible," I explained.

"..." Riko got silent before she slumped into her chair.

Pandora seems enjoying our conversation as she just keep on shoving spoonful amount of curry into her mouth. In my opinion, she is enjoying it like she was watching some sort of anime.

I shook my head a bit before I decided to swallow another mouthful when Riko stood up from her chair again and put her hands into my shoulders.

"Please form a party with me, oh the top ranker of the Alternate World!"


I nearly spat out my food hearing that stuff. I grab my gla.s.s of water and gulped it down and managed to push down the food stuck in my throat before facing Riko again.



We calmed down after that. Pandora returned to the living room and once again watched the anime recordings while me and Riko are still on the kitchen but we are only talking now. The plates are all on the sink and we are no longer eating. Her curry are already in our stomach anyways.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Riko asked.

"What is?" I looked at her.

"About revealing this stuff to me. You seemed really secretive ever since you played Alternate World. You also changed a lot," Riko explained.

"Its alright, you are trustworthy, but still I have a very deep reason of revealing it but I can't say it right now," I said to her.

My reason is simple. I have seen lots of things changing to a drastic turn and if my a.s.sumption is correct, Riko will get killed next year after dating someone. That guy is quite a bad one and although I have many reasons to object her on going with him, she was in love after that blind date. On her day of the date, that man got into a reckless driving and crashed. I heard that the blind date was something her family built up so she can avoid someone from being her boyfriend which unfortunately led to her inevitable death and Ja.n.u.s becoming antisocial and crazy.

With this reveal, I might gain a chance to help and gain info on her in the future. Just like in games, this is a hidden path to save her. Also, this might benefit me more. I will gain more connections and might be one of the main keypoints that might help me avoid my death in the near future since her presence when I was already getting married and betrayed are no longer available. She might alter that future.

"Really? Then why are you so secretive? You don't even go to the summons of the media to reveal your own ident.i.ty, why bother revealing it to me?" Riko raises her eyebrow.

"Hmph, if you wanted to party up with me, you need to be someone I personally know. Also, I appreciate your skills during our battle against the Green Spider Queen. You are a good Magician player," I flatter her a bit.

"Really? Are you planning to form a guild? You want to recruit me in your guild?" Riko seems getting giddy about the possibility.

I raised my eyebrow after hearing that.

"Guild? What ridiculousness are you saying? Guilds are for noobs. I don't need that ridiculousness," I said firmly.

"Huh? What are you saying? Why are you saying that guild are for beginners?"

"Simple. There are lots of cons than pros on building guilds. First, building a guild is costly. You need to keep the guild up and running and for that, you need lots of gold to do so. Secondly, many players are cancerous(1) and just plain backstabbers. Third, you can't keep all of your drops and you can only have to share it in the inventory especially if you are the guild leader. Fourth, other guild will surely look at me as a threat since I am on the very top spot of the ranking. Either they put a mole in the guild that I will make and make all of my plans thwarted or take some of the talented players to their side. Fifth, players are very greedy and if they saw that the guild I will be making is thriving, they will make everything happen for the guild to fall. Lastly, they usually issue guild wars which is troublesome. In any way, you can still have a guild war against them even if you don't have a guild. Anyway, plain speaking, making a guild is troublesome and not needed for me. I can still go on party with others but I prefer to go on solo," I explained. Riko nodded again and again to me as she try to comprehend what I am saying.

"I see your point but why go solo? Where is the fun in that? It's a game after all!" Riko looked at me, expecting to hear an explanation.

"Fun? I don't play for fun. This is now my new life and it matters my life, I can't just play for fun."

I stood up and left the kitchen and return to my room, before I open the door, I look at Riko again.

"You can party up with me but don't keep on hanging out with me. I prefer to stay solo in game," I opened the door and get inside, leaving Riko once again speechless.


1.Cancerous -When someone calls you "Cancer" while playing the game, that only means that you might not be playing good during the match and that you might be a burden to your team. You often hear this from your players on your side. Players playing DOTA are the common example on this.