Veronese - Part 3

Part 3


LONDON (NATIONAL GALLERY): The Rape of Europa.--The Family of Darius.--Magdalen at the Feet of the Saviour.--The Vision of St.

Helena.--The Adoration of the Magi.--The Consecration of St.


EDINBURGH (NATIONAL GALLERY): Venus and Adonis.--Mars and Venus.

DULWICH COLLEGE: A Cardinal p.r.o.nouncing Benediction.



Matthew.--The Feast at the House of Levi--St. Luke and St.

John.--St. Christina fed by the Angels.--St. Christina thrown into the Lake of Bolsena.--The Virgin, St. Joseph and several Saints.--The Virgin and St. Dominique.--St. Christina before the False G.o.ds.--The Annunciation.--The Coronation of the Virgin.--Isaiah.--Ezechiel.--The Battle of Cursolari.--The Flagellation of St. Christina.--The Angels of the Pa.s.sion.--Jesus and the two Thieves.

VENICE (DUCAL PALACE): The Triumph of Venice.--The Rape of Europa.--Peace and Justice.

ASOLO (VILLA BARBARO): Fresco Decorations.

ROME (VATICAN): St. Helena.

FLORENCE (UFFIZZI GALLERY): Esther before Ahasuerus.--Portrait of a Man.--Jesus Crucified.--Prudence, Hope, and Love.--The Annunciation to the Virgin.--The Martyrdom of St. Justine.--The Martyrdom of St. Catherine.--The Madonna and the Infant Jesus (Sketch).--Study for a St. Paul.--Gentleman in a white Robe (Sketch).--Holy Family with St. Catherine.

FLORENCE (PITTI PALACE): Portrait of Veronese's Wife.--Portrait of Daniele Barbaro.--The Baptism of Christ.--Portrait of a Child.--Christ taking leave of His Mother.

BERGAMO (CARRARA ACADEMY): Reunion in a Garden.--Episode from the Life of St. Catherine.

TURIN (ROYAL MUSEUM): Magdalen washing the Feet of Christ.--Moses saved from the Waters.

NAPLES (NATIONAL MUSEUM): The Circ.u.mcision.

GENOA (DORIA PALACE): Susannah and the Elders.--The same Subject.--Allegorical Figures.

MODENA (ROYAL GALLERY OF ESTE): St. Peter and St. Paul.--Portrait of Veronese.--A Captain.

MILAN (BRERA MUSEUM): The Feast at the House of the Pharisee.--The Adoration of the Magi.--The Last Supper.--The Baptism of Christ.--St. Gregory and St. Jerome Glorified.--St. Ambrose and St. Augustine Glorified.--Christ on the Mount of Olives.--St.

Anthony, St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian.


BRUSSELS (ROYAL MUSEUM): The Adoration of the Magi.--The Holy Family with St. Theresa and St. Catherine.--Juno lavishing her Treasures on Venice.


MADRID (MUSEUM OF THE PRADO): Four Portraits of Women of Rank.--Calvary.--The Woman taken in Adultery.--Magdalen Repentant.--Venus and Adonis.--Jesus and the Centurion.--The Infant Jesus, St. Lucia and St. Sebastian.--The Martyrdom of St.

Genesius.--Jesus in the Midst of the Doctors.--Cain wandering with his Family.--The Sacrifice of Abraham.--The Adoration of the Magi.--Moses saved from the Waters.--Portrait of a Venetian Woman in Mourning.--Young Man between Vice and Virtue.--Susannah and the two Elders.


DRESDEN (GALLERY): Christ on the Cross.--Moses saved from the Waters.--The Rape of Europa.--The Wedding at Cana (reduced size).--Christ and the two Thieves.--The Good Samaritan.--The Adoration of the Magi.--Portraits of Daniele Barbaro (replica).--The Presentation at the Temple.--Christ cures the Servant of Caharnaum.--Jesus carrying the Cross.--The Resurrection of Christ.--The Adoration of the Virgin.

BERLIN (MUSEUM): Jupiter, Fortune and Germany.--Mars and Minerva.--Apollo and Juno.--Jupiter, Juno, Cybile and Neptune.--Christ and the two Angels.--Four canvases representing Geniuses.--Saturn and Olympe.

MUNICH (PINACOTHEK): Faith and Religion.--The Death of Cleopatra.--Woman taken in Adultery.--Portrait of a Woman.--Justice and Prudence.--The Rest in Egypt.--Love holding chained Dogs.--A Mother and three Children.--Strength and Temperance.--Holy Family.--The Cure of the Servant of Caharnaum.


VIENNA (BELVEDERE): The Rape of Dejanire.--Catherine Cornaro.--Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery.--Christ and the Samaritan Woman.--The Adoration of the Magi.--The Marriage of St Catherine.--The Resurrection.--St. Nicholas.--Quintus Curtius throwing himself into the Chasm.--Portrait of Marco Antonio Barbaro.--Young Man caressing a Dog.--Annunciation to the Virgin.--Adam and Eve and their First-born.--Venus and Adonis.--St. Sebastian.--The Death of Lucrece.--St John the Baptist--Judith.--Christ entering the House of Zaira.--St.

Catherine and St. Barbara present two Nuns to the Virgin and the Infant Jesus.


STOCKHOLM (NATIONAL MUSEUM): The Circ.u.mcision.--Magdalen.--A Holy Family.--A Madonna.


ST. PETERSBURG (HERMITAGE): The Flight into Egypt.--The Adoration of the Magi.--Holy Family.--Diana and Minerva.--Mars and Venus.--Portrait of a Man.--Lazarus and the Rich Man.--Christ in the midst of the Doctors.--The Dead Christ upheld by the Virgin and an Angel.--The Marriage of St. Catherine.--Various Sketches.

LEUCHTEMBERG GALLERY: The Adoration of the Magi.--The Widow of the Spanish Amba.s.sador at Venice presenting her Son to Philip II.