Undying Phantasia - 21 Various Thoughts.

21 Various Thoughts.

''So he made his move?'' Asked the person in the middle coldly.

''Yes, but it seems he successfully took the orb. It will be problematic. We should send more troops and increase the campaign to demoralize his people and increase our morality in our p.a.w.ns and vessels to defeat it. He is a dangerous man.'' Another figure responded with certainty.

''We...should be aware of our mission and we must do everything to achieve it. The world is nothing but a corruption for us. They are so pathetic they don't realize they are eating themselves. Let them rot kukuku..they will be soon ended to benefit for this world..They need us. They will never know we did them a favour...kukuku'' A figure laughed in satisfaction in one of the seats.

''That comes later, we will let the world experience...oneness..that's our aim...but to do this we must create peace'' Another figure replied.

''But peace...what is peace?...We want oneness. Oneness will create true love...once again! But. All that is dark is needed for that. Darkness is your teacher. To reach the light. People should feel pain and disaster to reach greater enlightenment. To reach the light. Embrace the darkness. Don't confuse our aims Londier! Peace is not oneness...oneness is peace !

The main figure responded with a severe tone to the one that spoke.

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

''We hold the truth. Heroes are needed...Messiah..are saviours.. But what is a hero? What is a messiah?

None that matters. The world needs inspiration. We are holders of the key. .. We are... The HOLDERS!'' _______________ Mini-world _______________ Apolion: So, the bad guys now came? Didn't you tell me a new pal will come master?

Lord maximus: Well yet. But I changed plans as I was busy trying to manifest something with my powers. Creating stuff as author takes time you know?

Apolion: Maybe. Well at least today is quite calm. In this. Beach, I guess?

*Said Apolion as he looked at the window watching a beach and people enjoying themselves. *

Lord Maximus: Well just go and chill it's sunny already. This a VIP beach you know? So you can have the so desired...' beach scent'. Although I can't enjoy sadly enough.

Apolion: Really? I am out!

*He jumped out of the window* .. Lord Maximus: If I had the chance to enjoy like Apolion...No..I have to concentrate to exchange short term pleasure to long term respect. I won't stop here. I will enjoy eternally afterwards...

*Keeps writing the next events in the story*