Tyrant Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4260

Chapter 4260

Lot 4260

The elder of Jade Dingzong no longer paid attention to Ge Tianfan, swinging his arms violently, rolling blue clouds toward the silver tide on the opposite side.

Boom... boom boom!

A violent roar followed, and the entire Tianblade Peak shook the mountain and shook the void.

Where the two forces collided, a series of terrifying gray-white cracks formed, and the void became distorted.

The powerful Yuwei dissipated suddenly, destroying several nearby mountains in an instant, and it continued to spread.

Elder Yudingzong trembled slightly, but under the cover of the blue light, people couldn't see all the reactions.

He coldly watched the aftermath of spiritual power spreading freely, and a sneer swept across his mouth.

Elder Heavenly Blade Peak's face sank, he couldn't let this momentum develop.

Although he had the upper hand in this match, the peaks destroyed by the aftermath of the spiritual force were all the possessions and heritage of Tianbian Peak.

"Get up!"

Accompanied by a strong shout of vigor, the billowing silver wave splits into two and madly rolls towards the left and right, stopping the aftermath of spiritual power at an astonishing speed.

In this match, the elder of Yudingzong had a slight disadvantage, but there was no damage.

On the contrary, several nearby mountain peaks were blasted down and collapsed, which made the foundation of Tianblade Peak wear away.

After this collision, the two did not continue to take action, but looked at each other coldly.

"Old friend Yu, there is no one you are looking for here, please go back!"

"Old monster, it doesn't count with or without you. Since Yu has come to your Heavenly Blade Peak to ask people to have my reason, unless I search it again, I will never give up, and your Jade Dingzong is also difficult to wash. The suspicion of cleaning up the dirt!"

"Huh! That person is not only the enemy of your Jade Ding Sect, but also the enemy of our Heaven Blade Peak. Let's tell you these words for yourself!" Ge Tianfan sneered.

While the two were still arguing, Su Yun had already arrived in front of a stone temple built on a mountain in the depths of the inner door.

This is nowhere else, it is the residence of Inner Gate Tianjiao Ye Junhong!

Several of his followers, at this moment, did not know where they were hiding, and there was no one in front of the closed temple door.

Seeing that the supreme elders of both sides were still arguing, Su Yun did not dare to hesitate, flipping through his right hand and took out a magic talisman.

"Escape Talisman, get up!"

As soon as Su Yun urged, the spiritual power restriction on the surface of the "Escape Talisman" was broken, and the powerful spatial spiritual power instantly enveloped him.


A dull roar followed, and the strong spiritual power fluctuations immediately attracted the attention of the two parties' Supreme Elder and peak master Ge Tianfan.



"That is"


The spatial fluctuation caused by the "Sky Escape Talisman" reached its peak, and a violent roar led Su Yun away.

The two Supreme Elders and Peak Master Ge Tianfan, as well as the elders of Tianbian Peak and countless disciples, saw a huge white rainbow burst out of the sky, disappearing like lightning in the sky above the sect!

Outside the gate of Tianrenfeng Mountain, only a straight and huge trace was left.

"Escape Talisman... Is it him?"

The elder Yudingzong's eyes shrank sharply, and he sternly shouted.

With such a method and such a stall, he really couldn't think of anyone other than "Jiang Tian".

The person who disappeared suddenly must be helpless to avoid his pursuit!

"It's him, that person is Jiang Tian! Old monster Cheng and Ge Tianfan, do you still dare to say?"

The elder Yudingzong's eyes were like swords, glaring at each other.


The traces of the "Escape Talisman" pointed out the direction for him. Before he could say anything, he turned into a blue mad cloud and walked away!


Ge Tianfan shouted sternly, his face pale.

How can he not see that it is a "Talisman of Escape"?

But it happened suddenly, he didn't see the real face of that person clearly, and didn't know who inspired the magic talisman.

"Who is that and what the **** is it? Isn't it a mess at this time!"

Ge Tianfan gritted his teeth and scolded, sternly glanced across the entire sect, and the elder disciples bowed their heads wherever they went, not dare to touch him.

"Feng Ge, do you really think that is just adding chaos?"

The Supreme Elder asked in a deep voice, his eyes seemingly meaningful.

"Uncle Uncle meant..." Ge Tianfan wrinkled his brows and suddenly cast his gaze to the inner door somewhere.

The next moment, his figure shook, and he landed in front of a certain stone palace with a powerful force.


The vigorous breath rippled, making the ground tremble!

Whoosh whoosh!

The faces of several inner door elders changed slightly, and they quickly followed.

They have already discovered that it is not elsewhere, but the residence of the top arrogant Ye Junhong!

"Peak Master calms down!"

"This is the residence of Inner Sect Tianjiao Ye Junhong. As far as I know, he has been retreating here since Luojianshan returned!"

"I also heard that he had a life-and-death battle with the outer disciple Su Yun who got the'Dust Falling Fruit', just three days later!"

Several elders spoke one after another, telling Ge Tianfan the situation.

Ge Tianfan was angry and didn't care about it.

What Ye Junhong was doing, he didn't care at all. What he cared about was the change just now, which gave the elder Yudingzong a real reason.

"I don't move in the morning and at night, but I use the'Escape Talisman' in this stall, do you intend to make the peak master ugly? Where is Ye Junhong!"


The words blasted directly into the stone hall, causing Ye Junhong and the three young women who were in retreat to shake their bodies and their faces changed!


"It's the peak master!"

"He... why did he come?"

The faces of the three young women were very ugly.

Although the sect does not prohibit double cultivation of secret techniques, it is a bit embarrassing to retreat together in private like this.

What's more, the three of them and Ye Junhong's double repairs have been going on in secret, no one else knows.

If this is seen by the peak owner, don't you lose face?

"Stay steady, don't panic!"

Ye Junhong was also extremely annoyed.

The Concubine Dragon Technique had reached a critical moment, but the peak master Ge Tianfan suddenly appeared, which really annoyed him.

If he didn't respond at this time, he would be disrespectful to the peak master, and if he left the customs early to practice, the effect would be greatly reduced, and it would be a dilemma.

"Senior Brother Ye, what should I do?"


The three women wanted to speak but stopped, their faces extremely ugly.

Ye Junhong frowned, weighing silently.

Even if Ge Tianfan knew that they were cultivating the "Sister-in-law Helong Jue", he wouldn't be so angry.

Such an appearance in person and aggressive, must have encountered a special situation.

Before Ge Tianfan's arrival, there was just a roar and spiritual power change. Is there any connection between this?

Ye Junhong quickly sorted his thoughts, knowing that he couldn't delay any more, so he suppressed his spiritual power and said loudly.

"The disciple Ye Junhong is practicing in retreat and cannot meet the peak master in person. Please forgive me, the peak master!"

The voice entered Ge Tianfan's ears, pressing his manic mood, but he couldn't completely dispel doubts.

Ye Junhong's response can only show that he has no problems.