TODAG System In TODAG - 80 Chapter 80 : The Test Begins!!!

80 Chapter 80 : The Test Begins!!!

TODAG System : Host Has Broken Through To 3 - Star Gold Rank Spiritual Demon...


Name : Xiaolin Lee Age : 13-14 (21)

Strength : 330

Defence : 330

Speed : 330

Mind : 3300

Soul Force : 3300 = 3-Star Gold Rank

Soul Manual : 16 Gates Of The Creation Starway Path Manual

Soul Sea : Altar Of The Four Corners

Soul Attribute : Yin - Yang - s.p.a.ce - Time - Chaos - h.e.l.l - Darkness - Light - Lightning - Gold - Earth - Fire - Wind - Water - Blizzard - Unattributeless

Soul Beast : Shadow Voidless Killer Demon

Comprehension Skills/Abilities : 1) Shadow Lurking : Able to blend inside any shadows and use them as portals to get out from another... 2) VoidLess Phase : Host can let any attack pa.s.s through his body as long as he is not attacking... 3) Killer's Eyes : It inflicts fear on people up to 2 Ranks higher than Host...

When he had checked this notification was 3 days ago and he knew it was time for the test to begin, many had thought that Nie Li will lose but he couldn't help and want to go to see their faces...

Lanruo : "What are you thinking about??"

Lee : "I'm thinking about the bet that has been going on around for a while..."

Lanruo : "The one with Nie Li and Shen Xiu??"

Lee : "Yeah that one... I really want to see the faces of those p.r.i.c.ks."

Lanruo : "Yes but more than anything you want to bind Shen Xiu aren't you..??"

Lee : "Although she is hot and i am tempting to make a move, her att.i.tude is something undesired."

Lanruo : "Well, truth to be told i don't remember her acting like that in the past..."

Lee : "Who knows if something happened in the past and changed her."

Lanruo : "I can see what i can find about her past."

Lee : "Let's leave this for a later date, for now, let's go and see the test."

Leaving their conversation at a point where they can speak of her again in the near future, both of them jumped down from the trees and started going towards the Inst.i.tute...

On the Sacred Family side...

Underling : "Boss Shen Yue, Nie Li and bunch have been hiding within the library every day. They don't even dare to show their faces now!"

Underling 2 : "They probably haven't even reached 1-star Bronze rank. Just watch as they get resigned from school!"

Underling 3 : "Since Boss Shen Yue has taken a few Soul Concentrating Pills, the boss should be nearing the 2-star Bronze rank!"

Shen Yue firmly believed that Nie Li has not reached 1-star Bronze rank yet. However when he saw the group that arrived he almost puked blood on the spot.

Since Nie Li's appearance, the fact that Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ninger was with the group stunned everyone including all n.o.bles that were sitting waiting for the show to start.

Ziyun did not even pay any attention to him, causing his hatred for Nie Li to go deep into his bones. However, he has always been wanting to trouble Nie Li, but there hasn't been a chance to do so.

All because of the freaking b.i.t.c.h of Nie Li... That b.i.t.c.h named Lee who had to ruin his plans every freaking time, therefore, he is waiting for this year's examination. If Nie Li resigns from school, he will not let Nie Li off easily, he will let Nie Li suffer!

Nie Li's exposure of the <> has already caused the wrath of the Sacred Family. The Sacred Family has already been suppressing the Heavenly Marks Family at their fullest.

Even if Nie Li doesn't resign from school, he will still become a lost dog of his family. Shen Yue can already imagine Nie Li's pitiful outcome!

'Who asked you to offend me, and also offend my brother?!' Shen Yue secretly thought. Is Nie Li born to go against his family? s.n.a.t.c.hing his woman and even s.n.a.t.c.hing his brother's woman. One must know that his brother is the future successor of the Sacred Family!

The entire field and forest of the Holy Orchid Inst.i.tute were covered with people training, preparing themselves for the coming exam. Many students with backgrounds took quite a few of Soul Nurturing Pills and Soul Concentrating Pills.

The effects of them are still quite obvious. Some prominent family even managed to get one or two Soul Tempering Pills and Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills.

The effects of these pills were still rather obvious. This batch's students had strength stronger than the previous batch, which made the school's higher-ups be in delight too.

Wondering if this batch's genius cla.s.s have anything in the 5-star Silver rank. Maybe a few would be able to enter into 5-star Silver rank. If one was to be able to reach 5-star Silver rank before sixteen, his future would definitely be one of the pillars within Glory City.

He would become an important controller of Glory City. Generally, by reaching a 5-star Silver rank, one's future achievements wouldn't be low.

In the previous batch, nearly half of the students would graduate and leave. The new batch will come in and fill the spots. Everyone is wondering how many people will be qualified to enter into the Genius Cla.s.s. This made everyone excited with expectation.

Everywhere in the Holy Orchid Inst.i.tute was festively decorated, preparing for this big moment.

In the inst.i.tute's martial field, flags were swaying everywhere, drum rumbles were filling the skies.

The much antic.i.p.ated year examination is about to officially begin. This, to every student, means a lot.

Every student from the Fighter Apprentice cla.s.s, and Demon Spiritualist Apprentice cla.s.s has gathered at the martial field. Even Nie Li and bunch who have gone missing for the past month or so have appeared on the field, standing together with both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er...

Whether it's the boys from their cla.s.s or the boys from other, seeing two great beauties standing together with Nie Li, filled them with jealousy.