To Stand Beside Her - To Stand Beside Her Part 12

To Stand Beside Her Part 12

Chapter 17.

Two days later Leila rose early. It was market day, and she was eager to visit with the children she had met there. Leila was surprised as Nalick was already gone before she woke. He left a note promising to join her as soon as he was finished with his work for the day. Nearing the door she could hear Anatolio and Macarius talking.

"It was great," Anatolio said. "She let Pallas come to the stage to fight her and within moments he was lying on the ground looking up at her. You should have seen the expression on his face."

"Oh, knowing Pallas, I am sure he was not taking it well," Macarius replied. "He is the hothead of the group. I can't believe you are actually related to him."

"Not if you ask him," Anatolio replied.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Leila asked Anatolio. Every time she tried to go somewhere, Anatolio followed. Anatolio became quiet again around her while they were in the presence of another person. Leila shrugged at getting no response and greeted Macarius. "So is it just you today?"

"We have been knocking on Theo's door for the last five minutes, but he has not answered," Macarius explained. "Micaela was going to take Dimas to Theo's parents, but he must have gone with. I don't think he expected you to be up as early, as you were quite busy yesterday beating all the guards."

"That was nothing," Leila replied. "Just a little entertainment." Macarius wished he had been there. "Since he knows where we are going, can we leave without him?" she asked, though she had a feeling what the answer would be.

"Nalick doesn't want you going anywhere outside the palace without at least four guards," Macarius explained. "So we will have to wait for Theo." Leila added it up in her head. The two new men from yesterday, Anatolio, and Macarius made four. Macarius could see her confusion. "Sorry, Anatolio doesn't count." Leila looked to Anatolio for an explanation, but he just shrugged his shoulders in reply.

Leila looked at both men but neither seemed to budge on the issue. "So I won't be let out of the palace then if I try?" Macarius shook his head no.

He promised that I would be free to come and go as I please, Leila thought, getting upset.

Anatolio could see her anger building and quickly suggested, "Why don't we wait in the garden? Macarius can come and find us as soon as Theo returns." Anatolio understood her better than she thought. Leila nodded her head and followed Anatolio to the palace garden.

Once inside the garden walls, Leila sat at her normal spot. Anatolio joined her rather than climbing into the nearest tree. In her disguise, if anyone passed them, they would not know he was talking to the queen. Leila understood and moved over to make room beside her.

"The arrogant man yesterday..." she began, but he interrupted her.

"Is also my half-brother," Anatolio said ending her sentence. "Four older brothers, one older sister, and one younger brother, but they mean nothing to me. My father did nothing but get my mother pregnant, and he has done nothing since. The only person in that family that acknowledges I exist is Nikias."

Leila thought to the previous day and wondered about the stoic-faced man she met. "You look like him and even act like him," she observed, running her fingers through the cool grass.

"He was the only man close to a father figure in my life. In front of everyone, he would treat me the same as anyone he met, but on the other side, he was always there for me. If I needed advice or training, he would help me. He's a good man," Anatolio said, staring into the clouds above.

"And Pallas?" Leila asked.

"Is just your typical rude noble," Anatolio easily replied.

"So how did they handle you getting to work directly with Nalick?" Leila wondered, looking over at Anatolio while he stared up at the sky.

"Though they would not show it publicly, I knew most of them hated it. Nikias was happy for me, but Pallas was furious. I always thought that if I accomplished much, they would finally accept me, but I know that is not true. I am working directly under the king, and they still don't accept me," he explained, still staring up as it was easier than to looking into her knowing eyes. Leila never missed anything.

"Things are just so much more complicated here," Leila commented going back to the grass on her hands.

"It is not like this back where you are from?" he asked, looking down at her.

"There are no kings and queens or noble families. Some people have more and some less, but no one acts as if they are better just because of their name," Leila explained. "Maybe it is the heat. It makes everyone in Lior a bit crazy."

"I wouldn't doubt it. My mother is not from Lior either, and she always complained about the heat." Anatolio casually observed the walls around the garden. "Are you afraid of being caught by Jahangir or Aiolos?" They were currently safe, but Leila's safety would always be an issue.

"I don't fear being caught by anyone. There is always a way out if you try hard enough. Most of the time, you just need to be patient. Maybe it helps knowing that they all want me alive. If they wanted me dead or alive, then I might worry some," Leila explained, and Anatolio chuckled. He understood her reasoning but could not help but admire how courageous she was.

"Would you teach me?" Anatolio asked quickly before he could stop himself.

"What do you want to learn?" Leila asked, puzzled by the question.

"Everything. You are great at everything a courier needs to be good at," he said.

"Sure, what should we start with?" Both of their heads quickly turned to the door opening to their left. Theo looked around the garden. Leila stood, realizing he could not see them behind the flowers.

"Sorry, Miss Leila," Theo apologized. "I just walked Micaela and Dimas to my parents. I caught Nalick this morning, and he said you were still asleep."

"Not a problem," Leila said trying to reassure him and stop him from continuously apologizing. "So where do we pick up the new guards?" she asked leaving the garden. As she turned, she noticed Anatolio had backed away and was going to follow in the distance as always.

"They are both waiting at the gate," Macarius explained, joining Leila and Theo.

Though it took a little time to convince both of the new men that Leila was the person in the disguise, finally all four men accompanied her to the market. Nikias and Javed both kept two steps behind her and quietly searched the surrounding people for any sign of something being out of place. Leila ignored the two new men and proceeded to walk from tent to tent, dragging Theo and Macarius along.

Once near the square, Leila found Phillip standing over his two siblings as they clapped along with the music and watched the people dance. As she neared, the small boy Tim noticed her first. He quickly jumped up before Phillip could catch the edge of his shirt and dodged the people as he ran over to her. Leila picked him up.

"Found her," Tim cried, calling to Phillip.

"Hello, Phillip," Leila said, carrying Tim back over to his brother.

"I was just going to go sit down and get some drinks. Would you guys like to join me?" she asked. Phillip picked up Ruth and followed Leila through the crowd to the tables. Tim remained on her lap and started to tell her stories about his week. After he finished his first story, Leila reached for one of her bags. "Which bag would you like to look in first?" she asked Tim.

Quickly he grabbed the toy bag. Inside he found a toy car and doll. He handed the doll to Ruth as he began to race the car around the table.

"So what do you do for work?" Leila asked Phillip.

"I work for a meat cutter here near the market. I don't make much, but it's enough," Phillip explained.

"And you make enough to take care of all three of you?" Leila wondered.

"So far," Phillip replied. "Our mother died and there was no place for us to go. If we went to an orphanage, they would split us up and make even Tim work. I do better to take care of us. Besides, I am almost old enough to get a real job," Phillip tried his best to convince Leila they were doing fine.

"Bag please," Ruth asked for the other bag that Tim did not open. Leila handed her the bag. Ruth squealed seeing the sweets.

"There are several sweets in there," Leila said as Tim stopped circling the table as soon when he heard his sister squeal. "If you have one now, Phillip can then hold onto the rest and then you can have some later." Ruth nodded and picked out one piece. Tim walked over to his brother and held out his hands for one also.

"Thank you," Phillip said to Leila as Tim hopped back on her lap. Sweets were a treat he could not afford to buy his siblings.

"Why is that man watching us?" Phillip asked pointing behind Leila. Leila turned to see Nalick standing only feet away but not approaching them.

"That is the man I am going to marry in a few months," Leila explained. "He is a bit shy."

"Oh," Phillip said nodding his head. Phillip recognized the man from the countless images of the king he had seen over the years. Without Nalick wearing a crown, Phillip could not be sure, but he suspected.

"Are you a noble?" Phillip asked Leila bluntly.

"Gosh no," Leila replied. "I'm from a place where they don't have nobles." Phillip seemed more relaxed.

"Is he?" Phillip asked about Nalick.

"Yes," Leila told him truthfully. "I didn't like him too much at first either, but then I found out he really is a good man." Theo and Macarius were sitting on the other side of the table and listening to the conversation. Leila actually admitted to liking Nalick. "Would you like to meet him?"

"He really is a good person?" Phillip asked. "Around here, they don't talk nicely about most of the nobles. The only person they seem to like is the new queen."

"I promise he is a good guy," Leila said, motioning for Nalick to come over and join them. Nalick sat down next to Leila, and Tim huddled closer to her. "It's okay Timmy. This is my friend." Tim relaxed as Phillip eyed Nalick suspiciously. "These are Phillip, Ruth, and Tim," Leila said introducing the children to Nalick.

"Pleased to meet you," Timmy said while shaking Nalick's hand. Nalick smiled as the young boy tried to greet him like a grown up.

"Pleased to meet you, also," Nalick replied. Nalick shook Phillip's hand also. Ruth just smiled and offered him part of her treat. Nalick watched Leila play with the children while talking to Phillip. The children seemed to like her the instant they met her the two weeks before and now acted like they were all old friends. Leila sparkled while talking to the children. The lunch bell rang to interrupt their meeting. Phillip rose, collected his siblings, and left.

"Phillip reminds me of someone," Nalick observed.

"Someone?" Leila asked.

"I think I knew his father. He taught me how to ride horses and fight and he died eight years ago protecting me while we fought in a war."

"A noble?" Leila asked. Nalick nodded. "Then, you would know his grandparents. Could they take care of them?"

"They don't know anything about Phillip. Andor did everything he could to take care of his family. Before we left for the war, he tried to tell his parents about their mother, but they would not listen. I heard that their mom refused to marry anyone else because she hoped Andor would return. He never did," Nalick explained.

Leila shook her head. "How can you just turn your back on your family?"

"I don't know," Nalick replied. "I have never understood it either."

As they walked through the gates, Nalick nodded as Nikias and Javed bowed before leaving. Nalick walked Leila to the staircase. He paused to gently caress her head, hugging her to his chest.

"Not joining me again?" Leila asked.

"Too many plans to be made," he sighed.

"Do you need any help?" Leila asked.

"You will have your part too. Enjoy them not bugging you yet about everything," Nalick referred to the priests. "I have a feeling your freedom will be short lived." Leila raised her eyebrows. She was curious about what else she would have to do to please the priests.

Chapter 18.

"Could we work in the garden?" Leila asked the nervous young priest. The boy nodded, relieved that this time his orders had been correct.

For the first time, Anatolio was not close behind her, but Leila continued on to the garden without him. He must be running late, she thought. Sitting down next to the priest, something seemed out of place. Carefully, Leila scanned the walls. The priest seemed to not notice the difference. I must be over analyzing it, she thought. But again, Leila felt something was not right.

"How about we continue this later," Leila suggested to the priest, too distracted to listen to him.

"As you wish," the priest said while gathering up his papers.

Leila continued to scan the garden. Anatolio had never been this far behind before. Something is wrong. Leila watched the priest standing to leave. He bowed to her and turned to walk to the door on the left side of the garden. Leila stayed where she was and watched him. He casually pushed to open the door, but found resistance as it did not open. Leila quickly jumped to her feet. Something was wrong. Leila dashed over next to the priests as several men appeared from within the garden. Several more men scaled down the walls. One man lunged to stab the priest. Leila quickly disarmed the man and picked up his weapon.

"Stay right behind me," she told the priest.

Behind one of the trees emerged a man clapping. "I expect nothing less from the famed ghost." The man bowed to her extravagantly. "You are outnumbered twenty to one. I am sure you would not have a problem fighting all these men alone, but can you protect the priest behind you the whole time?"

Leila glared at the man. He was correct. She could easily fight twenty to one if she only had to worry about herself. Being a live target meant they would never do anything to harm her. The priest was not needed and thus expendable in their eyes.

"Don't worry about my life," the priest said to her. "I live to serve my god and my king. If it is my time to die, then so be it." The young man shook in his shoes.

"What a brave priest," the man across from Leila said. "Come with us and we will spare the man behind you."

"And how do I know that as soon as I lay down this sword you will actually spare him?" Leila questioned. "Jahangir is not the kind to spare people so easily."

"So, you knew we were coming?" He kept his distance, though eager to approach her.

"Seth has never been good at keeping his mouth shut when he is excited about something," Leila replied, angling the priest behind her to protect him.

The man held up a key. "This key will open the door behind you. I will give it to you, if you come with us." There was no way for her to protect the priest and herself at the same time, and it could be hours before anyone would check on the garden. She checked one last time and knew she was caught.

"Fine," Leila said. "Give us the key, and I will stay."

The man did not hesitate. Leila was good for her word. He threw her the key. The priest bent down and picked it up.

"Leave now," she said to the confused priest.

"Come with me," the priest whispered ready to bolt and pull her along. Leila was the best fighter anyone knew, but she was still his queen.

"I can't. I said I will stay, so I will stay." Leila waited to hear him unlock the door. The priest hesitated. "As your queen, I am ordering you to leave. Find Nalick and Anatolio. Tell them I have been taken." The priest could not disobey her command. He opened the door. "Lock the door behind you." The priest removed the key and placed it in the door on the other side. As he started to slip through the door, he paused. Leila handed him the sword she was holding. "Protect yourself and make it to Nalick alive," Leila told him, and he shut the door. Leila stood in front of the door until she heard the lock turn and his footsteps race away. Calmly she walked over to the man she had negotiated with. "What now?" she asked, standing toe to toe with the man.

"You truly are as amazing as everyone says you are." The uninvited guest motioned and several men tied her arms behind her. "I'm Argon," he introduced himself. "Too bad I agreed to work with Seth; otherwise, I think I would be taking you home for myself."

Leila glared at him as one of the men wrapped a blind fold around her eyes and gagged her to keep her from screaming, which was not exactly her style anyway. She was walked near the wall and a man tightly grabbed her around the waist. They carried Leila away and out of the palace. Leila tried her best to keep track of the time, but the blind fold did not let her see the sunlight. Suddenly the cart they were traveling in stopped. She felt someone pick her up and move her outside the cart. Leila still could not see as she felt something pierce the skin on her back below the royal emblem on her shoulder. Gently she was placed back in the cart. The ride continued. When the cart finally stopped, it was night time. Someone grabbed her gently from the cart and chained her to the wheels. Carefully someone removed her blindfold and gag. She stared at Argon.

"Such a pretty girl," Argon said as he stroked her face, "A waste to give you to Jahangir." He moved his face closer to Leila.

Leila was working on removing her hands from the chains as he spoke, but reacting to his comment, Leila spit in his face. It disgusted her to have a man such as Argon touching her. As he raised his hand to slap her, someone stopped him.

"No one is allowed to touch her," the man said from behind Argon.

Leila felt sick to her stomach. She knew who the man was before she even saw him. Behind the flickering firelight, Seth appeared alongside the angry Argon.