Those Years I Opened A Zoo - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 : Serve? Keep!

Although this past month's event had made Duan Jiaze felt that life was impermanent. Yet when a handsome guy stood in front of him informing him that he was a new animal here, and sounding so humiliated… This made his heart felt undulating.

Duan Jiaze perturbingly asked: “You mean, you are the new employee dispatched here?”

He deeply felt that this "Luya" had a slip of his tongue.

Luya ferociously replied: "I ought to ask you this. According to the norms, it should be employee, why did it become animals?"

“The system gave me a plan, saying that according to the current situation, we are lacking animals here…”

Duan Jiaze couldn't help but moved two steps back. “I thought the employee has been changed to animals. There should be a mistake. Don't be angry, it's not like I can take you* to the exhibition hall anyway…”

As he was saying, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Of course you can't now," Luya said with a calm face, "so, in the future working hours, I will have to maintain my original shape."

Duan Jiaze: “…”

This sentence destroyed Duan Jiaze's three views and he was a little dizzy.

At this point, Luya sized up Duan Jiaze for a long while before frowning and said: “You really belong to the human clan?”

He was already surprised to discover that the zoo was in the human world. What was even more shocking was that the director seemed like an ordinary human.

“I am,” Duan Jiaze wanted to cry a little. “it looks like you, you are not…”

Luya lifted up his diagonally slanted thick eyebrows. “This deity is the last Three-legged Golden Crow in the heaven and the earth.”

It was a good thing that there were no tourists at this moment, only the gatekeeper uncle who was sleeping at the park.

Duan Jiaze glanced behind at the Lingyou Zoo signboard and then back at this mystical Three-legged Golden Crow whose rarity level was bursting beyond the sky. The last smile on his face froze.


Under Luya's dubious explanations, Duan Jiaze finally had some understanding of the system. Seemed like the world was completely different from what he once understood. There were skies beyond the sky and there were also people beyond the people*. This Ling Xiao Hope Project was developed by the legendary celestial heaven.

(There skies beyond the sky and there were also people beyond the people=天外還有天,人外還有仙, means theres always someone better)

Nominally, this system was opened to the three realms and six paths and all races had equal rights. However, because this world had been separated from the other worlds for so long that there was no more connection. Therefore, since the beginning of this project, there had never been a precedent for choosing humanity for help nor conducting the project in the human world.

As the intelligent function was in the start-up phase, it currently did not support the online cancellation function.

Once the first step was wrong, the subsequence steps would also be wrong. First of all, if the system grabbed a non-human and mistake arose in the later part of the project, the problem could still be solved. At least the non-human will not be like Duan Jiaze who could noy even wait for the review period.

{Note: the review period is 70years}

Moreover, there was no such existence of zoos in the other worlds, resulting in the employees having to shapes.h.i.+ft into animals…….

Looking at this point, there were still some aspects of the system that were not comparable to a human. Since this so-called intelligent system could still make such a big mistake.

Regardless, Luya was sure that the system did not run the testing stage properly, causing the emergence of a bug that identified and grabbed Duan Jiaze as a choice.

However, he was left with no choice too. Even if this was a mistake, he would still have to go through the motions of reporting and appealing which would take decades of years. Heaven was vast and more complicated than the human government to the point of being overburdened. All the review period were long.

This was a pit and Duan Jiaze was not the only one affected.

Luya claimed that employees like him who were dispatched by Hope Project were "volunteers" who came to help.

Nonetheless, they were subjected to the same penalty as Duan Jiaze. If they did not obey the arrangement in the same task, they would receive thunderstrike too.

As he was an "animal", he had to act like an animal. He would not be able to help the zoo like a normal employee can do, such as upgrading the facilities, etc.

The latter could still be overlooked, but the former was really too harsh.

Duan Jiaze couldn't help but said: “The project is too inhumane. Even the volunteers will receive the thunderstrike? Don't you have any complaints? Can't you quit directly?”

He saw Luya paused for a second before he started cursing at Trash Hope Project.

Duan Jiaze: "…"

Duan Jiaze brought Luya inside to Lingyou Zoo. After all, the two of them couldn't be just standing outside.

Duan Jiaze: “I didn't know you are coming, so…”

He looked at the empty cage.

Luya stared at Duan Jiaze with a cold expression: "What is this place?"

Duan Jiaze: “…Your office?”

Luya: "…"

Duan Jiaze: “Didn't you say you will have to maintain your original shape during working hours? The animals in the zoo are all kept in the cage. After all, our conditions are not good that's why we needed help…”

Luya was enraged: “Do you understand the meaning of the 'last Three-legged Golden Crow in the heaven and the earth'? What is the meaning of this? You dare to let me work in this place. How dare you open the zoo with this kind of att.i.tude?!"

Duan Jiaze: =_=!

Duan Jiaze braved up his courage: “Actually, this is for the larger animals. You may not be able to……work here as planned. You will have to go to the bird shed.”

Luya: “…”

Luya wanted to beat someone up after hearing this.

Duan Jiaze quickly added: “Only during working hours. I will tidy up the cage again. You can live in the small building after working hours.”

After a little comparison to the crude building at the side, he swiftly decided that the conditions were much better. After all, with nothing to compare, there was nothing to realize.

The anger of Luya simmered slightly. He instructed Duan Jiaze: “Hey, I want a bigger office. Drive the lion away and make it cleaner.”

Duan Jiaze signed in relief, knowing that this meant he had accepted this as his living accommodation in the daytime.

Luya's whole body was emanating a hard to deal with vibe. Duan Jiaze could only come out with this method of being initiative first. However, he did not except Luya to really call this his office and he seemed to adapt to it quite fast….

Very soon, Duan Jiaze once again encountered trouble.

– He did not know how to transfer the lion to another cage. In the cage, there were movable iron gates that can divide the s.p.a.ce into parts and the clearing was done like this, part by part.

But, he was an amateur. How would he know how to transfer a lion to another separate cage.

This lion had been eating well these few days and its spirit was getting better. Even if it did not fill up its stomach, it went without saying about butching Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze stood outside the lion's cage, feeling tangled. He heard Luya sneered at him: "Is all the human like this? Afraid of a lion?"

Duan Jiaze ignored Luya. He had already discovered that the Luya was not as cold as he appeared. Of course, he might be a little too indifferent that made him deserve a punch. Just like now…

Seeing that Luya was now an actual animal belonging to the zoo, Director Duan shall not hold on to it.

At this moment, the lion opened its mouth and roared.

The power behind the roar was strong, it trembled across the sky and this happened rather sudden that Duan Jiaze almost sat on the ground.

Luya once again sent a peal of short mocking laughter.

And Duan Jiaze's original demeanor was also dissipated because of the stagger. His shame turned into anger and he shouted: "Since you are so capable, you go!"

Luya stared at Duan Jiaze. This stare was more frightening than the roar of the lion.

However, Duan Jiaze was not as intimidated as before. He had been very polite to Luya. In fact, it was quite clear that the Luya could not hurt him under the constraints of the system.

Therefore, Duan Jiaze sat at the side to concealed his weak legs: “I will not do it, since you are so capable, do it yourself! This is your own office!”

Luya snorted and said shamelessly: “I am a rare animal. You are the head of the zoo. By right you should be serving me. Hurry up and get the cage done.”

“…” Duan Jiaze was speechless.

Luya saw that Duan Jiaze's aggression had scattered. As if he had won, he raised up his chin looking very proud. Then, like he was of help, he said faintly: “Go on, this deity is here, what can the lion do?”

This time the rare animal once again become a deity.

This bird… Really deserved to be punched. Duan Jiaze internally gritted his teeth.

He didn't know what Luya did, but the lion didn't dare to make any roaring noise. Instead, it clasped its tail in between its legs. Duan Jiaze took the opportunity to open the cage and boldly used the stick to drive the lion out.

Under the faint pressure released by Luya, the lion was obedient while being chased to another cage. Once it was inside, it lifted its leg and peed – scared.

Luya stood on the side with folded arms. He commanded Duan Jiaze to sweep the original lion cage, ensuring that it must be spotless, clean and comfortable.

Luya gave Duan Jiaze some brainwas.h.i.+ng: “This is what you, as the head of a zoo director must do. Continue to serve this deity well in the future.”

Duan Jiaze faintly smiled and said: “Serve? The zoos here generally do not use this description. We call it keeping.”

Luya: "…"
