This Time You Are Mine - 312 Jamming Session

312 Jamming Session

It's the same Sunday for them. Yve is still sleeping in their bedroom while Vince is already at their study checking some files from the projects he failed to read yesterday. Reading the report from Edward, he remembers the request of the investors. 

"I need to ask her thoughts first thing today." Vince voices his plan out loud.

"Whose thoughts do you need to ask as soon as possible?" Yve suddenly shows at the door with a tray containing a cup of hot chocolate and a clubhouse sandwich.

"Good morning, Yve!" Vince stands up and kisses his wife on the forehead before addressing Yve's question earlier.

"Your thoughts, of course." 


Looking so confused, Vince explains what happened at the investors' dinner based on Edward's call last night. He also shares a bit of his plan and the reason why he thinks highly of the dinner meeting. 

"Now, I get it. I don't mind talking to them. If you trust them enough and you think they are the kind of people who have the company's interest first then I think it will be fine. Wednesday dinner is fine with me but I hope you can come with me as well." Yve answers her husband including her request.

"Of course! If it makes you more comfortable, I'll be happy to. But for me to convince them with the delay, can you give me a reason on why you want to meet them on Wednesday? Why not tomorrow?" 

Vince has an idea on the reason behind Yve's actions but he just can't help hear the words from her.

"I need to lay-out my plans for the company in front of them. Furthermore, my actions should be something that might help me win their favor." Yve explains with a wink as she dips her biscuit to her hot chocolate. 

"Okay. Then it'll be up to me to find the words to explain it to them." Vince smiles at his wife.

"I'll leave it up to you." Yve kisses Vince on the cheek before drinking the hot chocolate.

"Yve, do you remember the time you wanted to have a break after this major project and examination?" Vince asks Yve as he gets a folder from his drawer.

"Yup. I've been searching some places whenever I have time. Why?" Yve suddenly gulps hearing the unexpected question.

"I have here a list of countries which have winter season that we can visit." Vince hands over the folder to her.

"Ahh.. I also remembered telling you to let me plan the vacation." Yve scolds Vince but still accepts the folder.

"I know. I will leave the planning for you. This is just the list and this will be the last planning I will be doing for this trip." Vince promises to her moody wife.

"I'll take your word for it." 

Yve scans through the pages of the folder she just received. j.a.pan, Korea, America, Canada, European countries are listed. But among the pictures, j.a.pan and Korea got her attention. She keys in the top tourist spots of the two countries. Korea includes the Namsan Tower with the couple locks, bungee jumping and other famous temples but the highlights are the locations of the famous Korean dramas. As for j.a.pan, she would definitely visit Akihabara and Tokyo Disneyland. They can also go to the Konoha park . 

'j.a.pan is definitely the place for the vacation. I'll just ask Sylvan on Monday to scout all the famous places all over the country.' Yve finally makes up her mind and removes the pages showing some highlights of j.a.pan and places it on top of her desk. 

Yve leaves their study and heads to their living room. She opens her music notebook and sits in front of the piano. She starts to play some keys in accordance to how she feels while humming the tune as well. Vince who needs to review some papers just listens to the random keys she plays.

The notes which are emitted from the piano serenades the entire house calming Chrysthe and the rest of the guards a.s.signed at their house that day. By listening to the tune, Vince deduces Yve's feelings after the consecutive successes of her projects. Vince smiles as he wraps up his work. He brings his violin with him as he walks out of the room to jam with his wife.

Yve is playing the melody while Vince harmonizes using his violin. Yve doesn't stop playing. Instead using one of her hands, she presses the record b.u.t.ton of her recorder to keep track of the music they're playing. 

When they were still in students and making music together, their hits were always the result of their jam session. Yve would play the melody using the piano while Vince will play either guitar or violin in harmony. They just let their emotions get the best of them. By the time they would finish their jam session, they follow it up with lyrics creating wonderful and heartfelt songs. 

Yve feels that this session isn't different from the previous ones. 

By the time they end the session, it's already one in the afternoon.

"Oops. We both forgot lunch." Yve smiles as she closes the piano while Vince is heading to the kitchen to look for something to cook.

"What do you want for lunch?" Vince asks her when he sees her coming in the kitchen.

"Let's just have ramen for lunch. Something hot and easy to cook." Yve suggests. 


In a few minutes, the noodles are cooked and both of them are enjoying the hot and spiciness of the soup. As they eat, they talk about the release of SkyMu that afternoon. Yve shares a bit of the activity. She also explains a little of her plans and proposals to be laid out to the investors.