The World after the Fall - 85 King Of Chaos 4

85 King Of Chaos 4

Jaehwan heard Chunghuh recount what had happened while he was asleep.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Meeting room."

"No, you cannot go there right now. There are people that are thinking of handing you over to the Palace."

"Handing me over?"

Chunghuh sighed and explained.

"I see. So it came down to that."

Jaehwan, ignoring Chunghuh's efforts to stop him, walked up to the meeting room. Everyone in the room was shocked to see Jaehwan.


Jaehwan looked around silently, and then spoke. "I'm going."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to the Palace of Reincarnation."

A declaration. Everyone then realized why he had said that. The Master had heard everything that had happened. Cayman immediately rose up and shouted, "NO! You cannot do that!"

"…Cayman, sit down."

Yong spoke without any energy. Some others, including Yong, couldn't bear to look up at Jaehwan. Jaehwan knew what it meant.

"It's okay. Don't blame yourselves."

No one was able to speak out. Some had put their faces into their hands, while some closed their eyes and turned away. Anger and sadness filled the room. After a while, Yong stood up, while still looking down to avoid meeting eyes with Jaehwan.

"I hate you."

He was now looking directly at Jaehwan with teary eyes.

"You gave us life, freedom, and hope."


"Do you know that many died while you were asleep? If we were not given life, freedom, or hope… they would not have died."

Jaehwan looked around. Jagel Meng wasn't there.

"I am sorry."

"Why… why…"

Why did you appear? What for?

Yong couldn't ask those questions. Jaehwan questioned himself as he watched the man's tears. Had he done the right thing? He couldn't answer.

"But still… " Yong continued, "We need you."

And that was the start. All the officers stood up.

"Don't go, Master."

"You must stay with us."

The people, who were arguing to hand over Jaehwan up until now, were standing up and shouting.

"We will fight! We will die fighting!"

Chunghuh, who was watching all this from behind, looked at Jaehwan.

'You have given them something too valuable.'

Chunghuh realized that these people would do anything to protect what they had been given. Jaehwan looked at all those people and spoke.

"I think you all are mistaken. I'm not going there to surrender."


Jaehwan laughed.

The people then realized, it was that laugh that had they wanted to see all this time. The one man who never ceased fighting however great the enemy was. The one who made miracles with his own two hands.

They had waited for Jaehwan to appear and tell them-

"I'm going to wipe them out."