The World after the Fall - 80 War Of Revival 7

80 War Of Revival 7

Chunghuh spoke as he glanced at Sirwen's slender body.

"…Every man in knows her."

Sirwen suddenly became serious.

"Hey, old man. Thank you for introducing me, but you should watch your mouth if you want to live long."

She was fuming. "All [Nightmares] are different races. You should know that if you lived that long."

Sometimes [Nightmares] did not like being called a 'nightmare' just because they were not really a 'nightmare.' [Nightmare] was just represented the combined race of very rare races with certain similar characteristics.

"My name is Sirwen Armelt. I'm not just a [Nightmare]."

Chunghuh frowned. "All [Nightmares] are like that. They look okay outside, but they're all stuck up."


"But it's my first time seeing her in person. I guess it's true that she looks different from videos."

Jaehwan then looked at Sirwen.


He did hear that Golden Sky had a [Nightmare] with them. Then he remembered he had been looking for a [Nightmare] before he became the Master of Gorgon. He needed to ask a few things. He wanted to ask how to get to the , or about the [First Nightmare] that was at the top of Tree of Imagery, but he didn't have the time right now.

"I see. It would be great if you would move out of the way now," Jaehwan commented. Sirwen flinched as it was the first time she had been treated this way and she bit her lip.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."


"Because I was asked to stop you."


"Well, the one who asked is probably on the verge of dying."

Sirwen spoke as she glanced over at the fortress. Jaehwan readied his sword.

"Then I have no choice."
