The World after the Fall - 201 A Lone World 10

201 A Lone World 10

It was a voice that trembled with excitement. It was the voice of a revolutionary on the brink of success. Once would cry with tears of joy if they also walked the path of such a grand vision like Myad. It wasn't just because of the content. The voice, how it was spoken, and how it was portrayed — everything about Myad made him the person he was. He was the one who led Rupture all this time, and Jaehwan realized it. This was what made everything possible.

Just a little more. Just a bit more and…

The voice was tempting to anyone who listened to it, especially for anyone who exhibited hatred against this world. Jaehwan narrowed his eyes.

'Little more?'

Jaehwan was from the world where the danger of 'a little more' was widely known.

Just a little more.

This 'little' sometimes was an amount that had no end. No new world was coming. The world that was to come was forever in its slumber. People dreamed of a reality 'little' after. And a few of the people who stood above all the others in their dreams controlled the 'present'. That was also the System.

"Myad, stop the act now."

-Act? What do you mean?

"Big Brother is not dead. Are you going to lie to me also?"

-Big Brother is dead.

"No, he's not. I can see it."

Jaehwan looked up to the skies as he spoke. It was still there with the horrible bloodshot eyes with crows flying around it — the giant eye that was always looking down at Jaehwan. Ever since Jaehwan found the eye, Big Brother never disappeared from his world. Even after Myad dropped the star from the skies, it was still there. Myad laughed.

-Oh, is it? Then let me rephrase it. Big Brother perished from all worlds, except yours.


-Or if you don't like that, how about if I rephrase it this way? There was no such thing as 'Big Brother' from the beginning.

Jaehwan then spoke in disbelief, "…Do you really mean what you're saying?"

-Yes, I mean it.

Jaehwan was even disappointed by the word.

"You know that I can see Big Brother."

-Of course, you probably see Big Brother. But even if you can see it, is it 'proof' that Big Brother exists? Can you be certain that the eye you see is actually Big Brother?

"…Let's cut the nonsense."

-Nonsense? No. It's a logical conclusion. The unique world is a world full of 'theories'. It's a fictional world where nothing about it can be considered as 'reality', even today.

Jaehwan became silent. Talking about philosophies or beliefs like this wasn't what Jaehwan liked to do in between fights. But he couldn't stop. Was it because he felt compelled to defeat Myad logically? Or was it because he wanted to defend the lives of people Myad killed with his blasphemies? Jaehwan couldn't figure out his intentions.

"Okay. Let's say what you said is true. But your words contain contradictions."

-And that is?

"If the Big Brother I see is fake, then why did you spread words about Big Brother all this time? You even went so far as to make all of witness you taking down Big Brother. If Big Brother did not exist, then why did you have to do that? What for?"

Myad became silent. It wasn't silence due to him being lost for words. It was more like the silence was there to add suspense to answer the question he had been waiting for.

-Sometimes, the things that do not exist have more power.
