The World after the Fall - 197 A Lone World 6

197 A Lone World 6

"Will he be okay?"

"What the heck? You're his Follower. You need to trust him."


Runald trusted his G.o.d of course. Who else could he trust if he didn't? But Runald couldn't hold back his concerns. He wasn't sure why he felt concerned, however.

There was no time to think. They needed to hold their ground until Jaehwan finished what he went to do…

That's when the strange sound of metals being ripped apart could be heard. There was a world power approaching as it destroyed the Gigantes like paper. Sirwen turned pale. Once of the Gigantes was lying in ruins. There were only a few with such world power left in now.

"Dammit… there was another Lord?"

A sharp piece of debris was thrown toward Sirwen's left hand. She screamed as she dropped one of the controllers.

"Hehe… you and I have unfinished business, Nightmare girl."

It was Lord Varkant that was approaching. Pierre and Surha were busy fighting their opponents. The only ones who could fight against Varkant were Sirwen and Runald. Runald bit his lips.

"Give me that!"


"That thing with a stick! Give me that! I can help!"

"NO! It's not something a kid like you can handle!"

A few more Gigantes exploded in unison. Even if the Gigantes could increase world power by a large margin, it was no match against a Lord.

"An interesting toy."

Varkant, who had been destroying the Gigantes, thought of an idea and began getting on one of the Gigantes.


Sirwen turned pale. It was impossible to stop Varkant at this rate, but if he started using a Gigantes? It was obvious that they had no chance. Sirwen looked to Runald. If she couldn't live, she needed to save the boy at least. In the next moment, she was shocked beyond imagination.

"W-W-WHAT!! Why are you taking off your clothes?!"

Runald, who had become naked, was flinging his Ouroboros and stretching.

"Maybe I can fight him."

"What are you talking about! You can't even fight a single Awakener…"

"He just put on some powerful clothes."


"I probably can fight him now."

A Gigantes was charging directly toward them. Runald bit his lips. He couldn't stay weak forever. He couldn't run. After all, he was Jaehwan's only Follower.

'Jaehwan, please give me strength…!'

Runald's naked body began to s.h.i.+ne in gold.