The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass - Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Chapter 162. The Scandal Of The Century, Part XII

Chapter 162. The Scandal Of The Century, Part XII

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie


Even though Annie answered like that, she straightened Arias dress just in case. She had seen Frey once in the court, but she had invited Aria like this. Therefore, it must be because it was important.

I dont know her intention, but I cant be blamed for anything even if its something small.

Not so relaxed, Aria stepped out of the carriage with her graceful figure. Frey, who had been waiting, greeted her with a warm welcome.

You must be tired after that long journey. Come on in.

Thank you for inviting me.

She greeted Aria with a very bright look and friendly manner, contrary to her concerns. The cold-hearted judge she had seen in court was nowhere to be found. There was only a middle-aged woman with a soft smile.

Surprised by this, Aria answered slowly, but without finding fault with her, Frey led her to the lounge by herself. Aria followed her dignified steps with a straightened back.

As expected, she was a royal family member

Unlike its small size, the interior of the mansion was splendid. Each of the little ornaments on display looked like a work of art in the hands of a craftsman. Even Aria, who had had many opportunities to experience quite colorful gold and silver coins through all the parties she attended before, didnt know what to say.

After walking around for a while, she was able to reach the lounge. There were fragrant tea and sweet snacks on the table as if they had just been prepared for Aria.

Its been a long time since I saw you in court. Im sure you were surprised that you were invited by me all of a sudden. I suddenly thought of you, so I sent you a letter without realizing it. Id like to have a little chat with you while we drink some tea. Im afraid I will cause you some inconvenience.

No, thanks for inviting me.

Im relieved as you say that. Im sure you will like the tea and refreshments, which I have bought and waited to get after a long time.

Frey said so, savoring the taste and flavor, and Aria also picked up the cup of tea and answered with a savor. As she said, it was a fragrant tea.

It smells really good.

It tastes even better.

Really? Im really looking forward to the taste.

Aria smiled softly and took the teacup to her mouth. Why does she serve this tasty tea? Hiding her astonishment at Freys favor, she tried to find out her true intentions, but it was impossible. There was no information she could get from her as she talked about the tea and the weather with a soft smile.

So Aria was waiting for the main point, drinking tea and eating snacks, and suddenly, Frey started asking strange questions, What is your hobby?

It was only about her hobby. Aria rolled her eyes hard and tried to find a hobby she didnt have because Frey was very curious about whether it was just a question to keep the conversation going.

Hobby? Um I dont think Im into anything else. Its like reading a book.

I see, it is reading. Thats why you were so knowledgeable. You can get innate intelligence and fulfillment in reading.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Well, whats your favorite food?

Again, Frey was very curious about Arias favorite food. Aria, still a little perplexed by her unknown intention, continued to ponder.

My favorite food is Well I think its meat.

I see. Meat is important for growth. Then, what is your favorite color?


Its a beautiful color. Whats your favorite flower?

Tulips and lilies.

Why on earth does she ask these questions? Aria continuously wondered because Frey looked genuinely curious since she kept on asking these random questions. It seemed like she was asking to not just have a conversation.

They were questions and interests that she had never heard from the Count after she had come into the Counts family and met her new father. No, not even her mother had asked about her with such great interest. It was strange to receive such great attention from someone who had nothing to gain from her, and she could understand such interest if it was from the opposite s.e.x.

Its so mysterious.

In addition, she could not change the topic as Frey occasionally admired or was surprised. In the end, her unpredictable actions caused Aria to feel uncomfortable in a different way than when the first time she felt uncomfortable with tension.

When she wiped her forehead with a handkerchief and expressed it, Frey hurriedly apologized after realizing that she had overreacted to the first visitor she had in the mansion. Oh, Im sorry. I didnt mean to inconvenience you, but I was rude without knowing it in order to satisfy my self-interest.

No, its okay.

How can you be so broad-minded? Did you say you will be seventeen this year?

Yes? Oh, yes. Ill be on my upcoming birthday.

The timing is so similar

Aria c.o.c.ked her head as Frey said something she could not understand And Frey, who had shown her a soft look for a moment, asked carefully if she could ask a favor.

Sure, why not? I dont mind as long as I can do it.

Aria thought Frey couldnt make a strange request to the first visitor she had, and making a gentle smile, she pretended to be a fine lady and said that she was willing to do that. Freys request was possible for Aria, but it was strange.

Its a little big in size, but it looks good like hes back.

Aria didnt know how to react to this, and she just kept silent. Frey asked her to wear a mans clothes! She even blushed when she saw that.


Annie called Aria, pretending to fix the awkwardly dressed mans clothes because Aria had a bad look on her. Aria, speechless in various complex emotions and shocks, had to comply with Freys demands for a moment as if she had become a doll.

She couldnt ask what the h.e.l.l was going on. What does she mean by that lonely look? If she were happy to see herself in a mans clothes, she would ask it.

Im sorry. I didnt mean to do this, but when I saw you, I was caught up in memories, and I behaved indecently.


She was the one who should have been shocked. However, Frey was gone while Aria was changing her clothes again, and when she returned after a long time, she had her eyes dyed red. Aria made a promise that she could no longer complain and said, Ill go back now. She wasnt happy with the situation that was hard to understand.

Im so sorry I couldnt stay longer. I had a previous engagement.

No, thank you very much for your visit. This is the tea you drank today. Its such a precious tea, so please enjoy it after your return.

Thank you.

Annie took the gift, and Aria, who was escorted by a knight, was about to get on the wagon.

Suddenly Frey called out Arias name loudly. Well, Lady Roscent!

Yeah? Aria was surprised. She looked back and saw Frey with an urgent face.

Frey seemed to be picking words for a while, and then she brought up her reason for calling Aria. Well didnt the Countess say anything?

Yes? What?

Did she know my mother? Aria couldnt understand Freys question, so she asked back. Frey shook her head with a resigned look as if she was about to say something.

What the h.e.l.l is that?

Im sorry. Im not old enough to be senile, but I guess Im already senile even if thats very unlikely.

Miss. Frey What are you talking about? I dont really

No, youre late, so youd better get back.

Then Frey told her to head home carefully and disappeared into the mansion before Aria could even get on the wagon.

What the h.e.l.l was that?

Annie asked for what Aria wanted to ask in the returning carriage. However, the one that was supposed to answer Arias question was already gone, so only silence remained in the wagon.

Aria was so nervous when she accepted the invitation, but she had only experienced so many unthinkable things that she could not earn a little. Feeling confused, Aria headed straight to the mansion.

* * *

After arriving at the mansion, she was a little tired from her nervousness. She took a rest for a while and went down to the dining room at dinner time. Soon after the meal began, the brother and sister began to oppress the Count as if they had prepared in advance.

Father, I dont think its good to have a connection with the Crown Prince.

Cain, havent I said I have already finished talking to other n.o.bles?

Youd better reconsider, Cain replied with a determined look.