The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass - Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Chapter 138. Revenge (II), Part X

Chapter 138. Revenge (II), Part X

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

Why did you do such a bad thing? Did you really think you can kill a wicked girl? Youre the one who came into my maid with a bad idea to me who was still there in the first place, right?

As if she hadnt washed her hair for a long time, the palm of her hand was greasy, and she brushed it off. She thought that she could beat that dirty little girl to death, but she was so dirty that it was gone.

I dont have to worry about it now because Ill get rid of her once its all over.

There was no need to hurry. They would all be ruined anyways. That was why they should have taken Berry abroad.

Why do you give me this precious opportunity? Aria, smiling as usual, crawled into the corner and opened her mouth as she looked at Berry who was shaking.

Ill make a suggestion. Im sure its not a bad offer for you. When everythings done, Ill make you run abroad, of course, with no injuries.

When she said so, Berrys trembling body hardened. Her slowly lifting face was full of questions.

Aria with a bright smile added a kind explanation again. You cant live any longer because you failed to kill me. Why dont you just follow me?

Aria asked Berry, who had been mumbling for a long time.

Why dont you answer?


Berry nodded because she couldnt say the right words because her mouth was blocked. Then Aria, who had loosened her rope and gave her freedom by removing the cloth which had her mouth shut, recited what she had to do.

Its very simple. You just have to say a few things.

Yes, yes! She nodded, ready to do so, even if she was asked to lick all the dirty dirt out of here right now, she would do it.

Satisfied with this, Aria laughed and said, Come back to the mansion tomorrow morning. Come and tell them all the details of what you did and who made you do it.

But in the end, Berrys face turned pale when she was told to confess.

Yeah? But if I do

If she confessed what she had done, she would be taken by the guards immediately. They would behead her right away. Disbelief rose in her eyes. She seemed to think that if she confessed, she would be sent to prison with the real culprit.

Foolish. Aria laughed and answered as if her thoughts were obvious.

Berry, if I had intended to kill you, I wouldnt have come here by myself like this. Why would I keep you alive for another day?

Then Berry, who was agonizing for a moment, answered in a very small voice.

Are you going to catch the real killer together?

It was a very bold answer, as the girl who had carried out the poisoning. Aria, smiling, asked, Why did you do such a foolish thing when you were so wise?

Thats right. I want to catch the real criminal. I hope the real criminal alone will take all the blame to herself. Youre only the accomplice, and if you escape alone, she will feel its unfair.

Berrys eyes trembled. Still, it seemed doubtful that Aria would save her.

Aria twisted her hair around her finger and said playfully, I cant help it if you dont believe it. But think about it. This problem will not be solved if you run away just like that, is it? How long do you think youll be able to get away?

She was already afraid and had run away by betraying Emma. There was no one to help Berry. If she kept running away, she would be caught soon.

So youll have to take advantage of this opportunity Im giving you.

Aria omitted to say that. Otherwise, she would not be safe, but Berry swallowed her saliva as if she had noticed it.

Then Ill leave the choice to you. You can make any excuse. It wouldnt be a bad idea to live with the sympathy that your family was held, hostage. And most of all, Im not dead. Make your own story. Maybe its your last choice.

Aria was about to put a piece of gold on the floor and turn around, saying, I want you to eat something.

Well, miss!

Aria heard Berrys voice behind her back. There was already power in her voice as to whether the choice was over. It was fast, too. Yeah, she didnt have a choice anyway. As Aria smiled brightly and turned around, Berry rolled her eyes around and opened her mouth carefully.

Well, how do I get to the mansion?

Aria, who had never thought of it before, opened her eyes and covered her mouth.

My G.o.d. I almost made you walk. Ill send a wagon here in the morning, so you can take it.

Berry nodded and said she would do so.

The look of doubt until now was gone, and now she had no doubt because she believed Aria would save her. Aria, who confirmed the desirable face, left the warehouse expecting a pleasant schedule tomorrow.

* * *

After meeting Berry, Aria was really willing to keep her promise, so she arranged a wagon and food for her to leave for a foreign country. Unknowingly, Annie helped her and asked, c.o.c.king her head,

Are you going to travel somewhere far, miss? No for that, the carriage is so normal

Someones going on a long journey.

She would go so far away that she wouldnt be able to come back. Without answering Annies question, Who the h.e.l.l is she? Aria read the book and the letter and waited for Berry.

But as morning came and even a single trace of Berry couldnt be seen, she felt a little nervous.

Dont tell me youve changed your mind.

Miss, you should eat some lunch.

I should.

Is there a problem?

As Aria was motionless because it was already the promised time, Annie urged her to go down to the dining room. I was sure I sent a carriage for her this morning, but why hasnt she arrived yet? Aria, who was frightened, was about to leave the room, worrying if she had fled again, but suddenly, someone called Arias name.

Miss Aria.


As she turned her head, there was something black beside the door. Surprised by it, Aria managed to hold back her scream and identified the face that was only slightly exposed, wrapped by a cape. It was Berry, who didnt show up until the end of the morning.

You had an amazing talent to surprise me.

She seemed to have come up to the third floor without being found out because she had worked at the mansion for a long time. Berry, who found Annie after Aria, hurriedly covered her face with a cape.

Who are you?

She is my guest so stay back in your room. Im going to skip todays meal.

Again? Would you like me to bring you some porridge?

No, Im okay.

Everyone wouldnt be able to eat lunch today anyway. After sending the worried Annie, she and Berry went into the room. Berry stood in the middle of Arias room. Her appearance looked so nervous.

Why did you come straight to my room without doing your job?

Im sorry to say this, but I had to make sure theres a way to live.

As expected, Aria opened the window, saying, Dont worry. Outside, there was a carriage waiting for her.

Is that really my carriage?

Well, Ive got food ready, so dont worry about it. And Ive also got plenty of money for the trip.

Aria brought out the pocket she had in her drawer. It contained enough gold coins to live on without having to work for the rest of her life. Berry, who had confirmed it, sighed deeply, as if determined, and soon disappeared from Arias room.

And in that moment, from the first floor of the mansion, which had always remained calm, a mysterious scream rang out.


The loud footsteps behind it and the shouting came as far as Arias room, located on the third floor. Arias mouth crept up.

Is there any music in this world that could be more beautiful than that?

Aria, who slowly went down to the first floor, appreciating it as if it were Prima Donnas song, could find Berry arrested by strong servants and weighed down on the floor. Her face on the floor was so sorry that she opened his eyes round with her mouth covered with her hand.

Miss, Miss Aria!

Miss! Its dangerous here!

The most dangerous thing here was Aria, but the servants and maids worried about her and added strength to the hands that had laid Berry.