The Ultimate Evolution - 1456 Final Chapter: One

1456 Final Chapter: One

Upon hearing that, something hot burned in Sheyan's chest. Comparing the things Bind told him with some of the memory fragments he recalled before, they felt so real!

Many a time, he had resented his parents who had cruelly abandoned him when he was so young! But now he knew the truth. The love of a parent knows no bounds! They loved him so deeply and fiercely that they did not hesitate to give up their precious lives for him!

The reason his memory before the age of three was so messy was probably something deliberately done by his father in order to prevent others from finding out his ident.i.ty while he was still young and weak.

A storm brewed inside Sheyan, and he only managed to calm down after a while. At this time, he could not help thinking that, if he had a child, would he sacrifice so much for his child too? If he were to leave here alive today, he would definitely make a baby right away!

Bind certainly could not predict what kind of random thoughts were running through Sheyan's mind. But Sheyan quickly raised his head and stared at Bind with a mocking sneer.

"You claim that my father's source energy has been pa.s.sed down to me. But if that's the case, why was I not even qualified to become a Chosen? Is source energy so worthless?"

"You're an idiot. It's hard talking to someone so ignorant," Bind sneered back. "Source energy originates from the Starting Point. It's the most mysterious type of energy that already exists during the birth of the multiverse and is the basis of all life! Even the Nightmare Realms can't fully understand it; they're just way ahead of most people in their understanding. It's not surprising that they can't detect it if it's deliberately hidden. Besides, do you really not possess the potential to be a Chosen? Do you really not have some natural abilities that are a lot stronger than other contestants?"

Sheyan wanted to say no, but his expression suddenly changed. Certain memories that he had almost forgotten surfaced in his mind.

[ You are attacked by x.x.x and receive 7 points of damage. This damage ignores defence. Its precedence is: Domain precedence. ]

(No precedence < slight="" precedence="">< authoritative="">< domain="" precedence="">< domain="" authority)="" [="" you="" are="" attacked="" by="" x.x.x.="" your="" hidden="" innate="" ability,="" 'endurance',="" is="" triggered…="" ]="" [="" conflicting="" data="" detected,="" precedence="" determination="" in="" progress…="" ]="" [="" data="" irregularity="" detected.="" data="" irregularity="" detected.="" ]="" [="" check="" ongoing...="" ]="" [="" check="" pa.s.sed.="" your="" hidden="" innate="" ability,="" 'endurance',="" reduces="" the="" physical="" damage="" by="" 25.="" ]="" [="" you="" will="" only="" receive="" 1="" point="" of="" damage="" from="" this="" attack.="" ]="" "....."="" "the="" ability="" that="" enables="" me="" to="" conquer="" the="" nightmare="" worlds…"="" "the="" frightening="" innate="" ability="" that="" can="" confuse="" the="" nearly="" omnipotent="" nightmare="" realm,="" leading="" to="" irregularities="" in="" data..."="" "is="" that="" the="" embodiment="" of="" the="" source="" energy="" that="" my="" father="" left="" for="" me?"="" "yes,="" it="" should="" be.="" if="" i="" just="" lead="" an="" ordinary="" life,="" the="" source="" energy="" hidden="" inside="" me="" will="" gradually="" affect="" my="" destiny,="" slowly="" helping="" me="" grow="" into="" an="" awe-inspiring="" figure="" who="" can="" influence="" the="" state="" of="" the="" world."="" "however,="" because="" i="" joined="" a="" nightmare="" realm,="" the="" mysterious="" source="" energy="" materialised="" as="" an="" innate="" ability.="" although="" it="" could="" no="" longer="" influence="" my="" destiny="" and="" help="" me="" become="" a="" great="" man,="" it="" protected="" me="" in="" the="" endless="" battles="" in="" the="" realm!"="" "the="" truth,="" is="" this!"="" "father...="" father!!"=""   ***="" "you="" should="" have="" no="" more="" doubts="" now."="" the="" one="" who="" said="" that="" was="" not="" bind.="" it="" was="" another="" man="" who="" had="" appeared="" together="" with="" prince="" pombaru="" while="" sheyan="" was="" in="" a="" daze.="" "so="" now,="" you="" can="" die="" in="" peace!="" when="" our="" father="" killed="" your="" father="" back="" in="" the="" days,="" he="" lost="" three="" of="" his="" companions.="" the="" source="" energy="" that="" escapes="" from="" you="" after="" your="" death="" should="" be="" enough="" to="" revive="" them."="" when="" sheyan="" saw="" prince="" pombaru="" here,="" the="" truth="" behind="" the="" big="" ben="" research="" inst.i.tute="" was="" finally="" made="" clear.="" the="" highest="" ranking="" inst.i.tution="" in="" the="" empire="" turned="" out="" to="" be="" the="" nearly="" dying="" first="" generation="" nightmare="" realm="" that="" bind="" belonged="" to.="" all="" the="" technologies="" developed="" by="" the="" big="" ben="" research="" inst.i.tute="" were="" built="" upon="" the="" technical="" support="" given="" by="" the="" nightmare="" realm.="" sheyan="" s.h.i.+fted="" his="" gaze="" to="" the="" strong,="" muscular="" man="" who="" had="" just="" appeared,="" then="" back="" at="" bind="" again.="" he="" suddenly="" smirked.="" "so="" you're="" bind's="" second="" brother?="" the="" one="" named="" soar?="" you="" guys="" must="" feel="" good="" about="" yourselves,="" don't="" you?="" but="" to="" me,="" you="" two="" are="" just="" really="" sad."="" "what="" the="" h.e.l.l="" are="" you="" talking="" about?"="" bind="" and="" soar="" both="" took="" a="" step="" forward="" at="" the="" same="" time,="" the="" anger="" in="" their="" eyes="" fierce="" enough="" to="" consume="" someone="" alive!="" sheyan="" narrowed="" his="" eyes="" and="" told="" them="" coldly,="" "i="" once="" carried="" out="" a="" secret="" mission="" for="" the="" imperial="" army="" to="" explore="" a="" planet="" called="" uplos.="" the="" planet="" is="" controlled="" by="" the="" predators="" and="" is="" made="" into="" their="" hunting="" ground.="" they="" would="" catch="" all="" kinds="" of="" powerful="" beasts="" and="" breed="" them="" there="" to="" be="" hunted.="" on="" the="" planet,="" i="" met="" a="" test="" subject="" who="" was="" caught="" by="" the="" predators="" after="" escaping="" from="" the="" big="" ben="" research="" inst.i.tute!="" his="" name="" was="" originally="" tom,="" but="" the="" name="" that="" the="" research="" inst.i.tute="" gave="" him="" was="" test="" subject="" type="" e="" no.="" 7.="" the="" experiment="" he="" was="" involved="" in="" was="" called="" the="" ten="" strongest="" project."="" prince="" pombaru="" had="" a="" really="" ugly="" expression="" on="" his="" face="" when="" he="" heard="" what="" sheyan="" said.="" he="" forcefully="" cut="" sheyan="" off.="" "shut="" him="" up!="" this="" guy="" is="" just="" spouting="" nonsense!"="" however,="" an="" ominous="" feeling="" rose="" in="" bind="" and="" soar's="" hearts.="" the="" short-tempered="" soar="" swung="" his="" hand="" at="" prince="" pombaru's="" face,="" knocking="" most="" of="" his="" teeth="" off="" and="" sending="" him="" flying="" metres="" away!="" the="" prince="" sprawled="" on="" the="" gra.s.s="" and="" did="" not="" get="" up="" afterwards!="" sheyan="" looked="" at="" the="" two="" guys="" in="" front="" of="" him="" with="" pity="" in="" his="" eyes="" and="" continued,="" "that="" guy="" called="" tom="" made="" a="" very="" strange="" request="" before="" he="" died.="" he="" said="" i="" must="" pay="" the="" big="" ben="" research="" inst.i.tute="" a="" visit.="" i="" feel="" like="" he="" didn't="" make="" that="" request="" out="" of="" kindness.="" moreover,="" he="" gave="" me="" a="" weird="" feeling.="" the="" whole="" time="" i="" fought="" with="" him,="" i="" felt="" like="" i="" was="" fighting="" with="" a="" living="" puppet.="" at="" the="" time,="" my="" combat="" order="" was="" too="" low="" for="" me="" to="" figure="" out="" what="" the="" problem="" was,="" but="" now="" that="" i'm="" an="" arbiter="" and="" have="" the="" sensory="" threads="" as="" well="" as="" the="" micro-calculation="" ability,="" i="" finally="" understand="" that="" it's="" because="" he="" either="" had="" no="" soul,="" or="" his="" soul="" wasn't="" whole!"="" "because="" tom="" left="" a="" deep="" impression="" on="" me,="" i="" collected="" some="" of="" his="" cell="" samples.="" the="" a.n.a.lysis="" done="" by="" the="" realm="" showed="" that="" he="" had="" been="" cloned="" multiple="" times,="" likely="" because="" his="" body="" const.i.tution="" was="" highly="" compatible="" with="" the="" cells="" of="" one="" of="" the="" ten="" strongest.="" that="" is="" to="" say,="" tom="" was="" just="" a="" clone,="" and="" the="" memories="" that="" he="" had="" of="" his="" childhood="" and="" teenage="" years="" were="" either="" forcefully="" injected="" into="" his="" brain,="" or="" were="" something="" that="" were="" contained="" in="" the="" cells.="" but="" ironically,="" the="" strong="" emotional="" support="" he="" gained="" from="" those="" false="" memories="" enabled="" him="" to="" endure="" the="" experiments="" long="" enough="" for="" him="" to="" escape="" from="" that="" h.e.l.lhole="" of="" a="" research="" inst.i.tute.="" oh,="" how="" fate="" toys="" with="" man!"="" bind="" and="" soar="" were="" trembling="" all="" over,="" their="" breaths="" chaotic="" and="" their="" eyes="" bloodshot.="" they="" could="" vaguely="" guess="" certain="" things="" now,="" but="" they="" still="" refused="" to="" admit="" it.="" "what="" does="" this="" have="" to="" do="" with="" us?"="" bind="" asked="" stubbornly.="" sheyan="" narrowed="" his="" eyes,="" then="" sighed="" dramatically.="" "unfortunately,="" you="" guys="" give="" off="" the="" same="" kind="" of="" feeling="" that="" tom="" did.="" my="" intuition="" tells="" me="" that="" you="" two="" and="" tom="" are="" actually="" the="" same="" type="" of="" people="" –="" sad,="" pitiful="" clones="" that="" have="" incomplete="" souls!="" your="" beloved="" father="" is="" probably="" just="" using="" you="" guys="" as="" tools!="" you="" can="" be="" discarded="" any="" time="" he="" wants!"="">