The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer And The Heir - 126 Alert!

126 Alert!

Last I remembered I had 80 stat points, plus with all of the bonus I get from my t.i.tles, I would say that my stats were way beyond what a level 44 is supposed to have. But like I've realized, levels don't matter. A player's strength is 30% attributed to his stats, 40% to his skills and 30% to his or her personal talent and technique in combat. Lost descendants online was never designed to be a small game, so things like beginner villages, skill trainers and whatnot do not or are quite rare to find.

To make it as realistic as possible, you would be dropped into a random environment and expected to survive, and with how realistic it was, you don't usually get a system alert for everything, also somethings are taken care of based on your actions. So far every time I've died, which is once, I woke up right on my s.h.i.+p, and that's because in my mind, the Acheron was home and where I needed to be to find solace should s.h.i.+t hit the fan. Anyway back to the stats.

I allocated ten stat points to strength, const.i.tution, intelligence and wisdom, whilst dexterity and agility both got fifteen leaving me with just 11 stat points. But never the less I've successfully gotten all my stats past the hundred mark and was now in the two hundreds. All of my t.i.tles came through for me, but mostly my cla.s.s. Every level up as a Winded Draconis Vindex gave me seven to all stats, and since the last time I checked my stats, I've grown six levels, gaining one from when I murdered that elven researcher and fought that devil like player, speaking of which, I wonder what happened to that lizard friend of his.

{SYSTEM ALERT!: STATS: You have are the first person to raise all your stats to 200 and above. The t.i.tle thrill seeker has leveled up Power seeker. Now every level up will give +8 extra stat points and + 5 extra skill points. All skills and Masteries advance 20% faster}

Well I so did not see that coming to be honest, but if all skill advance 20% faster, then that will be a very good thing. However for me the most important was the mastery, they've been advancing at a snails pace, and even with all the fighting I've been doing, they're still in the basic rank. 20% might not seem much, especially with how slow the level up has been so far, but it helps a lot.

{SYSTEM ALERT!: HEALTH POINTS: your health points have reached over 2000,you have unlocked rare pa.s.sive skill Basic Regeneration. You can now heal from light and medium wounds in less time.}

{STYSTEM ALERT!: MANA POOL: your Mana pool has reached over 2000, you have unlocked rare pa.s.sive/active skill Basic Magic Breath technique. Now you can regenerate Mana during combat, and even faster outside combat.}

{SYSTEM ALERT!: STATS: All stats have reached above 200. Stat mastery skills unlocked. Now you can properly utilize all stats on and off combat and crafting. Masteries are closely tied to increment of stats, but they can also be trained and advanced.}

Guess this is getting more and more complicated, but these were all good things and it meant I was getting stronger. And with the masteries involved, my ridiculously high strength would play a proper part in all of my actions. So far during combat every move made is always measured by an algorithm, it tells my strike how much strength is behind it and how much speed rather than utilizing the true value of the strength I have.

Let's a.s.sume an average mans true strength stat is 10, I have over 200 which makes me 200 times stronger than an average man, but so far that strength has not been showing. It's like all the stats a filtered and only the tiniest factor of their total volume is being utilized. But with the mastery skills, I could open that dam wide or close it as tightly as I want to, leaving me in total control of my strength.

So from now on rather than relying on the systems measurements and applications, I can utilize all 200+ power behind my stats and properly control my, my speed, and my toughness though I'm not so sure what I can do with wisdom and intelligence though. But everything seems settled, so that's tat with the stats, but it seems like Acheron is still getting ready.

Name: Aaren Seven/ Level: 44(0.0%)/ Cla.s.s: Ventus Draconis Vindex

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

t.i.tle: Power Seeker/ One With The Wind/ Bronze Blood Commander/ Limit Breaker/ Sin Dragon Slayer

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race/The Coven Of Angeles

Reputation: INFAMOUS(Wanted Dead Or Alive)

Strength: 250/ Const.i.tution: 265/ Agility: 295/ Dexterity: 295/ Intelligence: 250/ Wisdom:265

Hp 667 /2081(equip bonus +) MP 800/2265(equip bonus +)

Stat points:41 Skill points:146

Skills: <>

Friends: <>

I sat down on the beach moving myself away, Sky's ma.s.sive form followed me almost like a shadow. Speaking of which Sky was about the size of an adolescent horse, of course she was much wider than a horse given that she was an elephant, but I feel maybe I could ride her, like a mount. I can't imagine how cool it would be to ride an elephant into battle screaming and yelling out war cries...…that would be absolutely epic.


(Incoming call from Hades!)

Okay what the f.u.c.k, I can receive call insider the the owner of the biggest game ever made in human history, I would say that I'm the person who knows the least about what it's functions and options were. But never the less I guess another bout research was in my future, I needed to find out more about the game, plus h.e.l.l Flame had said some things that drew my attention. I knew nothing about the top players in the game....or excuse the former top players. But the thing is LDO encompa.s.sed more than just the top of the leaderboards, there were live streamers and guilds, and even merchants. So far I've only paid attention to the denizens of the game and whilst they can be very much a threat, they wouldn't be able to compare to the much bigger threat, and that's without a doubt the player community.

"h.e.l.lo Hades I trust this is important seeing as your calling me during my time of leisure." I asked as I picked the call.

(My apologies master, but we've located the Dragonovs and Vladimirs. For some reason both families seem to have gathered in the same building where the call for your was made. We also identified the caller, her name is Lamkova Dragonov, formerly Vladimir but changed it after she married into the Dragonov and became it's current head after her husband the old head pa.s.sed away mysteriously after a heart attack.

Requesting permission to put together a strike team and carry out a retaliation op. It will be quick, efficient and surgical. We can be in and our of Russia before the proper authorities find out.) Hades said to me with a calm voice.

I s.h.i.+fted my gaze last Acheron and her glossy black frame as I looked towards the sea. The Atlantic Rim had a beauty to it that I was noticing for the first time. The water glowed with a very vibrant emerald glow that seemed to intertwine with the intense blue it naturally embodies. I wanted to take this in, to try and appreciate this view of life in front of me before I gave the answer Hades was expecting.

"I understand Hades, get a strike team together, you don't have to worry about making it a stealth mission. Just prepare with the intent of going to burn down everything that the Vladimir and Dragonov family stand for. How much time do you need to get the strike team, weapons and transportation ready?" I asked him as I got up to my feet.

(No more than two hours, we will be up in the air in 30 minutes after that.)

"Good you do that, I'll be joining you for this op, but there's somethings I would have to take care of first. Go get ready and wait for my call."

(Yes Master!)

"Well.....looks like Aaron Wade still has time to play."