The Substitute Bride - Chapter 167

Chapter 167


“Why are you coming here?” Ye Che speaking tone was totally not good, irk and also worry-looking at him.

That voice has few mature and also stable, he grew up up not less, but why his speaking tone sound so irritated? Bai Yin Chen couldn’t guess it. Impossible for him to find out whom he is, or else, impossible he spoke with this kind of speaking tone, but, why? Ignored him, Bai Yin Chen looked at the person who was lying down on the bed. “What happened to Wan Er?”

 An initially he wanted to call her as Mo Er, but he was aware since he still in Ye Mansion, then her ident.i.ty might change not naïve anymore, immediately Bai Yin Chen changed the way he spoke.

“What happened to Wan Er, it seems not yours business, she is my wife.” Ye Che still coldly spoke. “What do you want to do by coming here?”

Still ignored Ye Che, Bai Yin Chen walked closer to Mo Er, prepare to diagnose her pulse.

This is translated by azurro!

“What do you want to do?” Ye Che furious blocked Bai Yin Chen’s hand, eyes that looked at him is filled with darkly bestrew sight.

“Che, don’t be impulsive, he is coming here to check Sister Wan Er sickness, he is a doctor!” even Gu Na Yan still surprised with Bai Yin Chen movement and also his speaking tone, but still he and Lu Qun step to front, pulled the emotion Ye Che.

“Are you a doctor?” after Ye Che heard his movement stopped, but still suspected his motive.

“Does Wan Er’s life is important? Or does your question is important?” Bai Yin Chen coldly looked at Ye Che, looked at him whether he would gonna to keep asking or not.

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Bai Yin Chen coldly poured him down, let Ye Che to stun for while in order to awake him, immediately he let off his hand, also moved to aside, and then give a seat for Bai Yin Chen. Although Ye Che gave his seat, his heart still be on guard against Bai Yin Chen, his eyes firmly locked every movements of him.

Bai Yin Chen glanced at Long Mo Er’s pale face, heartache raised her hand and then diagnosed her pulse. After long time, Bai Yin Chen stood up with stern face, others mouth of three of them looked so unnatural.

“Did Wan Er get poisoned? How can Wan Er this weak? Actually what was happened before?”

Ye Che hostile sight is covered up with his fear, at sudden his heart broken into pieces, completely worry but not affirm asked: “Can she be saved?”

“How could she get poisoned? Why her body is so weak?” Bai Yin Chen’s face downcast, and then asked one more time, there’s also an anxious expression as Ye Che behind that silver mask.

“This is quite long to talk about, Doctor, how Sister Wan Er now, do you have way to save her?” Gu Na Yan spoke and wanted to explain, but didn’t know how.

keyword azurro4cielo for more translations

“Could it be, could it be, no one can help her? Why, why?” Ye Che agonized murmured.

“All of you no need to worry, I have way to save her, she will be okay.” Bai Yin Chen seen low spirit Ye Che was bit worried and also downhearted, and once again gazing at Long Mo Er who lying on bed, said.

“Did you say that you have a way? You said that she’ll be alright? Really? Do you really have way to save her?” After Ye Che listened to him, an ecstatic eyesight, elated looking at him, wanted to get certainty answer.

“En.” Bai Yin Chen looked at that familiar eyes, didn’t want to let him down, certainly nodding his head. An initially he thought he has grown up not lessen compare to two years ago, but at this moment he simmered with uncertainty and feared, just like he has no other way not to comfort him. Long time ago of him as long as he felt scared he would not hesitate to stand up and protect him, this time also, he will still protect him, let him to be living happy.

Bai Yin Chen nodding his head, as if giving Ye Che a promise, Ye Che overjoyed, his Mo Er still his, his Mo Er will be okay. “Then do you have antidote?”