The Statsguy's Mag - 37 Galactic Dark Ne

37 Galactic Dark Ne

Views : 680thousand

Rating : 9.4(32)

Chapters : 470

Status : completed

Word count : 1.40million

Author : Sonic Nine Light Year

author level : great

No of works : 14

Disscussion : 274

Year started : 2015

Translated works :

Genres : Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Sci-fi, Xuanhuan

Tags : Aliens, Army Building, Artifacts, Artificial Intelligence, Beast Companions, Beautiful Female Lead, Bloodlines, Body Tempering, Chuunibyou, Clever Protagonist, Cultivation, Dark, Determined Protagonist, Dragons, Evolution, Fast Cultivation, Firearms, Futuristic Setting, Genius Protagonist, Hard-Working Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Merchants, Monsters, Mutated Creatures, Mysterious Family Background, Outer s.p.a.ce, Politics, Poor to Rich, Psychic Powers, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Shameless Protagonist, Sharp-tongued Characters, Special Abilities, Strategist, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Time Skip, Unique Cultivation Technique, Wars, Weak to Strong, World Travel

Popularity : not much popular in china

Last edited : 8/mar/2019


Website : qidian international (

Views : 2.6million

Rating : 3.9(188)

Chapters : 470

Status : completed

Schedule :

Translator :

Editor :

Premium : Yes

Premium chapter : 112

Stones per chapter : 7-14 ss

Popularity : not much popular here

Last edited : 3/mar/2019


Synopsis :

When the last prodigy level esper on Earth disappeared, Earth was in deep trouble of becoming another species' colony. The ordinary Han, with his intelligence and hardworking character, was able to make a fortune after "accidentally" stepping into the world of dark net, later purchasing an esper power crystal that brought him the ultimate power that changed the fate of the universe.

Dark net is a subset of the Deep Web that is not only not indexed by traditional search engines, but that also requires special tools like specific proxy or authentication to gain access. Dark net is not restricted by any law or morals, so the dark net market has everything that is prohibited by the law. Drugs, slaves, firearms, uranium, bioweapons, rare animals, human testing,, and the list goes on. During the year of 2075 on Earth, Han Lang logged into the largest hypers.p.a.ce dark net market, and our story begins.



Something every Wuxia Author needs to learn from!

This is such an amazing novel! I have no regrets. This is truly one of the best Chinese Novels out there.

Character development : 4/5

Action 5/5

Comedy 4/5 The Comedy is amazing and really makes you laugh. It brings a lot of relief when reading this type of story.

Bromance 4/5 The strong bonds he makes are good and are pretty bada.s.s together but I hope they don't get discarded later.

The Romance is amazing! My gosh a Harem would ruin this Perfection so I am relieved its focused on one girl! The Heroine has me Fan Girling over there moments together. She's literally like a adorable shy cat! So Moe!


The Romance is profound in a way. Its very deep. A girl who has an OP power but a tragedy because she can't touch anyone. She may act like a Tomboy Oujousama but she does not act spoil at all. There's more to her then meets the eye. I hope the Author puts her into good use!]

This Novel is very well thought of and things are heavily foreshadowed since chapter 1. The Author makes it clear and nothing feels forced and unnecessary. (So Far)

Its a dark yet realistic.

The Main Character is a completely airhead and very innocent he also is very kind but won't show mercy to those who try to harm him or those around him. That's what I like about him.

I truly believe this deserves a Anime or Manha Adoption at least. The Novel is very similar to The Breaker. Thats what it reminds me of. To write a complicated futuristic World and simplifying for others easy to read. It gives a j.a.panese and Chinese feeling too. Read this and support the Translator and Author!


He inherits the power of a Dark Void 6th Rank Warlord. Who once turned the Galaxy upside down. He becomes not just stronger then Earth Hero but the entire Milky Way Galaxy! Before you know it he inherits Dark King abilities who once nearly destroyed the Galaxy Alliance! He was already stronger then the Hero then imagine just how OP he is!

Its amazing how Han Teachers Dark Walker and Path were both connected to Han predecessor Dark Void. Being of the Old Generation and long retired. They nurture and teach Han becoming a Monster!]

Earth is no longer consider a planet but a country in the entire Galaxy. What worst Earth is nothing but a bunch if Upstart n.o.bles who are dirty poor noobs! Its no exagerration to say this! But Han somehow becomes the riches guy on earth with the Galaxy Dark Net! You'll see him grow and learn and even visit other countries




Arghhh... I don't get how people can rate this story so f**king highly. It's a highly amateurish work, but the premise is interesting. But that's the only thing it's got going for it, an interesting premise.

Constantly throughout the story, the author keeps repeating things about the MC, about how he's "trained on the verge of life and death and that's why he'll beat the enemy". And when I say constantly it's really no joke. It's been repeated at least 6 times in the 35 chapters I've read. Everytime, taking up an entire paragraph about how the enemy is so strong willed and I don't know what.

The author also keeps rewarding the MC with various benefits, all with the pretext that he worked hard for it, and that none his age is as hard working as him. Stop telling me about the f**king character, stop trying hard to make me cheer for him. Show his actions, show his hard work, show his struggles, make me naturally root for him. But the author obviously can't do that, cause he doesn't ever let the reader think. He doesn't ever lead the reader draw his own conclusions and frankly, it's really boring.

Overall the story just lacks effort, and it saddens me, because as I said earlier the premise is really f**king good. But that tends to be a trend with webnovels and the like. Good ideas, but no writing skills to act on them, resulting in a work that doesn't even qualify as a solid amateur work.

There are far better webnovels out there, that manage to capture both a good story and good writing. So I would recommend that you don't waste your time on this one. It will only serve to aggrevate you.

- hawkenss(NU)


In my library : No