The Other World Dining Hall (WN) - Chapter 70

Chapter 70

TN: This is actually one of my favourite dishes. It uses eggs and potatoes. That’s 2 of my favourite ingredients already.

Spanish Omelet

Walking on foot, it took him 3 days to reach that place at the depth of the abundant mountain.

Being careful not to jostle the contents of the big bag, Carlos, who was a wolf therianthrope that's one head taller than the rest of his family, pa.s.sed through the door of the cabin where his elder sister was residing.

[You came, Carlos. I've been waiting for you.]

She seemed to be waiting for Carlos, the woman who spoke at the same time he pa.s.sed through… though they were family, she seemed like a child when she and Carlos stood side by side.

Her ears were erect while her tail shook like a child's when she welcomed Carlos who was an excellent warrior even in their family.

[Aa, it's been a long time, Adelia-ane.]

Carlos smiled involuntarily seeing the sociable smile on his sister's face that he had not seen in 3 months.

It's a waste. If Adelia-ane was not a priestess, she could be married immediately after reaching adulthood.

Carlos felt a slight loneliness in feeling that she was tougher than him, and considered to hug his "loveable" sister.

Yes, his sister was pretty and adorable, but she was also strong.

She was an excellent bow user that was better than him that was trained as a warrior.

In order to be a priestess, one must discover their talent from young age and learn at the capital.

The priests and priestesses who could borrow and exercise the power of the six pillars were always praised as trump cards that protected the people.

The scales of dragons that manifested due to their prayers could not be grazed by swords and arrows of mighty warriors, and even if the scales were torn, the dragon's fangs and claws could tear through steel.

Their breath could defeat a group of warriors in one swoop, their wings flew faster than a bird's, and the blood of a dragon could heal their injuries in a blink of eye.

And the high priests and priestesses who had full access to the power could fully turn into a dragon, making those with wisdom shook in fear.

The great high priest called when fruitful land was fought over brought down an army of hundreds of men and stopped armies of thousands.

And without another high priest that served another G.o.d stopping that person, they could settle the battlefield.

Such a sight was a spectacle that was often seen in the battlefields.

And Adelia was the one who continued to practice in order to become a high priestess while Carlos helped to train their family.

[Sorry. I asked for a lot of things.]

[What, don't mind it. Adelia-ane should focus in becoming stronger.]

To his sister that apologized, Carlos replied as a matter of course.

His older sister had not acquired enough skill to become a high priestess yet.

However, she possessed enough talent to be told by other high priests serving the same G.o.d that she could become a high priestess in 20 years if she continued to train.

Among the six pillars, therianthropes like Carlos wors.h.i.+ped the Green G.o.ddess who controlled the earth.

The families who had high priests as a relative had a tendency to be respected by the therianthrope society that valued strength.

[Strong, huh… un. You're right.]

But to Carlos' words, Adelia answered a little bit crisply.

To be honest, Adelia did not like to fight.

A priestess should have talent in fighting, and when it came down to it, they could kill each other by all means and shouldn't be confused about it.

[I brought many souvenirs. There are a large pot of salt and food preserved in spices. There are also dried apples that Adelia-ane likes.]

[Yay~! Thanks!]

However, such complicated inner thoughts were blown away by her brother's words.

And with her younger brother's words, she saw the things that was arranged on a flat stone that served as a subst.i.tute for a dining table.

For Adelia who continued her training, the valuable items sometimes brought by her brother that was only available in the city made her happy.

Especially in the last month or so, she had ran out of "that".

[Then, there are five pieces of subst.i.tute underwear that kaa-san sewed, the meat and fur of a boar that I killed. Two flame stones. Three fish hooks…]

Carlos smiled at his innocent sister and took out the item he brought… she innocently raised her eyebrows seeing the last item.

He thought that there was something wrong, but it was definitely something she asked for.

It was the one she asked for when she returned home three months ago, and he knew that she purposely went there when returning to training.

So Carlos felt a little lost, took it out and put it on the table.

[…And there're 50 silver coins. Is this okay?]

[…Waa, thank you. You brought it properly.]

A leather bag was placed on the table.

The contents were s.h.i.+ning silver coins.

Looking at it made Adelia delighted.

[What do you use it for in the mountain, Adelia-ane?]

Carlos who was confused by the situation questioned Adelia.

Fifty silver coins. Although it was not a small amount, it was something that did not have any purpose in such a mountain.

Of course, there's plenty of uses if she went down the mountain, but it would take three days from here to the city, and in the first place, there's Carlos in the city.

He didn't know what she used it for.

[Aa, un. I used it to eat fried eggs at the otherworld dining hall.]

TN: The raw said Tamagoyaki.

However, Adelia answered Carlos without elaborating further.

[Fried eggs? …And what is otherworld dining hall?]

Carlos couldn't understand well.

[E? …Aa!? So you don't know about it?]

Adelia noticed that she never told Carlos about it.

[Then it's fine. Today is "Satur's day" after all… would Carlos like to join?]

And it was this place of pleasure that was her recent financial reason.

It was a place that Adelia usually used as a training ground, so to speak.

There were scattered rocks marred with scars caused by Adelia.

[Adelia-ane, what is this?]

What Carlos was seeing was the door.

A black door settled on the largest rock of the rocky area.

[That's the entrance to otherworld dining hall.]

She glanced sideways at her bewildered brother and opened the door quickly.

'Chirinchirin', the door opened with a bell sound.

[Hey, faster. The door will disappear once it's closed. So go ahead.]

Adelia said while remembering the regretful feeling that one time she noticed she had forgotten her wallet at the time she opened it and gradually lowered her tail.

[A, aa.]

After his sister's encouragement and seeing Carlos going through the door, Adelia also jumped into otherworld dining hall.

[…It's quite bright.]

Carlos murmured while watching something he thought as magic s.h.i.+ning in white on the ceiling.

It was a place far from common sense.

[Maa, maa. Try the dish here for the time being. All the food here is delicious.]

She pulled Carlos' hand and sat on an appropriate seat.

[O-i, Aletta-chan! Give me that spa-something fried egg! In party size!]

As soon as she sat, Adelia loudly said her order to Aletta who was carrying food for other customers.

[Oka-y! Spanish omelet! Please wait a moment!]

As she was accustomed to Adelia's behavior, Aletta also clearly replied and went to the kitchen.

[…Adelia-ane? Isn't she a wicked pagan? Is that okay?]

Carlos who was watching their exchange asked Adelia in surprise.

She was a race that served the Evil G.o.d though unlike those that had the head and lower body of a goat, she was the same as a human being with the exception of her goat horns.

As far as Carlos knew, she was a "wicked pagan".

The monster that made the great six pillars to gather all their powers to destroy from this world, the Chaos of Million Colours.

The existences which were "beings of primeval chaos" were different from other beings that wors.h.i.+pped and served the six pillars and were called wicked pagans.

Those wicked pagans were enemies of six pillars' wors.h.i.+ppers with the aim of recalling Chaos of Million Colours and to surpa.s.s the high priests that could even change into dragons.

He wondered what happened to them in the past decades as they hid themselves from the world stage, but as a priestess, she shouldn't overlook them even in such conspicuous place.

[Ahaha. It's fine, it's fine. Aletta-chan is not a bad girl.]

Adelia laughed off Carlos' concern.

Of course, she was at first surprised that the owner hired a wicked pagan after she had visited the restaurant a few times.

However, as far as she could see, Aletta was serious about her work and was not doing anything wrong.

So she would not do anything. Besides, it's more troubling to make a fuss and became a "banned person".

Apparently, other priests and priestesses that visited the restaurant also agreed with that and never saw Aletta as a wicked pagan.

[Is that so… maa, if Adelia-ane said so.]

To Adelia's answer, Carlos was relieved.

There's something a little missing, but Adelia wouldn't misread a person's true nature.

Carlos thought that there's no mistake.

[Thank you for waiting. Here's your Spanish omelet!]

Then Aletta brought their food.

There were two small plates, one knife, three forks and a red tube.

It was packed on a ceramic plate that was carried with both hands.

[Bread? …No, don't tell me it's fried eggs!?]

Big pale yellow omelet.

Carlos stared at the luxurious item of extraordinary size that was usually served during a feast.

[That's right. Isn't it amazing? And it just costs 1 silver coin.]

Adelia puffed up her thin chest while waving her tail to the fragrance drifting from the food.

Even when it looked like this, the omelet that used about five to six eggs cost only 1 silver coin.

Normally, one egg cost several bronze coins and 1 silver coin had the same value as 10 bronze coins.

[That's amazing…]

Carlos' mouth watered after smelling the sweet fragrance of the omelet.

[Well, let's eat.]

Smiling to her brother, Adelia started the business by picking up a fork.

She cut a part of the big omelet and served it on an empty plate.

And she gave it to Carlos with a fork.

[Eat now.]

Perhaps Carlos wasn't able to wait for it.

When he received the omelet, he took a big bite.

[…! Delicious!]

Carlos was surprised by its taste.

Various ingredients were contained in the fried eggs.

The eggs themselves were skillfully fried with b.u.t.ter, there's a bit of saltiness and sharp flavor of pepper along with slight taste of cheese. But the ingredients were good too.

The piping hot potatoes that easily crumbled in his mouth.

Grains of corn that were much sweeter than the usual corns he ate.

The finely sliced green onion was crisp, the thinly sliced smoked meat was wrapped by the soft taste of eggs and gave the eggs the umami of meat.

The part of omelet given to Carlos was finished in a blink of eye.

(No good! There's not enough!)

While licking the lingering taste of eggs in his mouth, Carlos reached for more eggs.

If he looked at it, the omelet served on a large platter was steadily decreasing… Adelia was also eating steadily.

He confirmed it and noticed it when he saw Adelia.

[Adelia-ane, that is?]

Adelia had a red tube in her hand pointing at her eggs.

The tube made of unknown material easily deformed when his sister squeezed it and squirted something red from the sharp tip.

Apparently Adelia ate her eggs after smearing it with the red sauce.

[N? This is a seasoning called ketchup. It's made of stewed Marmette and tastes sour like vinegar.]

Adelia said such before eating the omelet with ketchup.

The sour taste of ketchup was added to the omelet made of eggs, meat and vegetables.

The overall taste tightened and became even more delicious.

The egg with meat and vegetables were already deliciously seasoned with salt and pepper, but it was even more delicious with ketchup.

[Oh! Certainly it's more delicious with ketchup!]

Carlos imitated Adelia and laughed after he tasted it.

As his older sister said, ketchup made a huge difference to the omelet.

He thought that the fried eggs were delicious as it was, but after eating it with ketchup, he felt that there's something lacking.

The taste also helped Carlos in greedily eating the food.

[Right? It roughly fits the egg dishes of this restaurant.]

Adelia was also pleased seeing her brother's childlike appearance.

In this restaurant, there were various dishes using egg and they were quite cheap.

After finding the door at the training ground, she tried many dishes, but egg dishes were generally compatible with ketchup.

[How is it? Do you want another serving?]


The omelet served on the big platter was about to be finished.

To Adelia's question, Carlos nodded without thinking it twice.

[I see. Then, I'll order alcohol as well. O~i, Aletta-cha~n!]

They reunited after a long time while eating delicious food.

And plenty of silver coins in the pocket.

Being carried away, Adelia decided to be more luxurious today.