The Locked System - 59 First Figh

59 First Figh

" Good, you can take 5 minutes to rest until we prepare the combats " The city lord said with a smile and he sits, some of the partic.i.p.ants form groups and others stayed alone

Hayato approaches Wade and asks " You saw what happened with the battles of those sh*tty n.o.bles before? "

Wade turns to see the n.o.bles and he makes a serious face " From time to time I turned to see the other platforms and let me tell you something, those two didn't even fight "

Hayato frowns and asks with surprise " What? how is that possible? then how did they pa.s.s? "

" Look at those two that are with them they fought for them, defeating everyone that approached them but I saw some that just jumped from the platform I think they threaten them " Wade sees them with disdain " Those stupid n.o.bles, they can't even fight their own fights "

Hayato snorts and says with disdain " Hmph, those cowards "

" But we don't have to worry about them, they are not a threat, of what we need to concern is that guy over there " Wade said with a grin as he points to a handsome young man

Hayato turns to see where he is pointing and asks with curiosity " The guy who grabbed the first sphere? "

Wade makes a little smile " Yes, but I think that only you can beat him "

Hayato nods and then makes a teasing smile " I see, then what's your opinion about your future wife "

Wade makes a sad smile" Oh, please, she is pretty, but she can't replace my beautiful Veronica "

Hayato makes a serious face and says " Sorry for that, my friend "

Wade shakes his head and frowns " Don't worry, but I still can't understand why so many men want to marry her, yes, she is very beautiful but that cold look she is showing us doesn't worth it "

Hayato turns to see the special area and asks " She is seeing us now? "

Wade points at the top of the benches " Yes, you can't see her? she has been looking you and that guy named Zeran over there " The beautiful woman frowns when she saw that Wade was pointing at her

" Hmm? " Hayato narrows his eyes ' d.a.m.n it, I can't see her '

" The rest is over, now please get down from the platforms " The city lord speaks again and the 16 partic.i.p.ants get down from the platforms.

The city lord rises her arm pointing at the platforms and says " Earth Wave " the ground under the platforms moves until the platform gather forming a huge platform

Wade says with surprise " That guy is an Earth Mage and a powerful one too "

" Now, when you hear your names, please go up to the platform " The city lord spoke with a powerful voice and he puts out a golden parchment " The first fight will be between Hayato Uchiha….. " The city lord turns to see Hayato with curiosity

" Yay! Beat him Hayato! " Dye screamed with happiness

" S-Show them who is the strongest here! " Alyra screamed with shyness

" You will win my love! " Maya screamed something that causes the people nearby to turn to see her with surprise, the men are thinking ' Lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he already has this beauty and still, he wants the city lord daughter ' and the women ' He must be very handsome ' Hayato climbs up to the platform

" And his opponent will be Roland Keller " After the city lord said the name of Hayato's opponent, a young man with a black robe and a hood climbs the platform until he was in front of Hayato

' So is him ' Hayato saw his opponent with indifference

The young man has blue eyes, he is one of the n.o.bles that made fun of Hayato and Wade before

" I will ask you to remove your robe, young n.o.ble Roland. Let us see if you don't have any weapons " The city lord said with a smiling face but everyone can hear the distrust towards the young man

Roland turns to see city lord and clicks his tongue " Tch! I don't need to use any weapons to kill this dirty commoner! but if that's what you want! " Roland removes his robe and he throws it outside of the platform, he has brown hair and handsome features. He wears a brown armor just as the knights, but on the chest, the armor has a symbol of a blue sun " This f*cking rain " Said Roland with anger

Some of the women on the benches were impressed by his looks

" Wow! he is quite handsome! but the young lord Zeran is far better " A woman said with surprise

" But if he wants me, I wouldn't say no " Another woman beside said with l.u.s.t

" Haha, you are a b*tch " The first woman laughed happily

The captain has an expectant grin ' Let's see what this kid can do, the young n.o.ble Roland is an Intermediate Super Warrior '

The city lord turns to see Hayato and says calmly " The same goes for you, young man, remove your robe "

Hayato turns to see in the direction where he heard the city lord and before he takes out his robe the young man named Roland spoke to him

" What? are you hesitant? don't tell me that you are deformed, commoner, hahaha " Roland laughed mockingly

Hayato sees him with a cold grin then he removes his robe, revealing a handsome young man, younger than Roland, he wears strange clothes without any protection, That left Roland speechless, but then Roland makes a face full of hostility

" Wow! he is so young! more than I expected! " The captain said with surprise

The city lord nods and said calmly " Yes, he must be around 15 years old and he is quite handsome at the level of the young lord Zeran, what do you think Kara? " he turns to see his daughter

" ... " Kara didn't say anything but she opens her eyes a little more

The women on the benches were speechless too, Maya, Dye, and Alyra were laughing between teeth and they looked at the platform with a big and proud smiles

Hayato makes a mocking smile " What's wrong? Aren't you going to keep barking like an idiot? "

" Hmph! I don't know how you pa.s.sed the preliminaries but this is the farter as you can get " Roland makes a cold face and he clenches his fists

" Haha "Hayato chuckled as he shakes his head

" Grr! " Roland grind his teeth

The city lord raises his hand and screams " Began! "

" Great speed Boost!Great Strength Boost! " Roland activate two boosters at the same time and his body emits a green and orange light *SUISH* Roland disappeared from his place to then reappear behind Hayato after a few seconds

Roland makes a cruel face and says coldly " You shouldn't have come, now you will become a cripple " and he sends a punch to Hayato's back.

*ZOOM* Hayato disappears and the next moment Roland was seeing upside down, unknowing what happened, Hayato was covered with blue lightning, making a mocking grin

' What...!!?? ' Roland makes a scared face and then *PUM* " BLUAGH!! " Roland vomits blood by the punch that Hayato gives him on the stomach, Roland was sent flying by the impact and *BOOM* he crashed on the magic wall made by the Light mages causing some cracks

" Brother!! " A young man with green eyes yelled as runs towards Roland

Hayato approaches to the edge of the platform seeing the two brothers coldly " Just like always, just a bunch of useless n.o.bles that think they are better!" Then he turns around to leave

The young man grabbed his unconscious brother as he yelled at Hayato " You will pay for this!!! "

" What? is already over? " One of the spectators makes a face of doubt

" It seems so " The man that was near him makes a wry smile

All the spectators don't know what happened, but Dye was laughing Happily in her seat

" Hahaha, what an idiot! he fell with just one punch! " Dye laughed as pints to the unconscious Roland

" Pft…! " Maya and Alyra try to contain their laughter

The city lord raises his hand and yells " The winner is Hayato Uchiha! "

The spectators yelled like crazy after the city lord spoke, it seems that the city lord bring them back to the reality

" He is not just handsome he is strong too " A woman said with a lewd face

" Forget that loser there, I'm going to throw myself into his arms when this is over! " the other woman near her licks her lips

" Haha, you are a b.i.t.c.h " The first woman laughs mockingly

A man near the two women shakes his head and thinks ' I doubt that he will accept two old hags '

The captain nods with a hand on his chin and says with surprise " That kid is really strong, and his potential is bigger than I thought "

" We will see what he is capable when he fight against young lord Zeran " The city lord made a proud smile when he mentioned Zeran

" ... " Kara turns her eyes to see his father coldly

The city lord gets ups and speaks again" The next fight will be between... "