The Legend Of The Witch Girl - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Oh, I was reborn back to when I was fifteen years old! Bai Yao still remembered that in her previous life she didn't want to leave her parents and was not interested in witchcraft. Because she didn't agree to go to Mt. Wushan, she was forced to die, and that scared her parents. In the end, her family tried hard to persuade her, and finally she promised, though unwillingly.

"Miss, I'll go and tell the lord and the lady this good news at once," Lianyi said happily. "No, I'm going to see them now." Bai Yao told Lianyi she would go out first, and then she set off to her parents' room. In her last life, her mother had been given death due to being framed by Bai Yu. When she thought of this, Bai Yao's hand unconsciously clenched into a fist.

"Mother." In this life, she would find out all the schemes behind.

Her parents saw the arrival of Bai Yao and were pleased.

"Yao, you're finally awake! How’re you doing now? Let the doctor come here to check on you again."

"I am all right. I'm not so filial that you should be worried." Bai Yao thought of all the matters in her head during the last life; she would retake the things that belonged to her.

 She promised them to go up the mountain every day as a consolation.

 Everything was so unreal, she stood alone in front of the lotus pond, thinking of the experience of reincarnation.

“Sister, you . . .  How are you?" Bai Yu's voice made Bai Yao feel sick, and now she was thinking of all that had happened because of her. Today, she remembered that in the prvious life, she stood right here, and that Bai Yu had pushed her down, causing her to become very ill. The funny part was, she actually believed in her baloney.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the proud face of Bai Yu appeared in her mind, and when she thought of Mo Xi’s coldness and lack of feeling towards her, Bai Yao had a grudge in her heart.

Now Bai Yao already knew everything and deliberately made Bai Yu think she could take advantage of it.

With the memory of the sorcery that she had learned in her last life, though she was not good at it, she could also tease her. Soon, as she had expected, Bai Yu fell into the lotus pond. She did not know how to swim, and neither did Bai Yao.

Bai Yao pretended to be caring and she said, "Younger sister, why are you so careless? Anyone help? Anyone?"

Because of this case, she felt relieved. She was a person that would not attack unless she was attacked; if I were attacked, I would pay it back twice as hard.

The next three or four days later, Bai Yu had no other movements because her final scheme had not been concerned carefully, yet the immature tricks had no chance to play. Bai Yao teased her by ignoring her altogether, having nothing to say to her. Right now, it was not a good timing, otherwise, she must have stabbed Bai Yu to death, her “good sister.”

Her last life was a poor joke. Mo Xi had approached her deliberately, but she thought he was sincere to her. She gave him everything she could, and eventually Mo Xi sided with Bai Yu against her.

While she had learned the witchcraft well, she would have them, all the people who hurt her pay for their deeds—blood for blood.

Three days later, Bai Yao needed to leave home and go to Mt. Wushan.


 Bai Yao’s mother stroked her daughter’s hands tearfully, saying, "Yao, once you leave, I do not know when we can meet again, so you must take good care of yourself!"

 Bai Yao gently dried her mother's tears. "Your daughter will take good care of herself."

For a moment, the house was filled with warmth. The arrival of someone broke the warmth of the house—her sister Bai Yu, again.

In her previous life she had made good friends with Bai Yu, and had deeply believed in her, but she hadn’t known Bai Yu’s real face; unexpectedly, she’d framed her for death. Under her pure and innocent appearance laid an evil heart.

"Sister, the mountain is no better than the family. If you can't stand it, you can come back and we'll be welcoming you all the time," Bai Yu said with a fine voice, her tone seeming to cherish the meaning.

Hah! Welcome? Won’t you wish I would never come back? In my past life I did not understand people well enough; in this new chance, I will live a clear-minded life!

"Sister, you should take good care of yourself, and don't make it up and down the mountain in just two or three days." After spending a few days together with Bai Yao, Bai Yu felt that her older sister was different from before. She couldn't say exactly how, but she felt her eyebrows bore a more heroic spirit, and her relations.h.i.+p with Bai Yu seemed not as close as before; it had become more decisive.

Saying goodbye to them, Bai Yao started her trek to Mt. Wushan; in her previous life she did not study seriously, thus her fate was as poor as the prophecy mentioned. Mt. Wushan had strange flowers and weeds. They seemed to be of a spiritual nature. They gave way to her, and even purple b.u.t.terflies pulled her up the mountain; although the fog was thick, it still breathed with a fresh scent of rain.

Even though Bai Yao had seen the scene in her previous life, she could not help but be in awe at the magic of Mt. Wushan.

Led by the purple b.u.t.terfly, Bai Yao found her master, Zi Qin, at a secluded lake. He stood on the s.h.i.+mmering lake with his purple clothes fluttering, like a faint chill of smoke, like that of immortals.

Zi Qin turned back to face her slowly, and his face still wore a fine silvery-purple mask, covering the upper half of his face; all that could be seen was a pair of eyes, a white face, and a thin lip. And Zi Qin’s eyes were gently looking at Bai Yao.

Bai Yao’s gaze met his eyes for a split second. They were the most beautiful eyes Bai Yao had ever seen. They were also the most complex eyes, and even Mo Xi’s were not comparable.

Those eyes were as dark as the night sky, and as deep as a cold pool. Looking into his eyes, it seemed as if there was a drop in them—one from which there was no return.

He came to her with his feet gliding over the water, walking slowly. She was reminded of the poem, “the beauty in the high places is like a jade, while the handsome young man is unmatched in the world.”

In a moment, he came to Bai Yao. This thin lips said, "You’ve come here." His voice was as comfortable as a spring breeze. Her parents had told him that Bai Yao had formally knelt to him as a teacher to practice witchcraft, so Zi Qin was not surprised at her arrival.

"Uh-huh," Bai Yao answered softly, choking. He had already known she was his future apprentice. In her previous life, she greatly admired her master, who also cherished her very much, but she failed to live up to his expectations and failed to learn witchcraft well.

In this situation, as if apart from the world, Bai Yao’s heart was full of thousands of emotions. She’d gone through a lot of things in her previous life, and her mind was no longer fifteen years old as her body. She looked deeply at Zi Qin, because he gave her a familiar feeling, and not because of the teacher-apprentices.h.i.+p in her previous life, but because Zi Qin was too much like Mo Kai—especially his eyes.

What was the master's ident.i.ty? Why did he wearing a mask while meeting people? Bai Yao wanted to figure out why.

After meeting with Zi Qin at the lake, Bai Yao left with him, as if he had been waiting for her there. The two were walking in tandem. Zi Qin was still as gentle as he was just now. Every step of him was very light and shallow, but it was so elegant. Bai Yao followed him, her heart full of admiration, enjoying the scenery along their walk meanwhile.

Bai Yao had some doubts about him wearing a mask always. In her previous life, he had not told Bai Yao the reason.

She quizzed, "May I ask why is it that you always wear a mask?"

"It's ugly underneath and I don't want to show it to people," said Zi Qin, in a cool tone. He paused and said, "I will be your master from now on; you and I share a destiny, so you don’t have to keep at a distance, nor be courteous, and there is no need to use such respectful language in the future."