The Heir Of Science In A Dark World - 3 Transmigration To A Dark Universe 03

3 Transmigration To A Dark Universe 03

sorry, this is one of the first books, so just relax ok ?! in chapter 7 onwards everything is better.

Arriving at the police station, the policemen put a black cloth over Tyler's head. If the information leaks in the media that they managed to catch the son of someone very powerful. It ended completely for the police corps in that city. Tyler is quickly taken to an extremely privileged cell. With internet, television, games, etc ... The other prisoners seeing that Tyler is being taken to one of Ricos' cells. They start screaming in disgust! This cell was supposed to belong to the workers !! not those d.a.m.n rich people !! The prisoners were angry. Because it doesn't matter what kind of crime is committed. if your family is powerful you won't be in jail for even an hour. Tyler, hearing these monkeys' screams, he disparages and ignores. Arriving inside the cell that looked more like a small palace than a real chain. The cop removes the handcuffs and black cloth from Tyler's head. They soon close the door and leave Tyler inside a huge luxurious cell. Tyler takes a deep breath! It looks like it will be a while before he finds his father. When your father learns of your magnificent son's achievement! He will celebrate! Because we will be able to explore the people who need this medicine. In other words, we are going to create a monopoly and we are going to put prices very high. The population that is only a large number of cattle addicted to p.o.r.nography will give their hearts to be able to have s.e.x uncontrollably and without a condom. Tyler makes a small smile at the bottom of his mouth. But what he didn't realize is that inside his cell. also has an Arrogant Young Lady! Tyler comes out of his little narcissistic bubble and looks at the environment in front of him. A great and magnificent carpet lined the floor. 5 golden beds of the highest quality! A TV so big that it is almost the size of the left wall of the cell. There is everything in this place, which you can imagine. And right in the center of the Cell there are 5 Chairs that look very much like a majestic throne. And right in the center of that huge cell is an extremely s.e.xy girl. His eyes are black and strong and clear. If you look for a long time you can see the glow of intelligence about Human in those small and s.e.xy eyes. On his head is a red ribbon, matching his white and s.h.i.+ny hair. Her perfect white eyebrows without even a failure. Her s.h.i.+ny, fleshy red mouth made something extremely s.e.xy. Her skin was black and s.h.i.+ny without even a mark. Her pair of hard, firm chests would kill any man. Tyler could clearly see his slim waist, his long, thick legs, something perfect! Tyler smiles because he knows this girl. She is the third Daughter of the (SunForgs). In other words, she has the same level as Tyler. Young Tyler as a gentleman bows in a tone of greeting. The girl also smiles because she managed to recognize Tyler. She wastes no time and gets up from her golden chair. She makes the same move as Tyler. He bows with a hand on his chest in a respectful tone showing that they are both of the same level. Tyler in his life he can have any Girl in the world! It doesn't matter who it is! Leader of some party, model, singer, artist, It doesn't matter! Tyler can have her with a s.e.x slave! But this Girl in front of him will only be able to sleep with her After a lot of talking and only after the wedding. That kind of Woman is a sinister danger! Tyler wastes no time and says. (Tyler): Tell me, Miss (Ariel) What is a Lady on your Level doing in this Low Level Location ?? The girl listening to Tyler's question she smiles and says without thinking twice. (Ariel): n.o.ble Tyler ... How you are like me! Then we can have a constructive conversation! Come sit here by my side. Tyler looks at the Empty Chair beside her. He smiles and says. (Tyler): My Lady, I don't want to sit next to You. Since there is no one watching us could you give me a kiss ??? Tyler says in a provocative tone. The n.o.ble Ariel hearing this she gets up and starts walking slowly taking one step at a time towards Tyler with that s.h.i.+ny gold dress and says. (Ariel): Mr. Tyler .... Your words are low level! Do you dare despise me ?? (Tyler): You get it wrong, Miss Ariel! What I am saying is that you look extremely beautiful and to improve you are on my level! That drives me crazy. Would you happen to accept spending a night in this place with me ??? (Ariel): Hahaha! Don't make me laugh, Mr. Tyler! You know very well that a Lady like me is not easily reached. I am not like your s.e.x slaves. I'm Ariel! Third daughter of the Royal line! (Tyler): Hahaha, you charm me Girl! You really drive me crazy! Ariel hearing Tyler's words she smiles and says. (Ariel): Come on! Sit down, let's talk about the future. Perhaps your Family has a letter up its sleeve that no one knows. Tyler makes a serious expression and says it in his firm voice. (Tyler): Miss Ariel, there are certain things that I am not allowed to disclose. And even more so in an insignificant cell like this. In a few minutes you and I will be out of this place. Maybe at a candlelight dinner I can kill your thirst for power. Ariel hearing Tyler's bold words she smiles and says. (Ariel): would that be a promise ?? Tyler approaches her face and says calmly. (Tyler): n.o.ble Ariel! to have your n.o.ble presence I am able to do anything. Ariel seeing Tyler's words as she smiles and takes off one of her white gloves. She shows that s.h.i.+ny, fragrant hand to Tyler and says looking him in the eye. (Ariel): I will let you touch me! But do not abuse my kindness! Tyler as a gentleman kisses Ariel's hand.