The Famous Millionaire - 297 Chapter 291

297 Chapter 291

Hyunwoo continued, "Of course, I'm beholden to everybody here. Without your help, I would not have seen the creation of KOVE DREAM. You folks did all your best to make KOVE what it is today."

Then he appreciated them by calling each of the directors one by one.

"I know more than anybody else how hard you worked for KOVE. And I'm not the type of person who can punish you just because you made one mistake."

He then emphasized the importance of valuable human resources.

"The purpose of disciplinary action should not be just to punish the person involved. We should make sure he or she should not make the same mistake. As for the case this time, I don't think we need any heavy punishment to achieve the purpose of the punishment."

All the committee members refrained from responding.

Hyunwoo continued, "Let me close the case by issuing a measure of caution to the director of the planning department. This is the same level of disciplinary action taken on similar cases before."

A measure of caution was a light punishment that could not be called punishment at all. The only downside was when the person involved should be competing with others to get promoted, his or her record of that might put them at a disadvantage.

All the members nodded their heads without objecting to Hyunwoo's decision.

But Sonjong dissented, "Still, you can't give me a pa.s.s."

Everybody stopped talking and looked at her.

"In fact, I've looked back at myself a lot on the occasion of this. For example, I wondered if the position I have now is the right fit for me. I think a practical, not managerial position, better fits me."

Everybody opened their eyes wider with surprise. It looked as if she would relinquish her position.

Their expectation was right.

"I would like to be relieved of my position as the director of the planning department and go back to the rank-and-file position."

"No, I can't allow that," said Hyunwoo.

But Sonjong's adamant.

"In fact, I've felt a great burden because of my t.i.tle. I've neglected my household work because of my job here. Please allow me to handle office work as an ordinary employee."

Everybody made a blank expression at her bombsh.e.l.l announcement. How could a ranking officer like her ask for a demotion?

That was unthinkable and nonsensical.

But Hyunwoo thought differently because he was well aware of her family situation.

Sonjong was from a rich family. Her husband was a college professor making a decent income, so she didn't need to covet a high salary.

Still, Hyunwoo couldn't think of her request for demoting her to a lower position.

Actually, he wanted to promote her to a more responsible position.

"I know you're having a hard time, but…" said Hyunwoo, trying to change her mind.

But she was not persuaded.

After all, Hyunwoo said with a sigh,

"Okay, then. I respect your decision, but on one condition. You should not do any damage to the company by relinquis.h.i.+ng your position. So, try to find a replacement before you do. Got it?"

When Sonjong didn't say anything, Hyunwoo quickly concluded the meeting.

"Okay, let me wrap up the meeting then."

After the meeting, Hyunwoo went back to his office.

Sitting on the sofa, he was sorting out his complicated thoughts.

'Certainly, the opportunity will come along. The opportunity of driving out the corrupt politicians. I should seize it well.'

Suddenly, he cast a glance at the TV set on the opposite wall.

The TV was on all the time in his office, and the channel was fixed on Yonhap News, so he could take a look at it anytime he turned back.

There was shocking news that attracted Hyunwoo's attention instantly.

Hyunwoo quickly picked up a remote control and raised the TV volume.

According to the report, the police, when tipped off by an anonymous informant, was in hiding near a country gas station and ambushed the gasoline tank truck that arrived at the station and supplied gasoline. When the police checked the tank, it was full of fake gasoline.

Not only that gas station but also other stations in k.u.msan County in Chungnam Province and Jangsu County in Chonbuk Province were also supplied with fake gasoline.

What was surprising was that these gas stations were directly run by Singyong Co.

In other words, Singyong Co. was supplying fake gasoline at the head office level.

The news shocked the people. The police started an investigation of the driver of the truck, the man responsible for supplying illegal fake gasoline as well as the owners of the gas stations, and the press reported about the public response.

However, all the persons under investigation said they were not aware of the fake gasoline, arguing that there was no reason for them to sell fake gasoline.

Hyunwoo also thought there was something strange about it. There was no reason for a large company like Singyong to sell fake gasoline because of the big risk factor when uncovered.

But the general people didn't think deeply.

"There must be more fake gasoline hidden somewhere ."

"Poor consumers!"

"Those guys involved, ranging from its president down to the lower managers, should be sent to prison!"

The news about Singyoung's fake gasoline led to a sharp decline in its sales. Customers stopped using Singyong's gas stations.

The bigger problem was this kind of sales reduction was not just a temporary issue. Ohsung Group and Bando Oil joined hands on the occasion of Singyoung's crisis to aggressively eat away at Singyoung's dominance in the market.

Even Hyunwoo was shocked to learn about their collaboration.

Ohsung was supposed to offer Bando Oil 30% of the Super Green sales right, while Bando Oil decided to hand over its gas stations to Ohsung.

Because of this situation, Singyoung was in a very dangerous crisis. It was faced with another problem.

Singyoung focused on oil refinery and communications.

Even its communications business didn't go well recently as a result of Ohsung Group's aggressive marketing strategy.

Its entertainment business was also in the red.

But the biggest problem was its involvement in the malpractices of overseas resources diplomacy.

Though the president and big shot politicians strongly backed Singyoung, the press relentlessly dug out the corruption of resources diplomacy involving Singyoung Co.

In particular, when Singyoung's fake gasoline was uncovered, the press focused on its illegal involvement in the resources diplomacy, calling for the government investigation of its sole right to develop oilfields in Vietnam.

But the government kept silent. When asked by the press, government officials made excuses by saying that it had happened during the previous government.

After all, only Singyoung Co. was in a serious financial crisis.

Some people already began to talk about the possibility of Singyoung's bankruptcy. Some foreign credit rating agency was predicting it.

Several days later, the government took out a knife.

There was a report that the Prosecutors' Office decided to summon Munsik Choi, CEO of Singyoung Co. in connection with the controversial resources diplomacy. Munsik was already forbidden from leaving the country.

And there was even more shocking news several days later after that.