The Dungeon Struggle Of An Earth Dragon! - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

This is the heavily edited version, click for the proofread one.

Chapter 25: The Capricious Journal of True Love

Dungeon Progression Journal Day One:

My home can no longer be called a house. It's now a dungeon according to this world's common sense. I felt like making a journal today, so I did. I am using the pedestal from the ruins to record this. I kinda knew that it has a recording function in addition to the hologram. You can type into it, too. That's why I'm using it as my journal. Though, I don't know how long this'll last.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Two

The expansion of the dungeon is running smoothly. The map of the Eight Great Dungeon is what allowed this. Everyone is working as well. The most useful group is Ann's soldier ants, no doubt. Those ones both mine rocks for food, though it's mostly for me, and gather materials to create golems. It's. .h.i.tting two birds with one stone. I feel great when sending out the map parts one by one via thought transmission. Let's keep expanding the dungeon like this.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Three

This place has been expanded.  Before, it was about the size of a school track, but now it is several times larger. Especially the upper floor, which had been made by the soldier ants. Ann sent a map to me through thought transmission, and unexpectedly, it's HUGE. It's like, bigger than Liberty Island. I also don't have to worry about the ground collapsing during the expansion anymore since Ann seems to be spraying a special secretion; it coats the wall and floor of the dungeon while it is being dug out. With that, there shouldn't be any problems. By the way, I haven't opened the entrance yet. It's a stupid thing to do. Opening it only serves to increase the risk of this dungeon being found. I truly hope that the adventurers never discover this place. Ann was acting strangely nervous when I was going to check the Entrance. It makes me feel worried looking at her like that, but in the end, there doesn't seem to be issues with it.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Four

The number of floors is steadily increasing. Recently, I haven't dug the dungeon out at all. It was completely done by the soldier ants and golems. I only have to check the map updates that are sent to me. Thanks to that, I can relax and devote myself to making golems and eating. What, you got a problem? This isn't a dungeon progress report anymore, you say? *laugh*Hahaha, it's fine, it's all fine. Oh, and by the way, the number of floors has increased to twenty-two. Right now, I am on the twenty-second floor. I moved each and every time a new floor was made because, for some reason, the bottom floor calms me. I'm guessing that it is because I am an earth dragon. I am writing through a small mobile device that allows me to remotely type into the pedestal from here right now. Really, magic sure is convenient.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Five

Recently, I've been lectured by Una. Like how I should act more like a dungeon master or something along those lines. 'What, You're complaining?' I said to myself internally. It feels like their ego has begun to develop. Each with their own personality. Dos is a silent worker that's always working hard to build this dungeon. Incidentally, the female-type Tres is beside me most of the time, sleeping by my side. She says that it's the most calming spot. Well, I don't mind so long as she doesn't disturb me. It's just that Ann's gaze strangely hurt every time she comes down here once in a while. Mainly at Tres.  Something wrong, ant? Whenever I asked her, she always said "Nothing!" before scurrying back to the upper floor. What's up with her? She seems like she has to something to say, but oh well.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Six

Ann's army ants have brought a lot of magic stones, they excavated in the upper floor. I told them I don't need them. Everyone looked surprised when I told them they are not good enough to be eaten. Seriously, what's with that reaction. Who do you think I am? I do actually have enough magic stones for my own consumption among other things. Besides, magic stones from the upper floors taste bland for me now. I wonder if it's because of my refined palate. They looked so happy when I told them they can eat the magic stones. The look on their face when they're happy is indeed, quite disgusting.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Seven

Recently, Tres started to imitate me making golems. Although she is still green and not quite at my level, I'm sure she'll become a good golem crafter if she keeps practicing. Still, does a golem crafting profession even exist? Incidentally, Ann looks jealous for some reason. If you want to join us, just do so. It's better if you don't, though. Oh, by the way, I gave Ann a sword prototype. It's a sword that I made by referencing a magic sword from Elipedia. It was the Sacred Sword Leviathan. It's nothing compared to a real thing though. Although I think I've done quite a good job with it. Ann was absolutely delighted. 'You're an ant but you sure got a good eye. Fufufu.'

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Eight

I made a golem. I made a weapon. I ate a magic stone for dinner. The end.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Nine

Tres was very pleased with her dog golem.  I smiled. The end.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Ten

It's the same as always. The dungeon is steadily getting larger but that's all there is to it. I wonder if there's anything stimulating. It's good to be safe though however. Come to think of it, there's a loud sound coming from the upper floor. I was sleeping at that time. Let's ask Ann next time. If I just so happen to remember it.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Eleven

I spent my time sleeping. I can't remember well what Ann said since I was half awake, but she reported something to me. Somehow, magic stones were scattered everywhere…. I can feel it.   I can't remember, I'm still sleepy. Good night.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twelve

I ate a magic stone.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Thirteen


Dungeon Progression Journal Day Fourt

Dungeon Pro


Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twenty-one

Una saw my journal. At first, she smiled, but slowly her face turns grimmer. "Father. It is clear that from the middle part you've been thinking that writing a journal is troublesome, right?" so she said while smiling. 'No, it isn't like that. I just happen not to have the inspiration to write.' Yup, that's it. "Then, how about taking a walk in the dungeon instead?" She suggested. 'Sure. I have memorized the map of the dungeon but it's possible that it's actually different in reality. Besides, I'm lacking exercise recently. Alright, let's walk around the dungeon!' Tomorrow. Let's do our best tomorrow!

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twenty-two

I overslept.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twenty-three

I made a golem.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twenty-four

I got yelled at by Una. Tomorrow. I'll take a walk in the dungeon tomorrow alright.

Dungeon Progression Journal Day Twenty-eight

Today, I took a walk in the dungeon together with Una and Tres. It's nice to see how the new dungeon is coming along. Oh, Una seems to be in a mock battle with Ann. Ann reigns victorious so far.

When did she get this strong?

Dungeon Progression Journal Twenty-nine

A fateful encounter occurred on this day. For the first time ever, an intruder has entered my dungeon. The first intruder. I was really nervous about it. I wonder what kind of guy it is. I never thought this place would be found so quickly. Should I hide? What on earth are they? Though it will be a quite a struggle, Ann and the others won't lose against something that's on the same cla.s.s as the white wyvern.  Ann's strength is number. She's not so much one on one. Even with numbers, if it's a King-cla.s.s, it will definitely be a hard fight, but please do your best as a wall. For my sake.

'What should I do?' While I was thinking so, Ann contact me. She wanted to hear my opinion. regardless of what it is, I headed to the upper floor where it showed up. Of course, I intended to escape immediately after I see what it was, but my heart was robbed the moment I saw it.

It was a slime. The size of a balance ball. Jiggling. It has round beady eyes. Going jiggle, jiggle. It has stolen my heart. 'What is this cute creature!' This dungeon has no small healing animals at all. Oh wait, it's not an animal. Anyway, such cute slime is now trembling *jiggle jiggle*  while surrounded by the soldier ants. 'So cute! 'In any case, it's cute. I already knew about it from Elibel's knowledge but the real thing is way cuter, isn't it? The soldier ants have been saying things like, "Boss, what do we do with this guy? Do we kill it?"I immediately gave them an answer. 'There's no way we're going to kill it!' I s.n.a.t.c.hed the slime right away. I got a new pet, and it brings a smile to my face.

Slime Observation Journal Day Thirty

Instantly, I made the slime into my subordinate. 'Cute.' I thought, for the nth time. I decided to name it Pururu. It's so cute.

Pururu Observation Journal Day Thirty-one

Pururu is cute.

Pururu Observation Journal Day Thirty-two

Tres also loves Pururu. So warm and fluffy. (?)

Pururu Observation Journal

"Father! This no longer has anything to do with the dungeon anymore at all!" Una scolded me. Also, for some reason unknown, Ann hasn't spoken to me for a while now. 'Why would that be?'


And now, a skit from the producer side:

MC: This is the main heroine…

Author: Haa?!

Ann: Eeh?!

Una & Tres: What did you say?!


Editor: don't worry, it'll obtain human form and turn out to be a girl. Just like in monster musume.

Translator: Character ill.u.s.tration for those who haven't seen it yet.