The CEO's Painted Skin - Chapter 284

Chapter 284

When Ramon emerged from the door, John fired a question at him right away .

"How's her reaction after receiving the phone?" asked John .

"She demanded to have her old phone back . I told her that you will return it after sometimes . Then I told her that she can curse, scream and shout at you any time of the day whenever she feels like doing it . All she needs to do is call you," answered Ramon .

"Good job Ramon, let's go back now and put all these things inside the vehicle," John motioned his head on the a.s.sorted things strewn in the hallway .

"Why don't we wait for a few days, Boss . Maybe Catherine will no longer throw a fit and will demand the things to be put back inside . Let's just instruct one of the nurses to cover the things with a piece of garments or blanket for the meantime," he suggested .

John agreed . "Okay, we just leave those things outside for a while . After three days, we will bring it all to the Jade Tower . Let's go!" said John .

They entered the elevator heading to the ground floor to go back to Infinity Jade Tower .


That night . . .

Catherine was staring at the s.h.i.+ny new phone she was holding in her hand . She has no plan to use it but it's the only communication she can use to reach out to her family outside of the building . She will call her family tomorrow .

She checked the contacts, only one name registered on it, John the f.u.c.king cheater!

She sighed .

She began typing rapid-fire messages . . . and sends them all to John .

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

'I hate you so much!'

Then she cried again, her uncontrollable sobbing wracked her whole body with sadness and agony . The truth is . . . she still love him so much but his betrayal and cheating devastated her to the core, making her so f.u.c.king miserable inside .

. . .

~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was having a shower inside the bathroom . He heard his phone beep many times signaling him of incoming text messages . Based on the sounds it may be more than 8 text messages . Who could be texting him so many messages at this late hour?

Done showering, he donned the bathrobe on his naked body .

He exited the bathroom and went to the bedside table to pick up his phone . His heart fluttered when he realized that the text messages were all sent by Catherine . But after reading the messages, he felt deeply saddened and disappointed that all her messages contain the declaration of her scorching hatred towards him .

But after a while he smiled . . . she's now opening up to him in a gradual manner without her knowing it .

He typed a message and resend it to her ten times . . . then he walked towards the closets to find something to wear .

Done donning the chosen clothes, he lies down on the bed, a smile appeared on his lips . He missed Catherine so much and their baby inside her tummy . He finally gets her pregnant at last! In spite of everything that happened, he was truly happy that she's finally carrying their son . One of his wishes finally come true, he is now a Dad!

The next step is to make her marry him as soon as possible!

He shuts his eyes and dreamed of her .

. . .

~Mystic Bay Twin Tower~

In Catherine's bedroom . . . she ignored the text messages that her phone received a while ago .

But no matter how hard she tried, she can't ignore the beating of her heart that was urging her to read his replies .

She picks up the mobile device and starts reading the text messages . . .

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

'I love you so much, Catherine!'

After finis.h.i.+ng his repet.i.tive endearing text messages, she put back the phone on the bedside table and started crying again . How can he be so weak not able to resist another woman's temptation? Was his love for her isn't that pure and intense that's why he was easily tempted by that woman? Even if they will continue their relations.h.i.+p, can she still trust him? How will she know that he won't be tempted with another woman again if they finally got married? What if his womanizing ways will get worse after their wedding? How will she able to protect her heart against him?

. . .

~Infinity Jade Tower~

For the next thirty minutes, John was waiting for Catherine's reply that didn't come . He sighed . He typed his last message for her for the night, then tap send . John put the phone in the bedside table and prepared himself to sleep . Hoping by tomorrow when he wakes up the hatred she felt for him magically disappears .

He sleeps on that night with Catherine's eyes throwing daggers in his mind .

. . .

In Catherine's bedroom . . .

She had finished crying for the beautiful love that gone too soon . Maybe John is not the right guy for her . Maybe there's someone out there who is waiting for her that truly deserves her love, loyalty, and devotion . That's why she must not hurry to marry him even if she is pregnant with their child . From now on . . . she must teach herself not to feel anything for John anymore .

If one day she can learn to forgive John, that also be the day that she no longer loves him . As for now the love and hate she felt for him were intertwine, she had a hard time separating them and it's making her feeling so conflicted inside . Maybe if she can't see him for a long time, she will be able to stop loving him and her hatred for him will also fade away a natural death .

She will hold on to the old saying that says . . . ' Time can heal everything including the painful affairs of the heart . '