The CEO's Painted Skin - 266 Round Two!

266 Round Two!

"h.e.l.lo, John! Good afternoon!" she greeted him with her sing-song voice.

"Ella... what brings you here?" he replied with a question. John eyed her coldly and give her a quizzical look.

"I miss you! That is why I visit you here in your office," she answered. "Thank you for letting me in, even though the guards and Romeo won't allow me inside. They're so mean!" she pouted like a child.

John sighed. "Ella, until when you keep visiting my office, unannounced and without permission?"

Ella was thinking quickly for a satisfactory answer. "Until you will agree to go on a date with me," she answered.

"How many dates can satisfy you?" he asked.

"As many as you can, if you are willing to go out with me, I would like it to happen every day if possible," she said, grinning.

"Lol, you are more demanding than my girlfriend!" he said casually with mild amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes.

"I'm a hundred times better than your girlfriend in so many ways. Do you want me to start counting the ways?" asked Ella while giving him a seductive wink.

John ignored her blatant ego-tripping.

"What is the purpose of the date?" asked John.

"I want to get to know you better. I'm hoping you will develop feelings for me later on and together we will embark on a loving relations.h.i.+p and then finally get married one day!" she blurted enthusiastically.

As John stared at her smiling face, he realized that Ella's infatuation and obsession towards him already run deeper, much worse than he antic.i.p.ated, it's kind of creepy listening to her crazy fantasy.

"I love my girlfriend so much, Ella. And we're going to have our baby soon. She is the only woman am going to love and marry. I'm so sorry that I can't return your feelings. It's useless if we keep seeing each other and go on a blind date when you already know my feelings for you. Are you going to seduce me again with your naked body?" he was trying to dig deeper into the inner workings of her mind.

She smiled cheekily at John, remembering so well the erotic events that happened in his swimming pool not so long time ago. "Yesss...and why not?" she winked at him.

John's eyes darken a bit. "That would never happen again, Ella. I will never fall into your temptation and seduction ever again!"

Ella just smiled at him brazenly. "If I will perform a strip dance in front of you and took off my clothes and go naked all the way, can you still resist my body?" she wanted to challenge him.

"No way!" answered John quickly.

Ella smiled cheekily at him. "That's because you are weak John! With just the sight of my naked gorgeous body, you will come running to me and you won't be able to take off your hands of my smoking hot body! That is the truth! Are you afraid that you will get tempted again?" added Ella.

John laughed hard. Is this woman challenging his self-control this time? For a brief moment, he was tempted to give in to her challenge, to show her that he can't be tempted this time.

Ella laughed at his reaction. "I are hesitating? Come on give in to my challenge, John! Let see how strong you are to resist my temptation for the second time around."

John knew that Ella was putting him on a tight spot, her palpable taunting was provoking him. Why not give in to her silly games and see if he can be tempted again? He will know the limits of his control if he will see her naked body again. He failed the first time. Will, he failed again on the second time? He will never know if he won't try again.

'Hmm, why not? I got nothing to lose'...said John to himself.

"Okay. I accepted your challenge. But I will be the one to set the rules of the games and you will agree to everything I say, is that clear?" said John.

Ella grinned from ear to ear. "Yes! I will agree to all, as long you will give me a chance to perform a striptease in front of you, I'm sure you won't be able to resist my body!" she beamed with confidence.

"Okay, here's the rule. I will give you three chances to stripteased in front of me. If you fail to seduce me within the 3 chances that I'd given you, then you will forever disappear from my sight and never see or contact me again."

Ella squealed with the three chances that were given to her by John. OMG! He's very generous! She was looking forward to those 3 chances. "Yes. I agree with your condition. If I fail to seduce you I will never visit you again in your office and stay away from you," she agreed.

John smirked.

"Rule #2. You can not get closer and to try to touch my body while you are doing your striptease dance. If I want to touch you I will be the one to come to where you are, is that clear?" asked John.

"Fair enough!" answered Ella.

"If I will be tempted with your seduction and touch you anywhere your body even with just the tip of your hair, that means I lose and you win, and I will embark on a date with you for one whole month, 20 times in one month to be exact, in public places only, never in private places," he paused a bit, then he continued talking to her. "I will give you a time duration of twenty minutes to execute your striptease dance. After the timer is up you will stop your dance and leave the place."

"Where will this going to happen?" asked Ella excitedly.

"In one of my hotels here in Makati City," said John.

"When are the time and date?" she continuous grinning, the happiness in her eyes were growing in leaps and bounds.

"I will text you on your cellphone to inform you of the date and time," he said.

She pouted. "How can I make sure you won't go back on your words?"

John stared at her in the eyes. "Trust me. I never back out on my words, especially If I already agreed to the challenge. I am a man of honor."

"Okay, that's good enough for me. So, I will wait for your text, then?" asked Ella for confirmation.

He nodded at her. "Yes, and can you go now! I still have some things to do here in my office," he already dismissed her.

Ella stood up. "Bye John! See you soon! I'm very excited to perform a striptease in front of you!" she was still giggling when she exited the door.

John released a deep sigh when Ella was already out of his office. She will never stop pestering him unless he will meet her halfway. With her strong, proud and reckless personality, sooner or later, Ella will do something stupid in the long run. He had to meet her in the middle so that they both can get what they wanted from each other.