The CEO's Painted Skin - 185 Two Months Later

185 Two Months Later

When Romeo entered his buddy's office to pa.s.s some important doc.u.ments that needed his signature and approval, he found him intently watching his runaway bride's slideshow on his laptop. His friend was lost in his own world again, locked up in the world of Catherine's beautiful memories, observes Romeo shaking his head.

Romeo went to John's desk and placed the doc.u.ments on the table.

"Hmmm... John, I need you to approve some it is...," said Romeo.

John nods at Romeo and s.h.i.+fted his gaze on the doc.u.ments above his table. He began reading and checking them one by one, done reading he affixed his signature on the doc.u.ments and handed them back to his buddy.

"John, what about the plastic surgery procedure I mentioned before, have you given it a thought?" inquired Romeo.

John blinked twice remembering about it.

"Yeah. Okay, go ahead book me an appointment," replied John enthusiastically.

Romeo can't believe what he just heard right now! His best friend finally agreed to the plastic surgery to eliminate all the scars on his face, this is a piece of good news! It's finally happening!

"Okay. I will book an appointment right now!" said the excited Romeo. He exited the office with a triumphant smile on his face.

John stared at Romeo's retreating back. He doesn't really care much about his looks, but this time the more he thinks about it the more he was eager to restore his old appearance. Maybe it could help him to make Catherine stay in his side forever.

More than ever he was getting excited with the thoughts of seeing his old image in the mirror every day. If the doctor can restore his previous good looks then he will be grateful. If not then he will settle whatever enhancement that can be done to his face as long the scars will be gone and he can face everyone without hiding his face behind the mask all the time.

He summoned Ramon to his office.

A few minutes later, Ramon entered the room. "Yes, Boss..."

"Have you delivered the sack of rice and groceries in Grace's house?"

"Yes I did, yesterday," answered Ramon.

"I want you to conduct a general checkup with the car 'coz we're going to the Hacienda tomorrow I want to visit the place. Make sure the tires, the brakes, and everything are on top condition, it will be a long ride and I don't want to encounter any mishap in the road while we're traveling."

"Okay, Boss. Is that all?" asked Ramon.

John nodded. "That's all!"

Ramon exited the room to carry out his employer's command.

John glanced back at Catherine's face adoringly, he then s.h.i.+fted his vision on the calendar hanging in the wall.


He was thinking if Catherine still loves him during that time? Would she accept him back in her life if she already gets used to a single life? Would sparks still fly when they see each other again?

It's the same old question and he has to wait for several months before the answer can be found during the time he will see her again.

His phone starts ringing, it's Romeo calling!

"Bro, I already made the appointment! Too bad the surgeon is very busy, he has many clients lining up for his services. But I already booked you up for a checkup the first week next month. You want me to find another surgeon?" asked Romeo.

"Nah. If he is the best in his field then I can wait for my turn. Anyways, you already booked for a checkup, so let's just wait. By the way, find any testimonials about his previous works, plastic surgeries can go wrong anytime...I don't want to have a damaged face in the end cause of the doctor's incompetence," said John.

"I think this surgeon is really good. Remember that famous movie star that her face was damaged and her boyfriend got killed on the spot because of a tragic car accident last year?"

"Yes. It's all over the news during that time," replied John.

"The surgeon who fixed her face and restores her looks is the same surgeon that we got an appointment for a checkup next month. That's why he become so famous because of that controversial phenomenal result and many clients want his services, instead of them going abroad which is very expensive and c.u.mbersome why not seek his expertise here inside the country which is a bit cheaper than going abroad and still get the same outstanding result. So, am confident that he is really the best in his field of expertise," explained Romeo.

"Okay. I want to see the testimonials, price packages, and services on his website, does he had one?" asked John.

"Yes. I will forward his website address in your messenger in a few minutes. Check it out," Romeo said.

"Thanks, bro, see yeah later." John ended their conversation.

He rose to his feet and exited his office to eat his lunch in his flat. He will have a quick dip in the pool later and then he will browse the plastic surgeon's website when he's already back in his office.


The next day John and Ramon traveled early in the morning heading towards the town of Mandreza, it's a pleasant ride and the weather is pretty good for traveling outside the city. John fixed his eyes on the window, enjoying the green scenery dotting along the highway.

During lunchtime, they stop over on one of the restaurants stationed alongside the road to eat lunch.

One hour later they were back on the road for a smooth pleasant ride, there is no traffic on the highway and the air is fresh. John instructed Ramon to turn off the car air conditioner inside the vehicle and lowered down the window so that they can breathe fresh air while traversing in the countryside.

John and Ramon stopped at the store along the road to buy some stuff like beverages and foods for their food consumption in the hacienda.

Ten hours later...they finally arrived at their destination.

The welcoming view of the Hacienda's ancestral house was comforting to both their bone tired body due to their long journey.

They already brought cooked foods along the highway for their dinner so that they don't have to trouble the old couple to prepare their dinner.

Juan and Adela, the caretakers, were all smiles when they saw their visitor!

"Good afternoon, Sir John and Ramon!" they greeted their visitor.

Ramon smiled at the couple and he returns their greetings.

John nods and smiled at the caretaker warmly. "Nice to see you again, folks!" He proceeds to enter the Hacienda ahead of them and climbs the stairs towards his old room.

Ramon opened the trunk of the car, with the help of the caretaker they brought all the foods and stuff inside the house.


The moment John closed the door of his old room behind him, he was suddenly bombarded with the erotic images of him and Catherine in a tight embrace both bodies naked rolling in the bed sheet in ecstasy.

He went to the bed and lay down on it, closing his eyes, relieving every memory of their physical intimacy in the early days of their meeting.

"I miss you terribly, Cath!" he whispered over and over again burying his head in the soft bed.