The Atlantean Compensator - Chapter 103

Chapter 103

*The next morning, 6AM*

Mané wakes up earlier than usual, washes his face and takes with him a very traditional gun, and a sharp knife . In case things got out of hands . . .

Mané gets out of his tent towards Beazly's, and calmly calls him from outside .

"Good morning sir, are you still asleep?" .

No answer was heard!

Mané waits a moment before he checks inside . . .

As he feared, Beazly isn't there!!!


Don't tell me he . . . . He went alone!!"

Beazly was at this moment already on his way towards the city .

"Using the information i gathered, he's a business man, light skinned, always wearing black, skinny, wants to buy our land, still young . . . What else?

Oh yeah, one of the kids told me that his name was . . . Halphas?!

What kind of weird name is that!? It makes him even more suspicious . "

Beazly arrives, the large buildings and the crus.h.i.+ng atmosphere, a wasteland!

"I don't have time to hate on this, I need to find him . . . I'll look for some building work place .

But searching like this is harder, I need to look from a higher place . "

Beazly seizes the tallest building in his sight, then looks arround him to see if anyone's looking .

"Alright, thankfully it's still very early in the morning and it's not crowded .

Only builders are working in such time . "

Beazly's leg muscles tightened up so hard, as he jumped so high in the air, and climbed the building as if it were a tree!!

"Alright then . . . Let's see . " Beazly looks over the city .

"There is one . . . And there is another . . . Okey!

Let's start with that one . "

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Beazly gets there in no time, and descends without making a ruckus .

"Excuse me . . . Hey! Excuse me!" He calls one of the workers .

The latter stops, and looks back to see who's calling him . . . Judging from Beazly's appearance, he knew he's not from the city!

The worker gets back on working, in a disrespectful way he replies .

"What do you want?"

Beazly ignores that, he came here for a specefic reason and not a stupid fight .

"I want to ask you if you know someone that goes by the name of "Halphas"?

He's always wearing black and . . . "

The worker stopped again, and looked towards Beazly with a serious look, which made Beazly stop describing .

"Are you perhaps, the leader of the Himba tribes?"

Beazly's shocked . 'How does he know who I am?

Right after I brought Halphas into talk . . . Was he expecting my arrival?

I need to go on with this . . . '

"Yes I am, how do you know?"

The worker . "Relax . We were told that if you came asking about the boss .

We have to lead you towards him .

Follow me!"

Beazly stands still in his place . " . . So he was expecting my arrival .

Before I follow you, you'll have to answer some of my questions . "

"Look! I am a simple worker, who's everyday tired of my life . Don't make it harder for me already .

I only am obliging orders . "

Beazly does not care what he says .

"Who is Halphas exactly? And what does he want from me?"

The worker holds his face with his palm . "Ugh . . . What a pain in the a.s.s .

I already told you, he's our boss . . . Technically he's the boss of many people arround the world .

He's a very well known business man and lately was chosen to be part of the world's biggest project . "

After some seconds, Beazly starts walking .

"Alright, I'll follow you . . . "

' . . . The world's biggest project? What kind of bulls.h.i.+t is that!'

After leading him some blocks away, they're now standing in front of a very fancy looking Villa!

"This is his house?" Beazly asks .

"One of many . . . "The worker replies sarcastically .

"Okey then, this is as far as i can get . Behind this door is his office .

It's said he never sleeps, so you'll find him in there . "

Beazly's a bit confused . "What?!

What do you mean by that . . . Wait a moment!"

The worker goes away without saying any other word!

He's now left alone in front of the door .

"He never sleeps? What kind of guy is this . . .

I got this far, I can't get back with empty hands now .

At the end, I am the one to be feared here!!"

*He knocks on the door*

But it was opened by itself . . . Beazly slowly enters . with a deep voice he asks .

"Is this "Halphas" office?"

He starts looking and a.n.a.lyzing the place, just as outisde, it's all fancy . . with nice looking designs and and accessories that Beazly isn't that accustomed to .

As he was looking, an answer was heard .

"Yes it is, Sir Beazly!"

The man was sitting on his chair so comfortably, with his hands crossed near his chest .

Beazly . 'The descriptions fit perfectly with how he looks!'

"So you're Halphas, i a.s.sume!"

He nods with his head, and asks Beazly to take a seat .

"I think we have a lot to talk about, am I right?"

Beazly's keeping his serious menacing face .

"I didn't come here to sit nor to talk much .

After all, you're the man who often came to my tribes and poisoned the children!!"

Halpha's face went from smily to confused .

"Poinsoned them?

What do you mean exactly sir Beazly?

You call bringing them gifts and candy, poisoning?!"

Beazly gets even more furious with this answer .

"Don't bulls.h.i.+t me!

The last time you came they all got sick, if it wasn't for a very special medicine they may have been dead now!!"

Halphas . "I think there is big misunderstanding here, the candy i gave them is the same i eat myself .

You can ask them, we ate it all together . I can do it now in front of you if, it's my personal favorite!"

*He actually does*

Beazly's starting to doubt his claims .

" . . . What about the weird cursed puppet!??"

"Do you mean one like . . . those?" Halphas points at a row in his library that have similar puppets .

He continues . "These are pretty popular in the city .

But I understand that you are superst.i.tuous people, you'll have to excuse me with that .

I am a man of business!

Make no mistake, i only used to come there to have a good relation with all of you . "

Beazly . "So why have you stopped lately? And why would you only target children??

Don't you think that's suspicious!!"

Halphas, still sitting very comfortably .

"True! But the reason to that was . . . Making good relations with children makes it easier to have one with elders as well . That was my intention .

As for the time i stopped coming by, I got very busy with my businesses abroad .

Now would you please sit down, cause we still have things to talk in . "

Beazly's hesitant, The amount of questions he now has in mind is bigger than the one he originally came up with .

So, he decided to hear what this weird man has to say . . .