The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Inner Lot City streets…

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Hiros.h.i.+ panted, blood dripping from his head, muscles aching . He was low on ammo for his pistol, not that bullets did much damage to them . These so-called Blood Hand . The s.h.i.+p girls and Rodger were simply outnumbered and nerfed . If Ayu used her bow, she'd wipe out the entire city . Maho couldn't sp.a.w.n her cannons without risking the population . To think they were given such ludicrous orders from the captain himself . Go scope out the hotel where a group that called themselves the Blood Hand lived . Sudden orders, but it was his number, his voice, his face appearing over the hologram, utilizing a secured military channel . And no one knew Hiros.h.i.+'s work phone number except for Clyde, Aki, the captain, and the admiral .

Despite the disadvantage, the young women were kicking . Ayu fought in the front, Maho fought in the rear, rapidly firing magic arrows . The man wish he knew how it worked—she didn't appear to have much of a limit, outside of her body's physical limitations . The duo couldn't go on forever . Neither could Rodger . Why…just why couldn't he do more? Why weren't they affected by bullets like any other living thing? Hiros.h.i.+ had seen a lot in his days, but this… . this took the saying "what the f.u.c.k" to a new level .

He sent out the text to Team Stone the moment he realized the overall situation . Yet, the girls didn't give up . They pushed harder, fought with more pa.s.sion . Ayu's magic-based martial arts and sheer strength look as if it steadily intensified, despite her tiredness . Then it hit Hiros.h.i.+ . There was no f.u.c.king way endless numbers lived in a hotel . The law enforcement, maybe even higher would've caught such numbers marching toward the city and called for the full force, even the swat team . He thought back to the things Clyde told him . Were there illusion-casting demons in this lot too? That had to be it .

"Ayu, Maho, Rodger!" he called . "Some of them are not real . Do that expanding senses thing or whatever and don't waste your magic on the fakes . They disappear and just come back . "

Ayu cheered and waved .


And the group actually began to push back . Even Hiros.h.i.+, carefully going for headshots, killed a handful of Blood Hand . Just when the military leader's hopes started to rise, a shadow casted down on them in the form of…an angel? He looked up and his eyes widened…

A beautiful woman with black wings hovered above the fight, but she didn't appear to have a care in the world . Just watching as if the battle was a boring TV show . The fallen angel actually showed up . s.h.i.+t . Clyde warned him not to fight this one .

Just then, the fallen angel raised a hand into the sky . Winged bat-like creatures with chicken-like heads sp.a.w.ned—at least twenty of them . Four-feet-tall, wings dark as charcoal, and very low-pitched howls—these clawless creatures didn't look like much, but Hiros.h.i.+ knew d.a.m.n well not to take them lightly .

"Avian golems, kill them," the fallen angel said . He couldn't help but appreciate her beauty, even if she did order their deaths . Hiros.h.i.+ wished these were different circ.u.mstances—he'd love to…He stopped the thoughts . This had to be some kind of charm or something . He didn't know much about magic, except through the TV shows .

s.h.i.+t . They had to deal with the remaining Blood Hand and the avian golems . This just couldn't be happening . He thought about calling a retreat, but noticed that some of the sp.a.w.ned monsters blocked the exits .

"There will be no escape for you," the fallen angel said . "Now just die so I can go get a drink . "

"That's my line," Hiros.h.i.+ said .

"Oh?" the fallen angel said, then chuckled . "Then it's the survival of the fittest . Whoever leaves out alive, gets to enjoy the loving feeling of being drunk . "

"That's not a loving feeling," Ayu said .

The fallen angel shook her head .

"You're one of those, who can't appreciate the liquors or even the right craft beers . "

"See Ayu, even she knows how to do things . Too bad you have to shoot her down," Hiros.h.i.+ said . Ayu rolled her eyes, then focused, but six Blood Hand stole her attention . Ten free avian golems started toward the man, eyes s.h.i.+ning with death .

"f.u.c.k," Hiros.h.i.+ said, shooting, but the bullets didn't stop them .

"So sad," the fallen angel said . "End him . "

Clyde's party…

As they were rus.h.i.+ng to engage the foes less than half a block ahead, Chika's phone rang . She answered .

"h.e.l.lo? You're really going through with the parents meeting on Friday? You don't have to sound so excited about it . No…Mom, we really shouldn't . Mom . " Chika sighed as she closed her phone .

"Your mom is as unstoppable as always, I see," Harumi said .

"Tell me about it," Chika said . "It's so embarra.s.sing . "

Melody nodded, seeming to sympathize .

"Well the only one who's lucky enough to talk about skins.h.i.+p with Chika's mom is Clyde," Seth said, laughing . Chika, Kitome, and Alice glared at him . He shrugged . "We saw the suffocation, but—"

"Say one more word and I'll gut you," Chika said .

"Alright, here they come," Clyde said after loudly clearing his throat . He stole a glance at Toru . His new aura surrounded him . f.u.c.k . "Push through them . The military guys are just ahead . "

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The first group of enemies were Blood Hand . The young man gave one an a.n.a.lyze before engaging .

Blood Hand- Juso

Level: 83

Type: demon warrior .

Work under: Platus, dark G.o.d of Utopius .

Special: Illusive Slash

Weakness: light, lightning, fire .

Resistances: dark

Secret: has pictured Matsuko a few times while masturbating .

Clyde almost missed a step .

[Your party has entered combat!]

The enemy level ranged from eighty to eighty-six . Clyde was ninety-one . He still wouldn't underestimate them, but at least the fight didn't require him to go out of his way .

Clyde's speed stat showed as he bolted toward the first Blood Hand, cutting him down in an instant . Another one popped in his place . He dodged the enemy's swing and ended him again . The Blood Hand minion resp.a.w.ned .

"What the f.u.c.k? Okay, really, this illusion bulls.h.i.+t . "

"Yep," Kitome said, blowing one the f.u.c.k up with a heart bomb . "This is going to be a pain in the a.s.s . "

"Let me," Harumi said, raising her wand . Clyde made a note to himself to get the young woman a new one . Yet, somehow, despite having the same one he gave her, it scaled with her level . The pink-haired girl somehow upgraded it . Or did Kitome upgrade it?

[Harumi activated Tier 1 skill: Dispel . ]

A cloud of magic briefly coated the battlefield . The dozens upon dozens of Blood Hand became just five . They smiled sadly . Alice, Ruri, and Yuki ended them . Melody shook her head .

[Battle completed . Victory! Reward: 80,000 EXP and $20,000 . ]

"Come on, no time to waste," Melody said, leading . Clyde chuckled .

"Someone's eager," Clyde said . The redhead didn't respond .

Ahead, the party ran into a rather odd sight, that is, monsters that looked like a cross between a bird, more specifically a chicken, a bat, and with the body of a humanoid . Quite creepy . And the military group fought . The young man's attention diverted to Hiros.h.i.+ surrounded by approaching chicken monsters, probably out of ammo judging by how he threw his gun at the closest one .

"Kill them off, Team Stone . Get them out of that mess," Clyde said then hurried over to the gaggle of enemies that were likely to chomp Hiros.h.i.+'s nuts off . It took only a few seconds to cut them all down—they were all level forty-one . "Get your crew and go . "

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"You don't have to tell me twice," Hiros.h.i.+ said, relief in his voice . "Thanks for the save . "

"It's no problem," Clyde said . "One word of advice, I think s.h.i.+t's about to get nasty in this city . You may want to get back to base . " Hideo could still be around .

"It's nasty everywhere," Hiros.h.i.+ said . "But you're right about getting the h.e.l.l out . "

Clyde looked up to see the fallen angel, staring down with uncaring eyes . Melody's attention was up too, eyes hard .

"Leave her to me," she said .

"Are you sure?" Clyde said . "Earlier you guys were unsure—"

"I said, leave her to me," Melody said, then invoked her G.o.ddess state . "She's been a pain in the rear since childhood . And worse when she's drunk . "

Matsuko gave Melody a condescending grin .

"Well look at Ms . realm core destroyer, all grown-up and mouthy . Took you long enough to show yourself, coward . And you're long overdue for your punishments . Your father will take over once I finish with you . "

Melody shook her head .

"If you believe that I'm the same as before, well, just let me show you . And I certainly won't be taking any s.h.i.+t from a lowly fallen angel . "

Matsuko laughed .

"Come then, tomato head . Let's settle this long-time old score . "

"You know what's sad, Matsuko," Melody said . "I wanted to like you, even become friends . You weren't so bad at first . "

"Oh, you mean when your father bonded a freshly fallen, pathetic and sad angel," Matsuko said . "Ha! You had no friends and thought that a vulnerable angel that lost everything was your choice at fulfilling the gap . Looking down on me of all things like I'm some pathetically weak child in need of charity . I swear you deity-types are all the same . "


"Talk time is over," Matsuko interrupted, then landed a dozen feet from the redhead, grinning . "Daughter dearest of Utopius needs a spanking . "

Natalia hopped on Clyde's shoulders .

"You should've brought popcorn, pervy-nii . "

"I think I'd rather go without you crunching in my ear," he said .

"Then what about some-fan-service," she said in the same manner as the cliché anime house wife: when they asked the last question, 'or do you want me . '

Kitome thankfully plucked the loli off him and tossed her into Ashard .

"Freaking pervy witchling . "

"It's witch, not witchling," Natalia said then stuck her tongue out at the magical girl .

"Get off me," Ashard said, kicking her back toward Clyde . "She put Alethian pepper sauce on my burger last night . It—"

` "Enough and keep watch," Alice said . "She may sp.a.w.n more monsters or call guards . " She sighed . "I just wish I had a candy bar or two . "

Tear shot the half-demoness a blank stare .

"I think I'll just summon a turtle," Natalia said . "We'll see how she handles that . "

"Shh," Seth hissed . "I'd like to see a good cat fight . Maybe they'll rip off some clothing or two . "

Kitome elbowed him in the gut .

"Pervert . "

Matsuko, Leader of the Blood Hand .

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Level: 163 (Compressed . )

Type: fallen angel

Work under: Platus, dark G.o.d of Utopius .

Special: Solar Suffocation de Grande .

Weakness: holy .

Resistances: dark and all of its attributes except demon .

Secret: is afraid of reptiles, especially turtles . She was traumatized by a snapping turtle prank during childhood .

Melody calmly watched as Matsuko flew toward her . Abruptly, the fallen angel stopped halfway, aiming both palms at the redhead .

[Matsuko activated Solar Blast]

Melody stood there and took it, arms folded . If she wore jeans instead of a skirt, the young woman would've had her hands stuffed in her pockets .

[Melody is unaffected by magic . ]

Matsuko flung five more . Melody yawned . Same result . Then finally, the redhead got the reaction that she wanted . The fallen angel's widened eyes .

"Oh you realize it, do you not," Melody said, her voice cool, serene, and pure . "You would probably continue to bully the old me . But now," she chuckled, "well, let's just say I'm going to make it rain blood . "

[Melody activated Silver tier skill: Metal lightning bolt . ]

The grey lightning struck instantly and brutally . As Matsuko plummeted, Melody walked over to her slowly . To her surprise, the fallen angel was laughing .

[Matsuko's HP has dropped to from 275% to 150%]

"I guess you really have grown up, but don't get so full of yourself . "

[Matsuko activated Skill fusion: Sonic speed + Solar burn slas.h.!.+]

Matsuko blurred over to Melody, dodging an attempted punch with ease and with a fiery blade that manifested from nothing, delivered an upwards slash . She followed up the attack with a spin-kick…that the redhead blocked with a single finger .

[Melody took no damage]

[Melody is unaffected by bladed weapons . ]

[Damaged reversed x100]

A blast of light spiraled Matsuko backward to the ground, twitching .

[Matsuko's HP has dropped to -5%]

[Matsuko's Fallen Flash black curse activated, restoring her health back to 150% a second before her death . ]

"Holy s.h.i.+t," Seth, Clyde, and Kitome said at the same time .

"You go, strawberry head," Ruri said . "You deserve a nice juicy bone for this awesomeness . "

"She's not a dog, ya moron," Kitome said, then whacked Ruri on the forehead with a paper fan .

"Are you trying to pick a fight, human?" Ruri said, holding her head . "Dear Anubis, what kind of paper fan is that?"

"Shhh," Alice hissed, "before I hit both of you and it won't be with a paper fan . Where'd you get that, anyway?"

"From Yuki," Kitome said . Harumi softly facepalmed .

Melody slowly walked toward Matsuko, aura flowing around her like a tornado . The fallen angel backed away .

"This just…"

"Don't start with the clichéd that's impossible speech," Clyde called out to the fallen angel . "You know d.a.m.n well it's possible . Or you're just ignorant . "

Matsuko glared at him .

"Yeah f.u.c.k this, I don't get paid . "

[Matsuko activated Jump . ]

And just like that, she fled .

"Wow, what a letdown," Seth said . "I wanted ripped clothes and a good fight dammit . "

"So that's what it's like to be unsealed, huh?" Tear said to the redhead, smiling . "You're nearly unrecognizable in the magic spectrum . "

"A magic what?" Kanako said .

"A viewing of aura," Alice told her . "Everyone with enough magic can see aura . Now let's go after her—we're wasting time . I also want to order a red velvet cake before the bakery closes . "

Everyone stared at the half-demoness .

Hideo laughed as he watched the battle from a hacked street camera . Sending fake orders to the captain, disguised as the admiral's channel was just too easy . Sure, they'd eventually find out the breach, more than likely within an hour—the tech girls were fast—but it'd be too late .

"Consider that payback for sticking your nose in places where they don't belong, government sc.u.m . "

He propped his feet on the front inn's desk, daring the attendant to say something . She received the payment . She sold away her rights to complain .

Too bad his plan failed, but he didn't expect a simple human to actually kill a monster . She was simply a distraction, cannon fodder . Not even an important one, just a slight boredom-killer . He clicked off the footage, bored again . He already knew the outcome . The slaughter of the military group . No point in wasting precious time .

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