The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

On the rooftop, there were chairs arranged in a semi-circle . In them were Harumi and Kitome . The heat wasn't too bad thanks to the cool breeze and clouds that pa.s.sed over the group . Clyde sat next to Harumi .

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"Are you alright?" she asked before he had the chance to tear Toru a new one . Her big, glistening eyes doused his anger like a summer rain donning on a campfire .

"Be straight with me," he said to the group . "Something…isn't—"

As if summoned, Chika came through the door, eyes bright, cheerful expression stirring the guilt within him hard .

"Sorry I'm late," she said then sat in the open chair next to Clyde . She sat close enough that her sweet-smelling perfume threatened to entice him . "Toru invited me to the meeting . "

Clyde shot Toru a glare . Toru hid within a blank stare .

"What were you going on about?" Kitome said .

"Later," Clyde said . "Men stuff I'll discuss with Toru . Right now, we have a guest . "

He could feel Chika's vibe around him, an air that s.h.i.+mmered with enough happiness to fix a city . Unnatural happiness .

Toru began the meeting with an overview of the fights for Chika's sake . He explained the demon lord threat, the gifted, and monster . The silver-haired girl asked a few questions, which got answered .

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"Will you join us? We could use your help," Toru said .

"And how many times do I have to tell you," Chika said . "I'm not cut out for any fighting . I do want to support you guys, help Clyde . I'm not happy to see him brought into this c.r.a.p . " Her voice was sharp like a knife's edge, at the end .

"Think about it," Toru said . "Anyway, let's speak battle strategy . "

He glared at Kitome .

"What?" the blue-haired anime girl said . Toru let the glare roll for another fifteen seconds then lectured . After he finished, getting the party's agreement, his eyes landed on Clyde .

"Just who are you?"

"Pardon?" Clyde said, giving him a skeptical look .

"Who are you? A weakling…no not a weakling, but a power level that low shouldn't be able to stand up to levels that far exceed your own . It's like you're breaking the rules . "

"Look man, I am who I am," Clyde said . "Besides, we've got a new problem to add to our stew . Actually two . "

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Everyone looked surprised when he brought up the subject of Alice's father . He told them how they must challenge the demon lord for the city . The alarm in their eyes didn't fade when he finished off with Seth's tale and the bad feelings he got about the monster .

"Well, you know the deal," Toru said . "We meet up at eight and kick some a.s.s . a.s.suming we don't run into something beyond us . Are you sure you don't want to join us, Chika?"

"Let me think on it a bit . " She stood up . "My ride's here, so I'm heading home first . Want to come, Clyde?"

Red flags burned from the invitation . Well, not really, but he decided not to chance it . Why Chika? His funny, lovable friend . Her smile felt wrong . The jealous aura… . it wasn't visible, but he felt it . On the corner of his eye, Harumi was too close to him—talking to Kitome but sitting very close .

Defiance flooded through Clyde's blood . No one, no matter how crazy, was going to dictate his life . f.u.c.k that .

"I appreciate the offer," he said, "but I've got a few more things to do at the school . Go on ahead without me . "

"Awe," she said . "Be careful on your way home . Can't wait to see you tomorrow . " She winked and was off . The brief flash of utter hatred Chika gave to Harumi didn't miss Clyde's eyes .

Fifteen minutes later, after Chika was long gone, Clyde and Harumi walked home .

"Is there something about Chika you guys are not telling me," Clyde said .

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"You mean her powers?" Harumi said . "I didn't know anything about it until the meeting today . I really don't talk to Chika . "

Clyde felt a lost cause with this and let the topic drop . Without proof, he couldn't do much with his accusations . He sure as s.h.i.+t wasn't going to let some anime girl kill him, but Chika's type was known to have supernatural strength . Deep slash level fifteen . Why wouldn't the knife be included in the full package?

One thing he wasn't going to let get into his mind was: a naive ideal about saving the girl . He'd love to, but the trope was impossible . If she killed anyone, Clyde wasn't having it . He wouldn't take the law into his own hands unless for self-defense . It was a miracle Chika hadn't broken into his apartment yet, though he wouldn't doubt that she tried . All it would take is one level boost to the relations.h.i.+p and boom, who knows? What if he canceled plans for the following day? Would the stats drop?

He wished he could do what some dumb main characters did: pa.s.s this whole ordeal off as paranoia, but he wasn't stupid . That glitchy type, deep slash level f.u.c.king fifteen, and triple thrust . Chika…sweet and funny Chika was undoubtably a f.u.c.king Yandere . He was warned in the beginning and still somehow ended up befriending one . Thanks to the G.o.dd.a.m.n system . Yet…besides from the look she gave the pink-haired girl, Chika hadn't harmed anyone . There was another type of Yandere, slightly less psycho . Overly-loving, but less stabby-stabby . The silver-haired girl's stats didn't present a feasible case…

When Harumi stepped into her apartment, cheerfully waving Clyde off, he nearly stepped on something .

[You have found a Defense card . Item cla.s.s: bizarre . King's Last Hold, a highly sought-after card that once belonged to a legendary deck . ]

[The cards effect's and abilities cannot be revealed to you until the contract is formed . ]

Yet another nuisance . He'd deal with it later . He saw no point of stressing out over cards he could sell online for a decent price . There was something about them that pulled in his curiosity .

[Quest: Look into the mysterious cards . This question is mandatory and cannot be refused . Reward: Unknown . ]

Clyde opened his door . He almost laughed at the sight of Alice lying on his couch, flipping through TV channels .

"You humans sure are strange," she said . "So many mating rituals for simple s.e.x . And why do men spend thousands of dollars? You'd save more money with escorts . " She shook her head .

Clyde laughed then headed to his room . He set his bag on the floor, turned around ready to join the young woman in the living room, but there she stood, sly look on her face .

"I won't be robbed like this morning," she said then before he knew it, the demoness kissed him .

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