The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Shopping Center…

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Ruri frowned at Matsume .

"Why are you here?"

The h.e.l.lhound bowed .

"You're our princess," Matsume said then lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper . "Whether or not we like the same man is irrelevant . Our pack was banished from town by Lady Alice, but they asked for Sanctuary from Tear . And you know who Tear really is . She granted us the right to live in the palace, but they must hunt for men miles away . She's a succubus, so she understands our needs . I just wish your childhood friend did so…then, maybe . . . Anyway, we can't leave you unguarded—so naturally, I a.s.serted myself to be your personal bodyguard . "

"Are you implying that I'm a human weakling that needs a bodyguard?" Ruri said, voice threatening .

"Your Highness, please . Honestly, I just miss you," Matsume said .

Ruri sighed .

"Don't get sappy on me, we're h.e.l.lhounds . " She licked Matsume's cheek . "You can guard me, but don't go near my Clyde . He's still a free spirit, but I want him to pet me all day . "

"With all due respect, you're acting like a tamed dog," Matsume said . "You're a princess . Shouldn't you focus on your duties?"

Ruri solicited her with a blank stare .

"And they are?" She patted the taller woman on the shoulder . "Unless you insist I foolishly challenge Mother, I'm free to do whatever the h.e.l.l I please . You're just mad because you didn't get to experience his amazing hands . h.e.l.l, even the fox got a rub . "

"Fox? So…our noses weren't playing with us, but who's—"

"Pink hair," Ruri said . "Her name's Harumi . She's a soul-sister . I like her . "

"So she's really a kitsune," Matsume said . "What an honor, to witness a live one . I want to get to know her too . "

"Are you two done arguing?" Alice said . "We've got sweets to buy . "

"We're not buying just sweets, Lady Alice," Yuki said, a trace of annoyance in her voice .

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"Sorry," Ruri said, smiling . "Come, Matsume . You're a bodyguard but also my friend . "

Matsume smiled . The two of them joined the rest of the women .

"Nyaa, more canines," Neko said . "Not comfortable . "

"Oh quit whining, cat," Alice said . Neko stuck her tongue at her .

Ruri basked in the many smells and colors of the giant shopping center . Her mouth watered a few times, especially for taiyaki . Many people gawked at them . Especially the men . The h.e.l.lhound princess sometimes stole a few glances at Matsume to make sure she didn't attack any . She seemed to be taken by the many scents and electronics as well . Ruri listened in on the conversation between Harumi and Yuki . A real soul-sister, walking . They were already secretive and extremely difficult to find . When rumor stated that their natural enemies had found and wiped the kitsune all out, all canine races took a day to pay respects and mourn the great lost . Ruri wished she could tell her mother, but respected Harumi's wishes to keep her true form a secret . No one wanted to attract any sn.o.bby dragon-s.l.u.ts, anyway . Nor any perverted jabberwock .

"I think if you add just a bit of spice to it, maybe even some chillipepper," Yuki said, "you'll get a nice a kick along with a burst of untapped flavor . "

"But you can't just modify such an original," Harumi said .

"A master chief must always be creative," Yuki retorted, wagging a finger . "That is the difference between you and me . "

"There isn't a gap," Harumi said, raising her voice a little . "And I get being creative, but that particular dish isn't really meant to be spicy . "

"Oh what's that, you don't like spicy food?" Yuki said, grinning .

"Ooh you irrational woman," Harumi said . "I should—"

"Nyaaa and they named annoying girl-fights after us," Neko said . Silence . Alice's eyes widened before she burst into laughter .

"I get it, catfight!" she said . Ruri facepalmed at her friend's odd sense of humor . Yuki and Harumi looked each other, then smiled . Alice's laughter could brighten anyone's heart .

The h.e.l.lhound wondered why the new Hades head wasn't forced to keep a bodyguard . Surely the rest of her family was due to meet up to discuss the matter . What did the silence mean? Could she be ignoring her responsibilities? She knew her for a long time—and Alice never ditched her duties . So what happened?

The women eventually finished gathering the groceries for the house and prepared to go grab some food for Chika, when Harumi froze .

"We have to go now," she said, voice filled with urgency . "Yusuke was attacked . "

Ruri's eyes became icy .

"Let's move . "

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Kitome and Yusuke's house…

[Your Current Party: Natalia, Chika, Ming, Tear, Melody, Toru, Seth, Kitome . ]

Clyde was glad that Tear and Melody gave Sazuki and her sister the day off . His overall party had hit impressive numbers, but for his peace of mind, he preferred tracking no more than eight—and often, just four if the mission wasn't too critical . Yusuke was unconscious on his bed, his sister checking for additional injuries . He tried not to remember how upset—borderline hysterical she sounded over the phone, finding her brother unconscious .

Tear healed him, but the young man still didn't awake . She now had a hand over his forehead, examining Yusuke's dreams . She described everything that happened to him in seemingly perfect detail .

"So you mean to tell me samurais did this to Yusuke?" Clyde said .

"Sure did then kidnapped the reaper girl," Tear said . "They were dressed in some kind of red old-world armor . Pretty strong actually . "

The succubus removed her hand . "Melody, this fight will ride on you . "

The redhead fell backward into Clyde's lap . She flushed .

"I'm sorry!" Melody said, but didn't make an effort to move . Ming shot her a micro-glare .

"It's okay—Tear, what are you going on about?" Clyde said .

"She's half trickster demon, half dark G.o.ddess," the succubus said . "Amazing powers to be found in that one . I don't know how she's avoiding all the fights . "

Seth shook his head .

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"Freaking samurais dude, this is nuts . "

"Nuts and absurd," Toru said . "So much for our night out . "

"I'm not avoiding the fights," Melody defended, folding her arms . "The juicy stuff happens when I'm not around . " She leaned back into Clyde, almost unconsciously . If left to her own devices, the girl would probably start daydreaming .

While a little flattered, the last one he witnessed was probably as embarra.s.sing for her as it was for him . He'd never let her know that he saw . Tear continued .

"Melody, you will have to cut off their access to the Abyss . That will buy us some time to do what we must and get the h.e.l.l out of there . "

"I can only hold it for twenty minutes at best," Melody said . "That will definitely p.i.s.s it off . It may crash down upon us with everything it's got, determined to wipe out everything . If any of the icky tentacles touch you, your powers will be disabled . "

Clyde frowned . Seth looked as if he'd rather call in sick .

Knocks on the front door stole everyone's attention .

"I'll get it," Kitome said, scurrying off .

Abruptly, Yusuke sat up, eyes glowing red, vicious orange aura surrounding him .

[Yusuke's Ninja soul has activated . ]

[You have been forcibly resonated with Yusuke . ]

A burning like never before struck Clyde, and he yelled . Melody leapt up, crying m.u.f.fled words . Then as quickly as the internal flash-fry came, it vanished, replaced by a numbness . The young man found himself on his knees, sweat dripping from his face .

He looked up to see Yusuke in ninja form, staring at Ruri . The others piled in . He turned to Clyde .

"I owe some arrogant samurai payback . "

"So, you're just going to go out there and get yourself killed?" Ruri said, anger contained . Clyde a.s.sumed Kitome gave the others the short version . "Or will you operate with the team? I know there're brains in there, Yusuke . " She tapped his forehead .

The ninja with the scary glowing eyes didn't even blink .

"You may follow," Yusuke said with a voice that sounded much older than normal . "I must move and face my ancient enemy . And I will get her back . "

Ruri blocked his path .

"Not without a plan . "

Yusuke shoved past her without a word .

"So much for waiting on Harumi's friend," Clyde said . "That son-of-b.i.t.c.h did something to me . What the h.e.l.l's resonating?"

Alice's eyes widened .

"He what!? That's dangerous . Impossible . And with you—he may burn himself out," she snapped .

"Can you explain please," Clyde said . "Sometimes you guys forget I'm from Earth and have no idea what the f.u.c.k's going on . "

"He's borrowing your power," Alice said . "Merged it with his own . Ninja's normally work together—most resonate . This is how they took down some of the most deadly foes . "

"Well f.u.c.k," Clyde said . "Is that why I'm feeling like something's draining me . " He shook his head . "Neko—no, Ruri, lead us to him by scent . Please . "

"Of course," she said . "He's…still my friend . I don't want to see him killed . "

"Nya, I don't know why he needs to resonate when he's got a reserve like that inside of him," Neko said . "Maybe he blocked it . Refusing your gift for so long could do that . "

Everyone stared at the catgirl with blank eyes .

"You're a piece of work," Clyde said . She looked around with false innocence .

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