The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 172

Chapter 172

[You have entered a chase!]

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[Objective: if you are caught, you will be raped into unconsciousness . You will also receive a severe penalty, with a chance of a game over . You cannot lead Ruri back to the inn or a lot of people will die . Either last until your cooldown is over or discover a plan to trap her . ]

[Your magic has been disabled!]

[Jump cooldown remaining time: 9 minutes . ]

"You've got to be s.h.i.+tting me," Clyde said, only a second from flash stepping the h.e.l.l out of there . He planned to just knab Yusuke and get him to make up with his girl . Now he found himself sprinting in a forest from a rapey h.e.l.lhound with his magic disabled by the system . The system could do this? What the f.u.c.k?

Clyde heard entire trees snap and bend as Ruri barked, yipped, giggled, and taunted . Oh, he was going to make Yusuke pay dearly for this . Trying to save his party member's relations.h.i.+p . At this point, his work could be all for nothing . And if it was, both of them will be getting his wrath . Pains!

Despite the stakes, because the system wanted to be a f.u.c.king d.i.c.k muncher, the chase was actually…fun . He had to retain some kind of sense of humor to be from being frustrated by the situation .

When Ruri was in seeing-distance of him, he stuck his tongue out and made Triple H's "suck it" gesture from WCW . The h.e.l.lhound barked and sped up—Clyde's only advantage being the nice head start .

[Jump cooldown: 6 minutes…]

His endurance and will had to be going in overdrive .

[Your Athlete pa.s.sive is playing a large role in this . ]

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"f.u.c.k yeah, about time something from my world helped . " He knew the gap only shortened, but the young man had a plan . A rather nasty one, but it was either that or get the game over .

Abruptly, Ruri teleported to the side, back, and then in front of him . Three consecutive teleports, with no sign of a cooldown to balance that . He shrugged .

"Hey Ruri, check this out," he said, holding a large stick . He wiggled it and whistled . "You like it, girl?" She eyed it excitedly, tail wagging, tongue lolling out of her mouth . She…panted like a dog . "Go it girl!" He chucked that son of a b.i.t.c.h at least fifty feet away . THE h.e.l.lHOUND WENT AFTER IT! Clyde almost fell to the ground laughing, though he kept it quiet . No point of regaining her attention .

He gathered every wad of strength into his body and sprinted . Everything blurred around the young man . He'd make it out of this, get Yusuke his woman back, then finish his Thursday strong . Maybe get Seth and Toru to take him somewhere fun to hang out and clear the mind .

[Jump cooldown: 2 minutes…]

[Ruri activated Aura engulf!]

And just like that, her aura swallowed the entire forest .

[You have been inflicted with Slow . Your speed is decreased by 30%]

He felt sluggish—and if fact, he probably looked like someone in a slow-motion scene from an action movie . He heard a large howl then barking .

"f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k . " He scrambled, begging the system to undo the status effect . In the corner of his mind's eye, he saw an icon of a boot with a blinking red X on it . Two minutes until it wore off . This was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him .

Hide… No, he couldn't, the monster girl would sniff the young man out like yesterday's lunch . He saw her frantically approaching without the stick . s.h.i.+t . There was no telling how humiliated she felt . Well, yes . She snarled .

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"System, you can't do this! Give me back my magic . "

Ruri barked, gaining ground .

"System for the love of—"

[Jump cooldown has finished . ]

[Ruri activated quick-negate!]

[Jump cooldown: 15 minutes!]

Clyde's eyes widened . This was it . With that p.i.s.sed look on her face, this was going to be rather interesting . Except . Well…

"f.u.c.k you too System . "

He accessed his inventory for a certain crafted item—one he didn't expect to ever have a use for .

[You have found: Howler's Binding collar . Item cla.s.s: Dark Rare . ]

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Ruri tackled him to the ground and they wrestled . Clyde used the last of his strength to gain just a little upper hand on the h.e.l.lhound—rolled over to her back, though not without taking a few swipes across his chest .

[Your HP has dropped to 190%]

He almost had the collar around her, but the h.e.l.lhound bucked and bashed Clyde off to the side . He watched it tumble to the ground, along with all of his hopes .

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected things to be easy," he said, panting . Blocked from the power, his magic, and tired as h.e.l.l . The young man put up an admirable fight, but just stood no chance against someone twenty levels higher than him .

Ruri grabbed his pants to rip, but something strange happened . She yawned loudly and fell backward . Clyde couldn't believe it…the h.e.l.lhound was asleep .

[Natalia used Striking Sleep Bolt . 35% extra chance of status effect working due to staff . ]

[Ruri is inflicted with Sleep . ]

Clyde sat up, looking baffled . The loli walked over and climbed onto his shoulders, humming .

"She's not going to carry herself back, pervy nii-chan . She needs Harumi or Lady Alice . "

"Yeah, after I put her clothes back on . "

Natalia shrugged .

"Be gentle . Even with this awesome staff, inflicting the same status effect on an enemy is very difficult . "

Clyde quickly dressed the sleeping girl . With the loli still on his back, he started the trek back to the inn, but not without retrieving the collar . He'd find some other use for it or maybe not at all . How he accidentally crafted such a thing was still a mystery to him .

Upon returning to the inn, Clyde sat the 'bundle of suns.h.i.+ne' and misery in front of Alice and Harumi then strolled up to the front desk .

"Ms . Innkeeper, I need a robe and a towel . Oh, and some of that sake please . "

Without missing a beat, he started for the back, but stopped . "Don't kill her . Heal the urging or whatever she called it . I'm going to relax for about an hour . No one bother me unless its an emergency . Natalia, you can tell them what happened . "

He felt Harumi's magic heal his wounds as he continued without missing a beat . What would he do with his adorable healer?

Ming allowed herself a breath of relief, though she still felt like a failure of a prophet . She was happy that Natalia made it in time . Out of control h.e.l.lhounds could do more than just icky monster girl violate a man . They're strong with claws of razors . That crazy mutt…to think she'd even considered harming him .

A foretelling occurred very, very, rarely—but this one predicted a possible game over in Clyde's future . She a.s.sumed game over meant death and chose someone who'd efficiently save his life without bloodshed . Someone very powerful, best equipped .

Ming gazed at her dual-colored eyes in the bathroom's mirror . She splashed some water on her face . A prophet without the trust of her master was no prophet . She…was useless . But she wouldn't give up . She made it this far . In due time, she'd be more than just his prophet . At least she hoped . She imaged him coming home from a day's work and scooping her up and taking her on the couch .

Ming slapped those thoughts from her head . She could be writing, playing Stone-Tokken, or what…lounging around, hoping that a prince charming show up to take her away .

"Even if I have to work in the background…" she said . "I'll be useful . "

She hated sounding so defeated, but…

A voice spoke from behind . She felt something rub against her shoulder .

"What are you doing at an inn for our kind, human?"

She looked into the mirror to see a cruelly smiling hornet . By her neck was the tip of a s.h.i.+ning spear .

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