The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Akito, Vampire Emperor of Lot City

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Level: 109

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Silver tier skill: Vampire's Scepter [Inflicts Colossal demon damage . Chance to cause poison and agony at 50%]

Weakness: none .

Resistances: none .

Secret: he is part vampire, part incubus (a lost race . )

[You have challenged the great vampire emperor…]

[This has been noted by someone of higher power…]

[Your party has entered a Boss fight!]

[Akito has exerted incubus pressure!]

[You have resisted! All people in this room have been inflicted with l.u.s.t . ]

"Ugh! What's happening," Chika said, wobbling, face flushed . Alice fell to a knee, seeming to struggle with herself, her hands trembling .

Akito snorted, rus.h.i.+ng Clyde . The young man parried the vampire's sword, but the force it emitted blasted a mystic wrath-covered Clyde backward . His back hit the wall, causing it to crack .

Chika…somehow sp.a.w.ned a kitchen knife from nothingness, plunging it in Akito's chest . Clyde didn't let her strike go unaided .

[You activated Tier 2 skill: Neptune's water edge . ]

[You activated Mystic lightning . ]

[Akito's HP has dropped to 435%]

Akito took the magic without budging, his face expressing disinterest as he simply pulled out the knife .

[Akito activated Untold Flash Strike . ]

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Clyde saw just an explosion of knuckles and the afterimage of a sword that slashed across his chest . He hit the wall harder this time and it gave in . Concrete wasn't something that the young man enjoyed feeling in particular . He groaned, on his back, in the middle of the hall .

[Your HP has dropped to 170%]

[Remember, if anyone dies, that's it . And for you, it is worse if a rival G.o.d catches your soul . You will likely be tortured for an eternity, desu . ]

Clyde snarled . Now the system told him that? Automatic h.e.l.l, even for the Stone . Clyde picked himself up .

[Alice activated All Calm . ]

[Alice activated Targeted raid ender . ]

[Akito activated Gies.h.i.+n magic s.h.i.+eld . ]

Clyde charged back into the room, Ludacris in hand . He thrusted it forward . Akito still parried .

[Akito activated Side of three faces . ]

[Alice activated Slip distraction . ]

Akito blinked, giving the party the chance needed to home in a good old-fas.h.i.+oned a.s.s-kicking . Or so they thought . The vampire emperor suddenly jumped through the hole in the roof . Clyde wondered how he did that without even so much as bending his knees . Anime logic .

"This school is a distraction," were his parting words .

That alarmed Clyde . And so did the flas.h.i.+ng red prompt .


[Stone Duty! Objective: evacuate the campus . Time limit: 15 minutes . Failing this will result in instant death: game over . ]

Clyde only gave himself a half-second to flinch before allowing his team-lead mind to take over .

"Wake her up now . We've got to get everyone off this f.u.c.king campus . "

The idea came to Clyde like Eureka . He's from Earth . Earthlings had a sick sense of humor . "Chika, what's this school's phone number? Hurry . "

Alice shook the professor rapidly . Sazuki looked confused .

[Time: 14 minutes remaining… . ]


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"Akito's going to blow the school up—I know of a way to hasten the evacuation . Don't argue, give me the number now," Clyde said . His head ranged .

[Your intellect has increased by 2 points . ]

He was sure mischievousness played a role in thinking of the idea . Chika gave him the number without further argument and he made the call . The administration wasted no time answering . Clyde wouldn't put it past them to maintain a reputation of being the fastest phone call receivers . For a good measure, the young man dashed to the nearest fire alarm and activated it .

"There's a bomb in the school . Get everyone the f.u.c.k out! Hurry! This is no joke!"

The woman on the other line squealed then soon, the announcement blasted louder than the fire alarm . He hung up, gesturing for the others to follow . Hinako's face nearly turned blue .

[Time limit: 10 minutes . ]

"Four minutes pa.s.sed? Bulls.h.i.+t," Clyde muttered . The clock was definitely trying to kill him . Aloud, he said, "you guys go ahead, I've got to make sure everyone's moving . Go, go!"

[Party loyalty has triggered . Any companion in the area will be notified . Bonus stats will be awarded to them if they're able to provide a.s.sistance . ]

Clyde would've used Flash step to speed up the search, but couldn't risk running out of MP . He did turn off his Mystic wrath, relying on his speed stat . He felt a tug on his s.h.i.+rt . Alice . He opened his mouth with an order on his tongue, but the half-demoness beat him to the words .

"Don't tell me to go out with the others," she said . "I'm with you always . "

[Time limit: 7 minutes . ]

Clyde nodded and the two banged on doors and shouted without stopping . Students were still pouring through the halls . Fortunately, the number thinned significantly due to their efforts and of course the fire alarm .

[Talent, main character stuff . Eyes through Servant . ]

In his head, he saw everything Maki saw . She and the students were getting as far away from the school as possible . Police also lurked around the area but not closer than necessary . One of them appeared to be looking up at something in horror . The image snapped off .

[Let it be known that using this skill has established a kind of intimacy with Maki . ]

[Your relations.h.i.+p with Maki has changed to s.e.x slave . ]

[Time limit: 5 minutes . ]

Oh what the h.e.l.l system? Clyde thought .

Floors two and three were secure . The first floor, however, turned out to be a nightmare . With less than five minutes on the clock, some of the idiots refused to leave, calling the threat, fake . Some went back for valuables . An academy…rich kids—of course .

"This isn't a joke, we've got to go," Clyde shouted, but it was no use . Some of the students had the audacity to wave away his protests . One even flipped the young man off . Clyde almost socked the f.u.c.kface, but time wasn't on his side .

[Time limit: 3 minutes . ]

"f.u.c.k, this is bulls.h.i.+t," he said, forcing himself not to hyperventilate . "I'm going to die with them . "

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That's when Chika's voice sounded over the intercom . To him, it was the voice of an angel .

"Stop being stubborn idiots and use your head . Did you really make it into this academy because you sure aren't being smart . Take the advice from your top student . Get moving—get out of the building now! It's going to explode . Anyone not out within a minute will be expelled . I already have the permissions . "

Never in his life had Clyde saw a building empty itself so fast . That's when he heard Chika grunt over the intercom .

"My ankle…"

[Time limit: 2 minutes . ]

No . He wouldn't lose her again . Even if the system didn't lock him in an all or nothing mission, he still wouldn't .

"Alice, make sure everyone's out . Use your full demon speed, I want you out of this place in less than a minute . Get as far away as possible . Don't argue . "

His life mate nodded . She almost melted when he kissed her . And in an amazing blur, she was off .

Clyde wished Jump worked for short distances—this wouldn't be a problem at all if it did . f.u.c.king magic . It made no sense .

He flash stepped to the first floor's administration office—the sole place where announcements were broadcasted . Chika cursed repeatedly as she limped .

"How hard is it for them to keep this place nice and tidy?" she muttered . "And now I'm going to die because of it . "

[Time limit: 1 minute!]

"No you won't," Clyde said . Her eyes lit up and even more as he hefted her into a princess carry . "Hang on tight . "

He didn't have to go terribly far, but Clyde wasn't dumb enough to take any chances . He flash stepped the h.e.l.l out of the building . He immediately spotted his party, meters away, gathered in a secluded circle . He used his own speed stat at this point—so students were about to see and cheer him on as he got Chika to safety .

[Objective complete! Success! Reward: 200,000 EXP and 30,000 dollars . ]

[Balance: $ 8,681,400 . ]

[Your relations.h.i.+p with Chika has dramatically increased to beloved . ]

[Chika has fallen head over heels in love with you . ]

She snuggled against her hero as they approached the others . They had grim faces .

"Look above the school," Toru said . "Everyone can see it . "

Clyde looked where they pointed, and his mouth dropped . Akito hovered a few meters over the academy, one hand held in the air . A giant pink energy ball floated above that hand . This ordeal reminded the young man of Frieza from Dragon Ball Z or even Majin Buu . The crazy vampire truly planned to ruin the lives of many students who worked hard to get into the academy .

"Has anyone actually tried to stop him?" Clyde said .

"None of our magic could budge him," Harumi said . "He's warded himself somehow . "

"s.h.i.+t . Harumi, could you heal Chika?" the young man said .

"Awe, I was just starting to get conformable," the silver-haired girl said .

Clyde checked his MP .

[MP: 49%]

It was regenerating, but not fast enough . What could he do to stop f.u.c.king Dr . Evil up there?

"I'm here!"

Natalia hugged Alice then leapt onto Clyde's shoulders . None of the students around seemed to notice nor care . All eyes were on the insane flying vampire with a giant energy ball .

"I don't suppose you can do anything about that," Clyde said, pointing at Akito .

The loli actually licked his ear, causing the young man to flinch . "Could you not get me thrown in prison? There are cops, right there . "

"We're both adults," Natalia said softly in his ear . "And I will have you . That's a promise . Anyway! Leave it to me . But you'll have to fight-fight-fight!"

Clyde sighed, purging his mind of her "promise . " He briefly considered crafting a system that would automatically call the cops when she went perverted-loli on him .

"Do it . " He turned to the others . "I need just a few of you to come with me . Everyone one else, keep an eye on the school . " Alice walked over to him before the young man could call names . He looked at Chika . "Rest that ankle . Harumi will stay behind to a.s.sist you . "

The silver-haired girl looked as if she wanted to put up an argument, but decided he was right . "Melody . " She gave a start when he called her .

"I'd love to help," the redhead said as she cheerfully bounded next to him . Her radiated charisma no longer affected the young man .

"Toru, let's go . "

He nodded .

"What about me?" Seth said .

"Maybe if you stop dying your hair blond, maybe," Toru said, soliciting a glare from the man .

"Watch over the school with Harumi," Clyde said . "We don't need too many people up there . "

Seth nodded .

"Stake him . "

Clyde, Alice, Toru, and Melody versus Akito, emperor of the vampires . A fight right in front of everyone . Ah well, the young man thought .

[Natalia activated Silver tier skill: Magical breach!]

"Okay you can get off me now," Clyde said .

"Hehe, no can do," Natalia said . "Wherever you go, I follow . Besides, you need me, and you know it . "

The crazy loli's magic actually snuffed out Akito's . Even distantly, Clyde could see the surprise on his face . The students frantically murmured among themselves . The cops wondered if it was safe to proceed, but probably changed their minds since the vampire still hovered in midair .

"I'm not going to carry you there," he said . "Do you know what it would look like?"

Natalia hopped down .

"You're no fun . And here I put on this nice black skirt just for you . "

"Enough," Alice said . "Let's get him before he tries to charge another one . "

Natalia made a pouty face .

"As you wish, Highness," she said .

Clyde and his party took off, ignoring the urging people behind them . The truth of magic was going to be revealed this day . Students surely recorded this on their phones, maybe live-streamed . Skeptics would call it hoaxed . But there were too many witnesses .

"It's dangerous . "

"What are you doing?"

"Hey you crazy kids, back here!"

"Listen to the officer . "

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