The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Alucard yawned as he read Hisa's diary . Why keep one if you didn't want it read? That ordeal never made sense to the vampire prince . He sat the diary on the dresser, looked onto the mirror and straightened the collar of his s.h.i.+rt . The b.u.t.tons were left undone as usual . White hair and red eyes peered back at him . Today would be the day where he'd sneak into Kiko's room to have s.e.x with her .

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As if it'd be that easy . If he could muster of up the courage to ask her to view the moon with him, then maybe . She should be vampire enough by now and received the lessons to understand the culture . Viewing the moon—two vampires on a romantic night hunt . They take one gulp of blood from the same human, let it rage their hormones, then have wild s.e.x . The event had little to do with the moon, except that if done when full, the pa.s.sion supposedly intensified . Romantic stuff that only girls cared about .

Alucard left Hisa's room to man up and hopefully get laid . Vampire girls weren't the easiest to tame—at least not for vampire men . The king told him that newborn were easier to talk to because they hadn't adopted the sn.o.bby att.i.tudes of the n.o.bility just yet . They also had no desire to plot and needed at least ten years to learn the game . Learn how to move up in the clan .

Suddenly, Hisa burst through the front mansion doors, looking as if she was beaten up by a planet's worth of people . And of course, she fell on her face, crying . The vampire princess didn't fight much—she had people to do that for her . h.e.l.l, she didn't carry her own things, she did…nothing on her own . Now she wept pathetically in a puddle of her own tears . Served her right .

Alucard walked over then flipped her with his foot . Tears and a little snot . He shook his head and grinned .

"What the h.e.l.l happened to you? Did you get raped by a lawnmower? I mean this isn't the most dignifying manner for a princess to enter our clan's estates . You're lucky the others aren't here . "

He pulled out his phone and took a picture . "That look on you is a keeper . " He laughed .

"Get…get the king," Hisa said then whimpered . She really did look like h.e.l.l . Who did she p.i.s.s off? Alucard felt a slight electric sensation radiating from her . What the h.e.l.l happened?

He watched her weep on the ground, begging him to get the king .

"Do I look like a messenger to you?" Alucard said . "You crawled here, you go get him . That's what you get for picking fights too big for you . " He shook his head, wagging a finger at her nose .

"Please," Hisa said, whimpering . "Please…It hurts…" She continued to cry .

"Pathetic and you dare call yourself a vampire . I'll call the king, but you'd better get ready to do me a favor . Maybe arrange it everyone in a way to get Kiko and me alone . "

"But she's—"

"Just lay there and keep silent," Alucard barked . "Pathetic filth . " He would've kicked her if he had the anger in him . Seeing her in that state was instead amusing . Someone who spent their time looking down on others, yet had no strength to make them fear her—she was as pathetic as the newborns . He wouldn't let her so much as touch his shoe .

Alucard pulled out his phone and dialed the number . Seconds later, someone answered .

"Great King, I've got news for you . Hisa has turned up in a…distasteful state, to say the least . She has things to say to you . "

"You know I'm a busy man," the king said on the other line . "I'm running the academy, loaded with paperwork, and spicing up my next meal . Filling her up with fear and false hope . And when it's time to stick my log in her pleasure hole, she'll have the desired taste of despair that I want . I've been working on her all school year . " He cackled . "Pa.s.s the phone over to Hisa . "

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Alucard watched them talk . Eventually, Hisa turned over his phone, tears falling from her eyes .

"What now crybaby," he said . "Let me guess, he's going to spank you . "

Hisa groaned .

"Send for one of our healers . "

"You do it, I've got a date with Kiko . "

"Kiko's gone, you a.s.shole," Hisa said . "Gone! They took her . "

Alucard's eyes widened .

"Explain now or I'll make you beg for death . "

Hisa explained a hilarious defeat to him—she couldn't lie while inside the mansion due to the magical oaths—so Alucard ended up tipping his head back to laugh .

"Kiko belongs to our clan," Alucard said . "So, this is what you're going to do, crybaby . Unless you want the world to know, you will send out your annoying mosquito-vamp girls . While I personally will never acknowledge them as one of us and I can't for the life of me understand why you keep them around, they will be useful . There's going to be a full moon on Friday . I can't afford to miss it because your mistakes or Nina's mistakes . Also, bring me the girl who did this to you . She'll make a brilliant personal bodyguard . Maybe a good bedwarmer too . "

He chuckled . "Don't fail me . "

Monday . Week 4 . Month 1 . Year 1 . Season: Autumn . Last week of the month…

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The alarm felt like an electric shock to Clyde's head . He reluctantly opened his eyes, not ready for school . That's when he realized there was someone else in his bed beside Alice . She held his other arm . His guess was Tear, but he couldn't have been more wrong . The succubus was mischievous, but never intruded on her cousin . That red hair only meant one person .

Alice was glaring too—he felt that through the bond then looked at her .

"Any idea how this happened?" he said .

The half-demoness let out a breath .

"She has a lot of nerve entering our bed . You didn't do anything with her, right?"

"What? No," Clyde said . "How'd she get through the wards?"

"I don't know but we're going to teach her lesson," Alice said . "This is the one place where you're fully mine . I won't share your attention here . Well, nowhere, but definitely not here . I value our privacy more than cake . "

She kissed Clyde as she crawled on top .

"We do have cla.s.s—"

"She just needs to see," Alice said, grinning . She pulled out Clyde's horn, mounting . And they bucked . The half-demoness didn't hold back, moaning as loudly possible . She rode hard enough to make Clyde grunt .

When Melody woke, Alice grinned right at her . The trickster's face made tomatoes look pale . She hurried from the room, her last words being, "I'm sorry!"

"I wish we had time, I would've made you c.u.m as she woke up," Alice said, still galloping .

"You're evil," Clyde said, laughing . "Talking with her is going to be awkward . "

Alice shrugged .

"I deal with enough intrusions from Chika . We can't have another . "

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It was then Clyde realized Melody left the door wide open . The two gazed at Natalia as everything seemed to freeze .

"L . . L—lewd! Hey everyone look, check—"

Alice slammed the door in time, blus.h.i.+ng furiously .

"That brat," she said . "Well, wait until she finds out about her missing taiyaki . "

"You didn't!" Natalia whined on the other side of the door . Her hurried footsteps indicated a bolt for the kitchen . The scurry of a frightened cat .

After Clyde and Alice washed up and got ready for the morning, they met with Melody, Harumi, Chika, and Maki . Yuki sent them off with smiles, though an extra look and a whisper for Clyde . They Jumped to a secluded area, secured by Seth and Toru, then walked to the school . Yusuke and Kitome awaited them at the gates .

For a moment, the young man sensed just a tiny bit of unusual aura streaking off Yusuke . It was purple and foreign, barely visible . It didn't belong to Ruri, whose essence was light blue . Clyde wasn't an expert on reading auras and he'd only recently started looking into them . It seemed to be a part of his main character talents, though not stated . Main character stuff, a cl.u.s.ter f.u.c.k of an OP ability that randomly activated extremely rare skills at unpredictable times . Apparently, all anime protagonists had some variant of it: sudden power boosts that made no d.a.m.n sense, the power of friends.h.i.+p, transformations, and the list went on . Clyde seemed to have it all .

Well, if Yusuke was actually in some kind of trouble, he'd tell him . Clyde didn't babysit his party, which they probably appreciated . Wait…aura . His ability to see aura only improved to this degree due to having s.e.x with Chika—at least after he gained the Ki system . This was definitely a Ki ability—how did he not see this before? The silver-haired girl's crests were: vitality, speed, and aura . He almost laughed . The amount of s.e.x needed to boost these stats was absurd .

He glanced at Chika, who was already looking at him . She blushed and turned . The young man would have to go ahead and get his Ki lessons from Maki . At least when Yuki wasn't working her to death . He'd leave the scheduling to the demoness . He'd also need to dig up what Tear, Melody, and Natalia were planning . Alice was in on it, which made sense due to her being the new Hades head . Not that she made any declaration .

The school day breezed by like normal, except with the looming storm cloud known as the exams on Wednesday . Clyde studied on his off time, but especially during school hours . None of the women were there to distract him . If only he knew enough of this dimension to take the number one spot from Chika .

Clyde strolled down the hall to deliver papers for a professor . On his way, he caught a few pleasant glimpses of day to day events . Harumi working hard in a culinary cla.s.s, Alice carrying things for a professor with a cla.s.smate while smiling and chatting . Chika presenting something complicated to a fascinated cla.s.s, Sazuki running a meeting with her student council . Melody and Toru seeming to recite something from a book to a group of awed students . Kitome appearing to be bored in her cla.s.s, until taking notes . Her eyes then flashed to determination . Getting into a difficult school like the academy left no room for goofing off . Seth appeared to be working in a group project with three beautiful girls and someone hooded . Someone who apparently gave no f.u.c.ks about the school's dress code .

Clyde's mind wondered to Ming for some reason . He'd have to talk to her . Either she was with the party or not . What was her true purpose anyway?

He spotted Yusuke down the hall, chatted with him for a bit, then headed off to finish his delivery . He did not forget the slight trail of purple aura that seemed to latch onto Yusuke's white like a parasite . Something about that bugged him . Was Yusuke hiding something? Pssh, it seemed like everyone had something to hide these days . He couldn't possibly stretch his already thin time to worry about their problems . Not unless they told him they had any, to begin with .

After finally ended, he decided it was time to give crafting some loving . Items built in advance saved his a.s.s during crucial fights . He needed to please the gamer inside anyway—improve his pathetic inventory . Maybe he'd pa.s.s this task off to one of his party members, have them present him something once a week, maybe once a month . Ideas for later . None of his current party members showed any sign of crafting, not even in their a.n.a.lysis . Another thing he wanted to do was a.n.a.lyze his stats, pair them to something physical . Test them . See if his speed stat actually walked the walk, rather than just being numbers in his head . That, of course, applied to all of them .

Clyde suddenly stopped, gaining the curious stares of the others . Why couldn't he stop thinking about Yusuke's foreign aura?

"Kitome, is there anything weird going on with your brother's demeanor?"

"No, why do ask?"

"Nothing important . I guess it's just me," he said . "Just let me know if he starts freaking out or showing any signs of . . . . just keep an eye on him . I need to confirm something . "

"I'm not his G.o.dd.a.m.n babysitter," Kitome snapped . "Besides, he's inviting that girl over for the first time today . To think that sneaky b.a.s.t.a.r.d got a girlfriend without my approval . "

Harumi placed a hand on the fiery magical girl's shoulder .

"You have to let him be a man on his own, Kitome," she said .

"I know," she said, voice still snappy . "That doesn't mean I have to like it . "

"Women," Seth said, drawing all of their glares . Alice's cold look seemed to finally start his sweating . Chika looked as if she had an invisible knife in her hands . Clyde laughed then pat his friend on the shoulder .

"Seth, there are some things best left unsaid . Where do you want your funeral?"

"Anywhere that Toru won't be present," Seth said, grinning . "Can't have monster girls raising me from the dead to enslave me . Though it may not be so bad . Daily shbanging . " He made a thrusting motion .

"You're disgusting," Kitome said .

"Agreed," chimed the other young women . They spun to continue forward .

"They always play hard to get," Seth said .

"Maybe," Clyde said, then started after them . "By the way, who was that hooded person in your group? f.u.c.k the school rules, right?"

"What hooded person?" Seth said . Everyone stopped to look at Clyde .

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